Islam (3 Viewers)


Dec 11, 2006
y r u interested to learn about islam?

ok, so to all the people who say islam= peace (i thought islam= submission to the will of allah?) what do u have 2 say about all the derogatory things about Jews and Christians "people of the book" in the koran? sure, in some parts it says they're your homies. in other parts it says don't befriend them and kill them, etc. [basically its the Jews and Christians fault for not becoming Muslims... even though in other parts it says allah has made people to be different religions, but they should still all be muslim... sigh].

Also, Mohammad spread his religion by violence (first 17 years by peace, then by the sword). Why would your god need to do that? I'm sure u, like many other Aussie muslims, believe god is a god of love. What kind of love does that? And Mohammad married a 9 yr old girl (but didn't have sex w/ her til she reached puberty). although muslims aren't supposed 2 marry more than 4 women, mohammad did. wow, y such a lucky guy?

it may be a sin to "murder" according to the koran, but its not a sin 2 kill ppl 2 take that city/land for islam- otherwise mohammad would not be very holy, would he?

i have nothing against muslims, nothing. but there's more to your tradition than praying, abstaining and giving to charity. i'm honestly interested to know your answers to these questions?

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
aussiechica7 said:
y r u interested to learn about islam?

ok, so to all the people who say islam= peace (i thought islam= submission to the will of allah?) what do u have 2 say about all the derogatory things about Jews and Christians "people of the book" in the koran? sure, in some parts it says they're your homies. in other parts it says don't befriend them and kill them, etc. [basically its the Jews and Christians fault for not becoming Muslims... even though in other parts it says allah has made people to be different religions, but
they should still all be muslim... sigh].
We call ourselves, the people of the Quran- well we have many titles- the main one is muslim "submitting to the will of Allah" a word derived from submission and also peace- islamic terms may be derived from many words so that those who study islam get to uncover the inner workings of the religion.

People of the scripture, the book, we call the christians in the Quran: Nasara- nazareens perhaps? and the jews: Yahud- could mean "people chosen to receive guidance" as hidaya means guidance- but there are several possibilities...

injeel- the word for bible- could mean evangel- not sure...

the parts in the Quran that say kill christians and jews.... can you bring a quote?
im tired atm, dont think it exists

but in the islamic world- there used to be a court system for muslims, and separate legal systems for christians and jews- so that they may preserve their religion and that they dont fall to the state they are in now in the west. the islamic state rested upon the spirituality of the people, and not on materialism which it saw as the unbecoming of the mentality of muslims. =- just my opinion on this- no sources to back me up...

The verses in the Quran that promoted killing, are in the context of war. IF the enemy threatens us, we will defend ourselves and we will not stop until we reach a treaty or we become victorious. but this statement must be seen in the context that an islamic govt will initiate war- it is not for individuals.

bob carr was speaking at a conference in dec, saying that muslims have a better record at understanding cultures and religions other than their own than the west, which i think is true, and jihad lies at the centre of it i reckon- that and womens issues- because the west itself is paternalistic.

ill be back with a better answer when i have one inshaa Allah...

Muhammad himself - you cant say he spent 17 years in war... historians say that if you add up all the wars he was in in his life- it wouldnt add up to a year... in the 9th year of migrating to madinah, he was also making peace with the arabs which was to last ten years,- during that period, he made peace offers with the romans, the persians, abysinnians, and other empires, and the number of muslims rose up. the roman emperor heraculis almost converted also. The arabs then revoted and broke their treaty, then the muslims invaded makkah and not a soul was lost to anyone- and no one's land was taken either

