Israel and Palestine (6 Viewers)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

tempco said:
Yes, I actually did read what you wrote. Your definitions of Zionism/anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are wrong.
I assure they are not. But if you are going to say they are wrong, then please provide evidence. It usually helps...


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Jews actually keep their identity alive, by marrying another jewish people, keeping their religion, speaking hebrew while there was no such evidence of ancient phoenicians keeping them seperate and keeping their identity alive.
You can speculate as much as you like, but the fact remains. Genetic tests have proved that the Modern Day Lebanese people are infact the descendants fo the Canaanite people which inhabited the land. But since you're so adamant on the fact that the Jewish people have kept their "Identity alive" :rolleyes: There is evidence to suggest the most predominant group of modern day Jews are Ashkenazi Jews. I don't need to tell you of the suspected strong links they have to Khazars, Mongloids or Angloids for that matter. The point remains that the Lebanese people as a whole have not moved from the Lands which they inhabit today. And the DNA corroborates this. Also, to reiterate the point I made earlier. Which you have yet to answer.

Can you criticise the Palestinian people as a whole, because a small minority of them have read Mein Kampf? When the Majority of Israeli Jews have read the Torah which asks for the Genocide of the Lebanese and Palestinian people. (I know you will say that the Palestinian people are the descendants of the Phillistinians. But, genetics have also proved a strong link with the Canaanites.)

In fact there are no people called phoenicians since the days of romans. they were completely absorbed by Assyrians, Babylonians, greeks, romans, byzantine, persians, turks, arabs etc.
Regardless, you know better than I do how these things work. In that context, it works through the entire lineage. Here are the mitzvot in question which asks for the Genocide of the modern day Lebanese people (Canaanites)

596: Destroy the seven Canaanite nations.
597: Not to let any of them remain alive.

Context said:
And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren
As you can see, that is how it relates to the descendants. (Which are the Lebanese people. Bare in mind, the Canaanites were in control of certain parts of Palestine too. But there is no tangible evidence to suggest that their is a DNA link, as there is with the Lebanese people.)

It is more and more pathetic to see your desperate attempt to link yourself to canaanites. cause you are not. you are an arab, a foreigner to lebanon, an invader of lebanon.
I thought you weren't interested in my Ancestry or Lineage? I don't think I need to justify myself to you. If you're just going to be a racist, and continue spreading Anti-Islamic sentiment, than I don't think I want to continue this discussion with yout. You're a proven racist, and you're completely ignorant. Deep-down, you wish that all the Muslim people on the Earth died. That's why you are not empathetic to the Palestinian people. That's the only logical explanation. You think they're beneath you, that they deserve to die. That you can take their country, and scatter them throughout the world as refugees. They're not human to you are they?

Maronites and other minority sects actually do have better links than muslim arab descendants of lebanese, eventhough they are predominantly descendants of greeks, romans and many other ethnicities.
The tests prove that there was a high frequency of Shia Muslims and Maronite Christians to posses the link to the Canaanites. (There was also a strong link with the Sunni Muslims too. But it was considerably less.)

The only links modernday lebanese have is y chromosome links similar to how humans linked to monkey. Very reliable indeed. LOL.
You mean they have a common ancestor? You don't know very much about inheritance in ancestry, do you? A monkey and a human are two complete different species.

You are in denial that you are anti semitic, going as far as trying to redefine what anti-semitic means. Here is the definition:
Anti: not in favor of -
Semitic: Middle East peoples that trace their origin from the biblical Noah and his son Shem; these include Jews and Arabs.

Yes you are one of them, you share the same ideals as those of Hitler, no wonder Hitler's books are best sellers in arabs countries.
Really? A few posts ago this is what I was Anti-Semitic and now I've become hitler. Well, I'll edit my previous response to fit the new description

Because I'm against the State of Israel, I now have the same ideals as those of Hitler? Are you a complete moron? I am against the slaughtering of thousands of people, and against making an entire nation refugees just so another people can have a country. (very much against it.) Does that make my ideals the same as those of Hitler?
Lets get some facts straight.

- I don't hate Jewish people.
- I don't believe that any race is superior to any other race. I believe all people are equal, and everybody has the same potential and are all considered equal.
- I don't believe in the killing of any people. (Unless it was absolutely neccesary.)

