here's some of my thoughts in no particular order:
1. of course any selective school will beat any non selective schools (public or private)
2. i go to a non-selective, non-private school right out near the bottom of the mountains (western sydney).. and i couldnt be happier with the last 13 odd years of school.
3. Personally, i have more respect for public school teachers, as thy have to put up with a lot of shit from the wide wide range of kids. some are absolutely brilliant but have chosen to stay in the public system (feel free to criticise)
4. this chick in my year is on target for 100, yet there's probably less than 15 people that will actually make over 90 in my year.. now given the relatively poor resources (eg. our english teacher gives out notes which we have to summarise and give back so they can be used again next year), and severe lack of competiton, its a fair acheivement to maintain such focus, while being universally teased for being a 'geek' (nb turned down an offer to ruse)
5. im out of thoughts for a second, enough opinion for one afternoon
(see you all at the business faculty of usyd next year