Also, Mohammad spread his religion by violence (first 17 years by peace, then by the sword). Why would your god need to do that? I'm sure u, like many other Aussie muslims, believe god is a god of love. What kind of love does that? And Mohammad married a 9 yr old girl (but didn't have sex w/ her til she reached puberty). although muslims aren't supposed 2 marry more than 4 women, mohammad did. wow, y such a lucky guy?
it may be a sin to "murder" according to the koran, but its not a sin 2 kill ppl 2 take that city/land for islam- otherwise mohammad would not be very holy, would he?
Ill answerthese some other time sorry aussie.. .. these issues were defended by non muslim academics as well as muslim scholars

i have nothing against muslims, nothing. but there's more to your tradition than praying, abstaining and giving to charity. i'm honestly interested to know your answers to these questions?
yes, islam is in arabic a "deen" see:
for the many meanings of this - just as many islamic terms have many meanings

It is a way of life, not just a system of practices


Feb 25, 2006
Muhammad himself - you cant say he spent 17 years in war...
we cant say anything about muhammad with assurady , the fiurst hadiths were not recorded until 150 years after the Hijra (first holy war). Having said that there is a similar circumstance with the stories recorded of Jesus. Basically Christians portray one imagry of Muhammad and Muslims Portray an alternative and believeing one way or the other is simply faith. Historians are very divided over the Life of Muhammad , over weather he even existed which is the same for Jesus , for that matter Bhudda or anyone else of significance.
Jul 21, 2003
Yoshi's Island
goliwog said:
we cant say anything about muhammad with assurady , the fiurst hadiths were not recorded until 150 years after the Hijra (first holy war). Having said that there is a similar circumstance with the stories recorded of Jesus. Basically Christians portray one imagry of Muhammad and Muslims Portray an alternative and believeing one way or the other is simply faith. Historians are very divided over the Life of Muhammad , over weather he even existed which is the same for Jesus , for that matter Bhudda or anyone else of significance.
What's assurady?

Hijra was not the first holy war. Hijra means migration. It was the time the Muslims migrated from Makkah to Madinah.

The sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammah peace and blessings be upon him (Sunnah) may not have been recorded but they were memorised and preserved it within their (the companions) hearts.

A few reasons why hadiths weren't recorded immediately was because writing tools were not readily available. What they did eventually 'write' on was wood, leather, stones etc so the most reliable thing to do was memorise. These people were extrememly intelligent and their minds weren't distracted like people's minds these days.
Most were unlettered too, but those who weren't devoted it to recording the Qur'an as the Prophet forbade them from recording hadith at that time so not to confuse the sayings of God with the sayings of the Prophet. He did allow it later on though - when he felt confident that his companions understood the language and could differentiate between the two.

Historians may differ (which i'm sure are only a minority) because they have not studied the arabic texts or studied from those who have. Whereas, muslim scholars all over the world are all in agreement with one another.

Doubting the existance of prophet Muhammad and prophet Jesus (two humans) is pretty silly, I'm sorry to say. That's like doubting the existance of dinosaurs man, there's solid proof.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
The sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammah peace and blessings be upon him (Sunnah) may not have been recorded but they were memorised and preserved it within their (the companions) hearts.
Have you ever played chinese whispers?

A few reasons why hadiths weren't recorded immediately was because writing tools were not readily available. What they did eventually 'write' on was wood, leather, stones etc so the most reliable thing to do was memorise. These people were extrememly intelligent and their minds weren't distracted like people's minds these days.
So you want to grant them some sort of supernatural ability to remember events perfectly/pass them on over many decades?

Historians may differ (which i'm sure are only a minority) because they have not studied the arabic texts or studied from those who have. Whereas, muslim scholars all over the world are all in agreement with one another.
All in agreement with each other? lol doubtful.

Doubting the existance of prophet Muhammad and prophet Jesus (two humans) is pretty silly, I'm sorry to say. That's like doubting the existance of dinosaurs man, there's solid proof.
It's not doubting the existance of a human being whom such stories may have been based on (however in jesus's case, you're even on shakey ground there) - It's doubting the evidence that such a human being did what it is being claimed they did, said what it is being claimed they said, knew what it is being claimed they knew etc.

the parts in the Quran that say kill christians and jews.... can you bring a quote?
im tired atm, dont think it exists
Not explicitly, in fact the koran does tell muslims not to be aggressors etc however there are special circumstances... basically it is accepted in islam that 'corruption of the earth' offenses deserve death. To alot of muslims, with good scriptural knowledge, this means it is acceptable to kill non-muslims for being non-muslims.
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Jul 21, 2003
Yoshi's Island
Not-That-Bright said:
Have you ever played chinese whispers?
Ever studied the Science of Hadith? No? Ok, then don't compare it to chinese whispers. Honestly, when you have studied it, i will be more than happy to stand down.