Here are Hitlers beliefs -

Hitler believed in Arthur de Gobineau's ideas of struggle for survival between the different races, among which the "Aryan race"—guided by "Providence"—was supposed to be the torchbearers of civilization and the Jews as enemies of all civilization. Whether his anti-semitism was influenced by older Christian ideas remains disputed.
No but you use palestinians as scapegoat to promote hatred against jews like most arabs does.
Why do I hate Jews? One minute you accuse me of trying to be "more like the Jews". The next minute you accuse of me of hating the Jews. It's completely moronic. I don't hate Jews. I'm not Anti-Semitic, I'm not Anti-Judaic and I'm not anything else you plan to accuse me of in the near future to deflect the argument at hand.

The biggest opressor of palestinians are Lebanese as I mentioned before, if any of you really cared about them, Palestinians will not live like slaves in lebanon.
If the European Jews (Zionists) had not taken their land, and displaced them throughout the Middle-East, they would not have been in Lebanon in the first place. Again, you completely deflect what I have said on previous occasions. Those who chose to integrate into Lebanese society have integrated, and are now regular Lebanese people. However, 400,000 of these refugees decided instead to settle into 12 seperate camps. (And a few other which were established later by the Palestinian people.) Because of the strain which was incurred onto the economy by the influx of refugees, Lebanon was forced to rely on foreign aid (Food) to provide for the influx of refugees. (Jordan is much different to Lebanon and the Lebanese economy. There is no use in bringing it up on the discussion go the Palestinian refugees. Bare in mind, this was a 10% increase in an already struggling Lebanese economy.

I do not criticise any books they read, I criticise people like you who use them as a pawn to promote your ingrained hatred against jews.
I do not have an ingrained hatred toward jews. I do, hate sociopaths who try to justify the death and suffering fo millions of people. Thousands of Palestians have been killed. 5,000,000 Palestinians have been displaced (made refugees throughout the world.) Their land has been stolen, they live in constant threat of harassment and danger. As the form U.S Attorney General puts it "They are the most terrorised people on Earth."

Who put them in that position? Who made them refugees? Who stole their land?


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Regardless? You talk of Palestinians having a homeland in Palestine yet you wish to discount the thousands of years that the Jews have lived there? Nice double standard. You talk of right of return yet you reject Jews the right of return?
What right do they have? They've lived in Europe for centuries. What right do they have to displace over 5,000,000 people who were living there prior to the European Jews swamping their lands. What right do they have to oppress and degrade these people who have done nothing wrong? What right do they have to do this in the 20th century?

Your point? Earlier you made the point of them mixing with other cultures in an attempt to make it seem as they are not ‘true’ Jews (don’t deny it because that was clearly your intention), yet they are still Jews and have continued with their faith! How does that disqualify them from coming to Israel?
People have been living their for almost 1,000 years. The people who have come to displace them and make them refugees point at a biblical reference that "Jews have a right to this land" that is absurd. That's as proposterous as say the Lebanese people saying they had control over Modern Day Israel and then claiming it as their own. It's preposterous and illogical.

Your entire argument from herein is based on conjecture. Show me this supposed evidence of the Palestinian people selling every road, park, street and public facility to "Jewish" people. This is a complete myth. Show me evidence of the Palestinian people selling their right to the land, and show me how they profited from these sales. It's a complete myth, and still doesn't justify the Israeli people displacing them and them losing their right to their country. (Which they have lived in for almost 1,000 years.)
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Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
Once again a source is quoted "for the day when I will arise to plunder [them]." where you have no conception of what you are quoting. I could pull many things out of any religious text and you would tell me I am misinterpreting it. Stop doing this. You only look silly.

As for Jews not wanting Israel...yes very true, and I will help you out here, one of the major rabbis of our time never went to Israel because he believed he had work elsewhere (I am summarising his intention but you get the point, I hope...). Much Jewry (but still a minority) throughout the world do not believe they reauire Israel as a homeland. I agree with you on this. Apart from this being anice bit of trivia, you have added nothing to this discussion as the majority of Jews do desire Israel as a homeland.

You are clearly a looser, come up with a argument, instead of wasting space in this thread by ONLY posting "your making yourself look silly" or "you havent added anything to the discussion". LOL, i can count a couple of posts back, and thats all what your saying. At least i've got something to argue about ;)


Aug 14, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
I assure they are not. But if you are going to say they are wrong, then please provide evidence. It usually helps...
I don't like repeating myself.

Atilla89 said:
Let me clear the issue up. Zionism is the want for a homeland for the Jewish people.
Wikipedia said:
Zionism is an international political movement that supports a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel.


Atilla89 said:
Let me clear the issue up. Zionism is the want for a homeland for the Jewish people.

Atilla89 said:
Now, being against the creation of the State of Israel is quite clearly being anti-Semitic.
^Incorrect. Being against the creation or the existence of the State of Israel is not the same as being against the creation of a Jewish state (the latter of which would be anti-Semitism).

But wait, wouldn't that mean being against the creation of an Islamic state = anti-Islamic? :)
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Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Oh and Maniella, bringing up quotes from websites such as Jewsagainstzionism is really very funny. You do realise that less then 2% of Jews are against Israel? Do you also realise that sects such as the Neutra Kata are no longer recognised by the Chasidic movement as representing Judaism. That these same sects welcomed Ahminijad (Iranian President, can't spell his name sorry) during his Holocaust denial conference? Really, trying to make it seem that Zionists are in the minority in Judaism is laughable. Go look at the Australian Jewish News and find me one artical that is against Zionism or the creation of the State of Israel? I am looking at the front page of the currant one (Vol 114 No 34) and it says ECAJ calls on Canberra: "Support Israel in Gaza". I could give you more examples, do you want them? Or have you had enough spreading lies about me religion telling me that Zionism is not a part of Judaism, eh?
You have now proved that you are not worth debatting with. How are you going to expect people now, to believe in this zionist movement, if you are accusing people of your own faith, of your own flesh and blood, to not be jews. To me, you seem to have no respect to people of your own kind, thereofre, you have no respect for others. I cant believe those Zionists go as far as to saying those rabbi's aint jews no more, you could at least say, i dont believe in them or something, but by saying they're not jews, means that you guys have went to far in my opinion.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

tempco said:
But wait, wouldn't that mean being against the creation of an Islamic state = anti-Islamic? :)
You make a good point. What would it be if you wanted to create a Jewish state, in an already existing state by displacing it's inhabitants? (Who have inhabited those lands for about 40 Generations.)

I would call it a Zionist-Invasion.

Definiition said:
Invasion: The dramatic increase in the number of individuals in a non-native population, accompanied by an expansion of range.
(Pre-empting the anybody from herein claiming nativity because of a biblical reference. I think over a millenium pretty much rules that out. Specifically in the 20th century.)


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
You can speculate as much as you like, but the fact remains. Genetic tests have proved that the Modern Day Lebanese people are infact the descendants fo the Canaanite people which inhabited the land. But since you're so adamant on the fact that the Jewish people have kept their "Identity alive" :rolleyes: There is evidence to suggest the most predominant group of modern day Jews are Ashkenazi Jews. I don't need to tell you of the suspected strong links they have to Khazars, Mongloids or Angloids for that matter. The point remains that the Lebanese people as a whole have not moved from the Lands which they inhabit today. And the DNA corroborates this. Also, to reiterate the point I made earlier. Which you have yet to answer.
You said, in fact but I have not seen any factsd whatsoever in your attempt to link lebs to canaanites, they are all sheer speculation nor tangible evidence. Jews have been jews since 3000 years ago not only they have Genetics links to those jews from the times of Moses they actually still keep the same religion, culture, ideals and to a large extent the same language while NONE of ancient other canaanites tribes surivive nor have the same culture, religion, tradition, language to link them to modern Lebanese. Yes I know you are desperate to claim originality of Lebanon, no matter how hard you tried you are arabs not phoenician nor canaanites descent. Yes the only link you can provide is some Y chromosomal links which is as inconclusive as you are descendants of a monkey. :D

Can you criticise the Palestinian people as a whole, because a small minority of them have read Mein Kampf? When the Majority of Israeli Jews have read the Torah which asks for the Genocide of the Lebanese and Palestinian people. (I know you will say that the Palestinian people are the descendants of the Phillistinians. But, genetics have also proved a strong link with the Canaanites.)
Where did I critisized what they read? You regularly brought up torah calling for killings of canaanits but you frequently ducked the question of your Quran calling for killings of Non-Muslims aren't you being using ancient text selectively? :D By the way, since lebs nor palestinians are canaanites (they are arabs) your pathetic attempts to interprete Torah with modern conflict failed miserably.