So you want to grant them some sort of supernatural ability to remember events perfectly/pass them on over many decades?
Who said it was only one individual to pass it down? There were many of them who recalled events and sayings. There's a detailed process involved when it comes to the reliability of ahadith, and it's hard for me as someone with little knowledge in that area of my religion to explain to you how its exact method. It's not as black and white as you may think.
-> Even when they were written, they still had to be memorised. Till this day, to be a muhaddith you have to memorise a few thousand hadith, aswell as the biography of each person in the chain and their reliability rating.

All in agreement with each other? lol doubtful.
On the main events of his life? Yes.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Ever studied the Science of Hadith? No? Ok, then don't compare it to chinese whispers. Honestly, when you have studied it, i will be more than happy to stand down.
Well if your 'study' has provided you with such a great argument why haven't you forwarded it?

Who said it was only one individual to pass it down? There were many of them who recalled events and sayings.
I'm very aware that there was more than one person, this doesn't make the problem more simple but instead more complicated. So now instead of one person remembering events perfectly we have hundreds of them, who all have to remember their event perfectly and where it fits in the order of things.

There's a detailed process involved when it comes to the reliability of ahadith, and it's hard for me as someone with little knowledge in that area of my religion to explain to you how its exact method.
I'm sure if it was explained to me I'd still be able to point out problems.

It's not as black and white as you may think.
I know it's not black and white lol I'm actually arguing the entire thing is a varying hue of grey :)

Even when they were written, they still had to be memorised.
I'm aware.

Till this day, to be a muhaddith you have to memorise a few thousand hadith, aswell as the biography of each person in the chain and their reliability rating.
I'm aware of this also and they're probably very accurate, fortunately for them though they do have a book to read over and memorise every day, where as the others merely had their memory.

On the main events of his life? Yes.
Oh I know they'll agree with the main themes/events of the story (otherwise they wouldn't be muslim scholars) but even amongst them you'll find many difficulties getting them to agree on what different verses mean, at different times lol

As for secular criticisms, there's thousands, and many of them have heard the muslim scholars view on matters but disagree.
Jul 21, 2003
Yoshi's Island
Not-That-Bright said:
Well if your 'study' has provided you with such a great argument why haven't you forwarded it?
So it's that easy? It's similar to asking someone for their thesis. It's something that needs to be studied/researched individually. I'm no scholar to teach you.
I'm not here to prove to you that I'm right, i'm here to tell you that you don't know everything there is to know about Islam, so don't act all high and mighty.

I'm very aware that there was more than one person, this doesn't make the problem more simple but instead more complicated. So now instead of one person remembering events perfectly we have hundreds of them, who all have to remember their event perfectly and where it fits in the order of things.
Did you even read what you wrote? You just explained why it's more reliable lol. Hundreds of people remembering something perfectly and all say the same thing VS One person - hmmm?

I'm sure if it was explained to me I'd still be able to point out problems.
Yep because you have a fountain of knowledge.

I know it's not black and white lol I'm actually arguing the entire thing is a varying hue of grey :)
You make it out to be as if some average Joe heard something from the corner of the street, then told his next door neighbour that such and such did this. It's not gossip. That is what I mean by Black & White.
Now the grey i'm referring to is the qualifications that average Joe has to have, where he studied, who his teacher was, how he dealt with people in public, if he was of good character or not, if he was known to have poor memory or not and the list goes on and on.

I'm aware of this also and they're probably very accurate, fortunately for them though they do have a book to read over and memorise every day, where as the others merely had their memory.
haha err... no they 'merely' had the main source - which is the Prophet pbuh.