Regardless, you know better than I do how these things work. In that context, it works through the entire lineage. Here are the mitzvot in question which asks for the Genocide of the modern day Lebanese people (Canaanites)

596: Destroy the seven Canaanite nations.
597: Not to let any of them remain alive.

As you can see, that is how it relates to the descendants. (Which are the Lebanese people. Bare in mind, the Canaanites were in control of certain parts of Palestine too. But there is no tangible evidence to suggest that their is a DNA link, as there is with the Lebanese people.)
Torah was written probably 1000 years before you arabs in lebanon and palestine exist, stop trying to include yourself in those ancient texts just like you pathetically tried to include yourself as victims of Anti-Semitism.

By the way have you realized that Anti-Semitism did not include ARABS as targets yet or are you still refusing to look at dictionary because you are scared to see that you are wrong?

I thought you weren't interested in my Ancestry or Lineage? I don't think I need to justify myself to you. If you're just going to be a racist, and continue spreading Anti-Islamic sentiment, than I don't think I want to continue this discussion with yout. You're a proven racist, and you're completely ignorant. Deep-down, you wish that all the Muslim people on the Earth died. That's why you are not empathetic to the Palestinian people. That's the only logical explanation. You think they're beneath you, that they deserve to die. That you can take their country, and scatter them throughout the world as refugees. They're not human to you are they?
Last time I heard, the biggest killer of muslims are your beloved Muslim Terrorists. Who are you to call me racist while you lebs are the most racist people on earth treating Palestinians like slaves?

The tests prove that there was a high frequency of Shia Muslims and Maronite Christians to posses the link to the Canaanites. (There was also a strong link with the Sunni Muslims too. But it was considerably less.)

You mean they have a common ancestor? You don't know very much about inheritance in ancestry, do you? A monkey and a human are two complete different species.
A test also proves that Chimpanzee and Humans share 94% of similar Genes
Your continual pathetic claim to canaanites is just as doubtful as Chimpanzees being human ancestors i quoted above. No you have no tangible evidence no language, no culture, no tradition, no history lol.

Anti: not in favor of -
Semitic: Middle East peoples that trace their origin from the biblical Noah and his son Shem; these include Jews and Arabs.
How about you just look at your Dictionary instead of trying to redefine the meaning of Anti-Semitism to suit your twisted an sick mind filled with hate? Why do you refuse to look at the meaning? Are you scared? I bet you are because it proves that you are actually wrong. Once again I restate the meaning of Anti-Semitism and NO it does not include Arabs.

The term Semite refers broadly to speakers of a language group which includes both Arabs and Jews. However, the term antisemitism is specifically used in reference to attitudes held towards Jews

n. 1. Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism.
2. Discrimination against Jews.

I know you do not want to read at the above definitions because you prefer to hide your head in the sand instead of accepting that you are wrong. We also knew that you are deluded with your desire to be included as a target of Anti-semitism and to be counted among jews so far as claiming to have canaanites ancestry. Its just getting funnier here :D

Really? A few posts ago this is what I was Anti-Semitic and now I've become hitler. Well, I'll edit my previous response to fit the new description

Lets get some facts straight.

- I don't hate Jewish people.
- I don't believe that any race is superior to any other race. I believe all people are equal, and everybody has the same potential and are all considered equal.
- I don't believe in the killing of any people. (Unless it was absolutely neccesary.)

Here are Hitlers beliefs -
facts already proven by your posts:
1. You hate jews, regardless of they are in Israel, America or Australia.

2.That might be true, because arabs have no chance of being superior to other people or races, no matter how hard you wanted or tried.

3.You openly accepted that killings of israeli civilians by palestinian terrorists or hizbollah as acceptable. perhaps those are absolutely necessary to you.

Why do I hate Jews? One minute you accuse me of trying to be "more like the Jews". The next minute you accuse of me of hating the Jews. It's completely moronic. I don't hate Jews. I'm not Anti-Semitic, I'm not Anti-Judaic and I'm not anything else you plan to accuse me of in the near future to deflect the argument at hand.
You are full of hatred against jews, yes you wanted to be included as target of anti-semitism so you can claim you are not anti-semite.

If the European Jews (Zionists) had not taken their land, and displaced them throughout the Middle-East, they would not have been in Lebanon in the first place. Again, you completely deflect what I have said on previous occasions. Those who chose to integrate into Lebanese society have integrated, and are now regular Lebanese people. However, 400,000 of these refugees decided instead to settle into 12 seperate camps. (And a few other which were established later by the Palestinian people.) Because of the strain which was incurred onto the economy by the influx of refugees, Lebanon was forced to rely on foreign aid (Food) to provide for the influx of refugees. (Jordan is much different to Lebanon and the Lebanese economy. There is no use in bringing it up on the discussion go the Palestinian refugees. Bare in mind, this was a 10% increase in an already struggling Lebanese economy.
If you lebs, Syrians, Egypt (all of them arabs) had not declared war on the pretext of palestinian cause, yes there would not be many palestinian refugees. It was clearly your fault, and as it is still today. Palestinians were never given a chance to integrate with lebanese society, you discriminate them, you refused them housing, jobs and everything this UN report clearly said "there is 40 percent unemployment among the Palestinians in Lebanon, and they are not granted the same rights as Palestinians living in Jordan and Syria because of the internal political situation in Lebanon and the view that if given what they want in Lebanon, the Palestinians will melt into Lebanese society and refuse to leave the country later" here

Furthermore, Al-Jazeera channel which is the mouth piece of arabs quoted a Palestinian
"We are treated like vermin. Among Syrians, Sri Lankans, and refugees - we are considered the lowest class"
Sameera Abo al-Fool,
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

While you continually pretended to fight and cry for the cause of Palestinians, you are actually shedding crocodile tears, laughing behind your bedsheet like dress at how you galvanized Palestinians into depressed suicide bombers. The world knows it, we knew it you cannot hide your true intentions. You deliberately put Palestinians into chronic poverty, depriving of their basic rights to education and health by denying public school and health service, denying them their basic rights to work by banning them from all works that are deemed too good for them (legacy of segregation in america and apartheid in South Africa) Which country denied its people of right to work, after 50 years of living and born in their country?

I do not have an ingrained hatred toward jews. I do, hate sociopaths who try to justify the death and suffering fo millions of people. Thousands of Palestians have been killed. 5,000,000 Palestinians have been displaced (made refugees throughout the world.) Their land has been stolen, they live in constant threat of harassment and danger. As the form U.S Attorney General puts it "They are the most terrorised people on Earth."

Who put them in that position? Who made them refugees? Who stole their land?
Jews and Palestinians were living side by side long before Israel was formed despite occasional violence, it was nowhere as bad as it was during the past 50 years. The turning point was when you lebs, Syrians and Egypt invaded Israel with a single aim of annihilating all jews and to divide the lands between then ( NOT Palestinian cause) Remember who occupied Gaza (it was Egypt) who occuped west bank ( it was Jordan and Syria). You can only blame yourself for starting the war and creating millions of palestinian refugees. Its your fault. Solve it.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
What right do they have? They've lived in Europe for centuries. What right do they have to displace over 5,000,000 people who were living there prior to the European Jews swamping their lands. What right do they have to oppress and degrade these people who have done nothing wrong? What right do they have to do this in the 20th century?

People have been living their for almost 1,000 years. The people who have come to displace them and make them refugees point at a biblical reference that "Jews have a right to this land" that is absurd. That's as proposterous as say the Lebanese people saying they had control over Modern Day Israel and then claiming it as their own. It's preposterous and illogical.

Your entire argument from herein is based on conjecture. Show me this supposed evidence of the Palestinian people selling every road, park, street and public facility to "Jewish" people. This is a complete myth. Show me evidence of the Palestinian people selling their right to the land, and show me how they profited from these sales. It's a complete myth, and still doesn't justify the Israeli people displacing them and them losing their right to their country. (Which they have lived in for almost 1,000 years.)
You used Torah as calling Jews to kill all Lebanese. Isnt that ABSURD as you call it, to use 3000 years old text to use in modern context :rofl:


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“What right do they have?”