As for secular criticisms, there's thousands, and many of them have heard the muslim scholars view on matters but disagree.
Please see this:

What Non-Muslims say about Prophet Muhammad


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
So it's that easy? It's similar to asking someone for their thesis. It's something that needs to be studied/researched individually. I'm no scholar to teach you.
I'm not here to prove to you that I'm right, i'm here to tell you that you don't know everything there is to know about Islam, so don't act all high and mighty.
Maybe so, but even though to understand the intricacies of evolution you'd need to learn it at a university level, I could still mount at least a basic defence.

I'm not here to prove to you that I'm right, i'm here to tell you that you don't know everything there is to know about Islam, so don't act all high and mighty.
I don't claim to know everything, but based off of what I know (and I really feel no need to learn further based on what i've seen so far) their claims are on par with every other religion.

Did you even read what you wrote? You just explained why it's more reliable lol. Hundreds of people remembering something perfectly and all say the same thing VS One person - hmmm?
It would be more reliable if we could imagine that it's true... What I was saying was that it's more fantastic to imagine that many people could all remember something perfectly, where it fits etc than just one person. By the way, you're saying now that they all remembered the exact same thing? i.e. they all remembered the entirity of the story in the exact same way? See I thought you were forwarding at least that individual people remembered individual segments, something that would make the process slightly easier.

Yep because you have a fountain of knowledge.
No because the claim is absurd and I've found in general such absurd explains only get worse.

haha err... no they 'merely' had the main source - which is the Prophet pbuh.
Their memory of the main source.

Please see this:

What Non-Muslims say about Prophet Muhammad
OOOOoook? Other non-muslims say different things, many of those statements I would even agree with but it doesn't necessarily mean support for the entire religion.


You've done us proud boys
Mar 14, 2004
Old Trafford
tangerinespeedo said:
Not surprisingly, the Aramaic word for God is alah! This word, in the standard script or the Estrangela script is spelled alap-lamad-heh (ALH)
normally i don't get involved in these arguments because there is no point and noone will change someone else's opinion, but i'm assyrian and i know, because most of our prayers at church are in aramaic, that the aramaic word for God is "alaha" ,not allah, and is spelt the modern assyrian/aramaic sript and the estrangela script...just so you know:)
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Jul 21, 2003
Yoshi's Island
By the way, you're saying now that they all remembered the exact same thing? i.e. they all remembered the entirity of the story in the exact same way? See I thought you were forwarding at least that individual people remembered individual segments, something that would make the process slightly easier.
I'm saying both. There were several different circumstances.
Let me ask you something...What do you think is required to become a reporter of hadith? And that's anyone who says "such and such said that such and such said that such and such said that the Prophet Muhammad said..."

No because the claim is absurd and I've found in general such absurd explains only get worse.
Please explain why the claim is absurd. I'd really like to know your reason for thinking so.

OOOOoook? Other non-muslims say different things, many of those statements I would even agree with but it doesn't necessarily mean support for the entire religion.
We're talking about the Prophet Muhammad and how hadith are recorded. Not the 'entire' religion. The reason why I posted that link was to show you that academics believed the Prophet existed - not only that, but they thought highly of him too. Why? Obviously because of what he did and said. How do we know this? From the scholars of hadith and other scholars.

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
NTB; the science of hadith is complicated, just like u said, and i havent even studied it, so you'll just confuse yourself if you make assumptions about it and draw parallels with chinese whispers- i suppose you'll use your arrogance to say that they are the same but i'll give u a run down:

1) suppose we have a chain Prophet-->Companion--> student---> child of student-----> hadith collector

most hadith were collected within this period by men like bukhari and muslim

2) there are grads of hadith the top one is where everyone in the muslim world knew about it, it was a simple phrase, and they knew it word for word and the scholars said that it was impossible for collaboration or forgery

3) to study hadith, you must study under a teacher, so it isnt unilateral like chinese whispers and also, you study the biography of each transmitter

4) bukhari collected hadiths in persia/india/middle east, others collected more to the south and africa,=\ there is a level of hadith -where if it is word for word correct despite having completely different chains of tranmitters in two diff regions- this is not the highest level though despite being "agreed upon" and hence reliable

5) there are many false or forged or unreliable hadiths and in the top highermost level there are a few, "agreed upon" hadiths run into the hundreds of thousands

6) some of the hadiths regarding women's issues are in the unreliable or forged categories= but that doesnt stop athiests from quoting them whenever they can

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
NTB, you should study islam properly rather than rely on us to explain to you the SCIENCE OF HADITH

its not like you ask someone like survivor to explain to you the SCIENCE OF MICROBIOLOGY

its irrational of you to anticipate an answer here, and its unwise of us to claim that we know the science of hadith if we dont.

Try tim winter's explanations on the science of hadith- he's a professor of islamic studies at cambridge- ill see if i can find a link to his works


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
I'm saying both. There were several different circumstances.
Let me ask you something...What do you think is required to become a reporter of hadith? And that's anyone who says "such and such said that such and such said that such and such said that the Prophet Muhammad said..."
Probably alot of devotion and knowledge of the islam.

Please explain why the claim is absurd. I'd really like to know your reason for thinking so.
That people could recite something so large and complicated perfectly, after decades of it being repeated in their minds/amongst themselves. It's absurd because that simply doesn't happen, that's why the effect we see in chinese whispers occurs.

The reason why I posted that link was to show you that academics believed the Prophet existed - not only that, but they thought highly of him too.
And you obviously misunderstood me. The evidence that the man called muhammed existed is more than enough to satisfy me, my problem is (as previously stated):

It's not doubting the existance of a human being whom such stories may have been based on (however in jesus's case, you're even on shakey ground there) - It's doubting the evidence that such a human being did what it is being claimed they did, said what it is being claimed they said, knew what it is being claimed they knew etc.
Why? Obviously because of what he did and said.
1) Their statements don't claim that all of what has been attributed to muhammed has been recited exactly as it was.

2) I can also have respect for the 'myth' of muhammed, even if much of it is not factually based.

3) My only challenge so far has been that it is extremely doubtful that what is recorded in the hadith is without error.

NTB; the science of hadith is complicated, just like u said, and i havent even studied it, so you'll just confuse yourself if you make assumptions about it and draw parallels with chinese whispers- i suppose you'll use your arrogance to say that they are the same but i'll give u a run down:
They're not the same, but the effect will still be there and I'd really like to see an experiment set up where people do what it is claimed was done (with recording of hadith) over even a slightly shorter span of time. Tell someone a story by mouth, a long, complicated story... now don't let them write that down, just remember it in their head, then tell someone else that story, have him remember it for a week and tell what he thought was said to a scribe.

I think we'd find there'd be errors in what is finally recorded down on paper...

But you're saying over the course of 130-150 years people didn't make a mistake?

Even if we accept that such a thing did occur, by the time such oral traditions were being collected to make up the hadiths there were already separate schools of thought emerging about what muhammed had said... How did they decide what to include and what to not? Well basically they decided using vague, subjective standards.

The fact is that many secular scholars have doubts about the accuracy of the hadiths.

1) suppose we have a chain Prophet-->Companion--> student---> child of student-----> hadith collector

most hadith were collected within this period by men like bukhari and muslim

2) there are grads of hadith the top one is where everyone in the muslim world knew about it, it was a simple phrase, and they knew it word for word and the scholars said that it was impossible for collaboration or forgery
Yes there would be some things that most people agree on, but as we can see with the way myths quickly evolve today... attributing a quote to someone isn't as easy as taking a vote.

3) to study hadith, you must study under a teacher, so it isnt unilateral like chinese whispers and also, you study the biography of each transmitter
Even if we take the first 'teacher' who would have been the prophet himself ( I suppose?) or perhaps those who first observed him, the chance that they're going to be able to recall a perfect version of his life/events in his life is extremely low.