Ok, besides the fact that people should be allowed to live where they want, except for certain areas for security reasons (e.g. Palestinians living in Israel because of their obvious threat to security, Hamas and the like). The area that is Israel is the spiritual, historical homeland of the Jews. There has always been a constant presence of Jews there, Arabs have only recently (in terms history) moved their. Jews have existed in this area through the times of Ancient Egypt, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans.

“They've lived in Europe for centuries.”

Actually not all Jews lived in Europe, many lived in Arab countries and others have lived in Israel itself before it’s creation in ’48.

“What right do they have to displace over 5,000,000 people who were living there prior to the European Jews swamping their lands.”

To that I say lol! Why do you continue this lie of the ‘evil Jews’ coming and forcibly removing innocent Palestinians from their homes? Have I not explained to you that they were offered the chance of a state (which they never had before), they rejected this and were told to flee so that the other Arab armies could crush the Jews. Many moved urged on by these leaders. When the war was over quite a few returned back to their homes, hence the 1.2 million Israeli Arabs in Israel. As well as this, much of the land was bought from Arab land owners for astonishingly high prices, for example the site of Tel Aviv.

“What right do they have to oppress and degrade these people who have done nothing wrong?”

Oppress? Last time I checked it was the PA who is in charge of the Palestinians not Israel. Degrade? Once again it is the PA in charge of the Palestinians not Israel. Really, you need to get your facts straight.

“People have been living there for almost 1,000 years.”

Exactly, Jews, Bedouins, Arabs from both Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt – your point?

“The people who have come to displace them and make them refugees point at a biblical reference that "Jews have a right to this land" that is absurd.”

Absurd? Are you for real? Besides the fact that I have illustrated that this is the spiritual, cultural and historical homeland of the Jews, you try and refute this fact. As to this being absurd what do you think Muslims say about Saudi Arabia? You do realise that you are not allowed to build a Synagogue or Church in that country? You do realise that many Arab countries use Islam to say that they have right of the Middle East? Really this is hardly absurd.

“That's as proposterous as say the Lebanese people saying they had control over Modern Day Israel and then claiming it as their own. It's preposterous and illogical.”

Yeah that example is preposterous and illogical mainly because the Lebanese people have no cultural. Historical or religious connection with the land. If you are going to give an example at least make sure it makes sense.

“Your entire argument from herein is based on conjecture. Show me this supposed evidence of the Palestinian people selling every road, park, street and public facility to "Jewish" people.”

Let me just pull out my library and take a look, rofl. Anyway, Tel Aviv is very good example of Jews buying land and building up upon it, or are you going to tell me that it was illegally built, lol.

“This is a complete myth.”

Yeah in your mind...

As for Tempco, sorry but I thought that it would be obvious that it would be in Israel, I didn’t realise that I was dealing with complete idiots. And my definition isn’t incorrect, in essence it is quite right. However I do admit that the ‘in Israel’ part was missing but like I said earlier, that should have been obvious to most people (this B.S. of Israel being moved to Europe is laughable).

“You have now proved that you are not worth debating with.”

Speak for yourself.

"How are you going to expect people now, to believe in this Zionist movement,” if you are accusing people of your own faith, of your own flesh and blood, to not be Jews."

I have never cared whether people believe in the Zionist movement, honestly it doesn’t affect my life. However I do care when people deliberately lie about and use it to demonise my spiritual homeland. I have never said that the NK movement are not Jews, I have simple said by being anti-Zionist, they are being anti-Semitic, no matter how they try and spin. By Jewish Law they are still Jewish however they do not speak for the Jewish community and have been rejected by the Chassidic movement.

“To me, you seem to have no respect to people of your own kind, thereofre, you have no respect for others.”

Haha, another attack at my personality, yet you have no idea about who I am. Please keep guessing, it is giving my abs a great workout from the amount of laughing I do when I see your posts.

“I cant believe those Zionists go as far as to saying those rabbi's aint jews no more,”

You really need to read my posts. I have never said they are not Jewish I have said by being anti-Zionist they are anti-Semitic. They have agreed with the Iranian President when he stated he wanted to wipe out the state of Israel.

“you could at least say, i dont believe in them or something, but by saying they're not jews, means that you guys have went to far in my opinion.”

Saying they’re not Jews? Far out you need to learn to read. Quote me on saying they are not Jews, please. This will be very funny, because you can’t. Never have I said this. So stuff you and your lies about Israel and about me.
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Feb 2, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
You used Torah as calling Jews to kill all Lebanese. Isnt that ABSURD as you call it, to use 3000 years old text to use in modern context :rofl:
No its not absurd well maybe it is absurd that Jews are still reading it.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

HotShot said:
No its not absurd well maybe it is absurd that Jews are still reading it.
You really need to read the commentary of the Torah to begin to understand it. BTW, much of western law is based Torah as well as this, Christians also use the Torah as part of the New Testament, so I really don't find it that absurd.

On a purely curious note, are you Christian?


Aug 14, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
As for Tempco, sorry but I thought that it would be obvious that it would be in Israel, I didn’t realise that I was dealing with complete idiots. And my definition isn’t incorrect, in essence it is quite right. However I do admit that the ‘in Israel’ part was missing but like I said earlier, that should have been obvious to most people (this B.S. of Israel being moved to Europe is laughable).
I'll break it down real simple for you because you can't even refrain from personal pot shots over five lines of concise reasoning.

Disagreeing with the "right" of Jews to settle in Israel + OCCUPIED territories is NOT anti-Semitism. Zionism believes in the "right". Therefore, being anti-Zionist DOES NOT correspond to anti-Semitism.

It would be ideal for Zionists to convince the public that anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism as this justifies the ILLEGAL OCCUPATION of Palestinian land.

Try again, without getting personal.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Speak for yourself.

I have never cared whether people believe in the Zionist movement, honestly it doesn’t affect my life. However I do care when people deliberately lie about and use it to demonise my spiritual homeland. I have never said that the NK movement are not Jews, I have simple said by being anti-Zionist, they are being anti-Semitic, no matter how they try and spin. By Jewish Law they are still Jewish however they do not speak for the Jewish community and have been rejected by the Chassidic movement.

Haha, another attack at my personality, yet you have no idea about who I am. Please keep guessing, it is giving my abs a great workout from the amount of laughing I do when I see your posts.

You really need to read my posts. I have never said they are not Jewish I have said by being anti-Zionist they are anti-Semitic. They have agreed with the Iranian President when he stated he wanted to wipe out the state of Israel.

Saying they’re not Jews? Far out you need to learn to read. Quote me on saying they are not Jews, please. This will be very funny, because you can’t. Never have I said this. So stuff you and your lies about Israel and about me.
Whoa!! Now that's even way more pathetic then you rejecting them, LMFAO. So you're practically saying that a huge movement such as the Chasidic movement is actually rejecting and not allowing the small inferior NK sect (who according to you make up less then 2% of jews against Zionism) only because they are against the Zionist movement? :rolleyes:

These zionist really do use the terms "anti-semitic" and "anti-zionists" as political tools.

That’s seriously malice and hatred towards non-zionists, let it be jews or non-jews, in its purest form ;)

Edit: if you really want to know why the Rabbi's from the NK sect held a halocaust denial meeting with the iranian president, i advice you to read
this --->

If you cant bother following the link, or reading it, please let me know, it would be my pleasure to explain their views on the halocaust to you :D

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Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

tempco said:
Occupied territories, anyone?

Israelis have stolen and are "settled" in land that belongs to Palestinians. Funny how popular media calls these occupiers "settlers". Call a spade a spade, please.
Yep even though Israel offered to hand over 97% of this land, making the palestinian stae larger than Israel, as an act of peace at camp david 2000.


Aug 14, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
Yep even though Israel offered to hand over 97% of this land, making the palestinian stae larger than Israel, as an act of peace at camp david 2000.
So you acknowledge they're occupied?

Nice, that's a start.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

tempco said:
So you acknowledge they're occupied?

Nice, that's a start.
Does that mean you disagree with the fact that 97% of the Palestinian people's demands were met but the Palestinians refused this offer...or are you hoping no one notices what I posted?

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
Yep even though Israel offered to hand over 97% of this land, making the palestinian stae larger than Israel, as an act of peace at camp david 2000.
thats rubbish- it wasnt that much- gimme a link

and even they were opposed to it - the plan botched up the area of the temple mount and who was to control it, many other issues were unresolved- its about the people who are suffering, not just land
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