4) bukhari collected hadiths in persia/india/middle east, others collected more to the south and africa,=\ there is a level of hadith -where if it is word for word correct despite having completely different chains of tranmitters in two diff regions- this is not the highest level though despite being "agreed upon" and hence reliable

5) there are many false or forged or unreliable hadiths and in the top highermost level there are a few, "agreed upon" hadiths run into the hundreds of thousands
Often such assessments are made scientifically I'll agree, but often they're less than scientific, simply claiming the person has 'lied at some point in time' (like the others never lied lol). Of course there's also the matter of entire muslim sects that disagree on which hadiths are acceptable, but you guys are right, afterall.

6) some of the hadiths regarding women's issues are in the unreliable or forged categories= but that doesnt stop athiests from quoting them whenever they can
Meh its not like they need to bother, they can just quote straight out of the koran.

4:34 said:
Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
NTB, you should study islam properly rather than rely on us to explain to you the SCIENCE OF HADITH
No I think I've already heard enough on the subject.

Try tim winter's explanations on the science of hadith- he's a professor of islamic studies at cambridge- ill see if i can find a link to his works
Ok I'll have a look at it if you give us the link, tell you what I think. Interesting that only someone who is a professor of 'islamic studies' would have such a defence. IMHO if this were a real way to go about confirming the historiocity of the hadith we'd see more agreement with them from secular historians - We don't.
Jul 21, 2003
Yoshi's Island
That people could recite something so large and complicated perfectly, after decades of it being repeated in their minds/amongst themselves. It's absurd because that simply doesn't happen, that's why the effect we see in chinese whispers occurs.
It wasn't long until they started to write it down. It was only until the Prophet felt confident the companions could tell the difference between his words and God's words. To my knowledge, there was one companion who was permitted, but i'm not 100% sure on that.
You make it seem as if it happened 10 years after the Prophet's death. They began reporting while he was alive.
It's really not that hard to believe - it's very likely for a doctor or even a physio to memorise every single muscle, bone, tendon, ligament, body system in the entire body. Human minds are like sponges and especially back in the days where their minds were not distracted with petty things, i'm sure it would have absorbed a lot more.

2) I can also have respect for the 'myth' of muhammed, even if much of it is not factually based.
So they pulled it out of their ears ay?

3) My only challenge so far has been that it is extremely doubtful that what is recorded in the hadith is without error.
Ofcourse there have been errors, that's why we have weak hadith. There have been systems to detect these errors.

... now don't let them write that down, just remember it in their head, then tell someone else that story, have him remember it for a week and tell what he thought was said to a scribe.
It wasn't always 'a long complicated story'. It might have been as simple as "I saw the Prophet wash his hands three times" or "The Prophet said: Allah loves gentleness". For it to have been reliable, then that is when you assess the connection of the chain, the narrators memory and if he recorded it, his integrity and if there were any defects or irregularity within the narration.

Even if we accept that such a thing did occur, by the time such oral traditions were being collected to make up the hadiths there were already separate schools of thought emerging about what muhammed had said... How did they decide what to include and what to not? Well basically they decided using vague, subjective standards.
Different schools are fine (they only started to evolve after the death of the prophet though). The reason different schools exist today is because the scholars of each school interpreted the way the Prophet performed certain acts slightly different to others. Which is true because he did do things differently at certain times or places. It allows freedom and leniency in the religion.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
It wasn't long until they started to write it down. It was only until the Prophet felt confident the companions could tell the difference between his words and God's words. To my knowledge, there was one companion who was permitted, but i'm not 100% sure on that.
You make it seem as if it happened 10 years after the Prophet's death.
Er no much longer after his death, try 130-150 years.
Jul 21, 2003
Yoshi's Island
What? Hadith was written 130-150 years after his death? ? ? Do you have anything to back up that claim? No wonder you think it's a bit far fetched, I would too. Sheesh.

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