Re: Israel & Palestine
sam04u said:
You can speculate as much as you like, but the fact remains. Genetic tests have proved that the Modern Day Lebanese people are infact the descendants fo the Canaanite people which inhabited the land. But since you're so adamant on the fact that the Jewish people have kept their "Identity alive"

There is evidence to suggest the most predominant group of modern day Jews are Ashkenazi Jews. I don't need to tell you of the suspected strong links they have to Khazars, Mongloids or Angloids for that matter. The point remains that the Lebanese people as a whole have not moved from the Lands which they inhabit today. And the DNA corroborates this. Also, to reiterate the point I made earlier. Which you have yet to answer.
You said, in fact but I have not seen any factsd whatsoever in your attempt to link lebs to canaanites, they are all sheer speculation nor tangible evidence. Jews have been jews since 3000 years ago not only they have Genetics links to those jews from the times of Moses they actually still keep the same religion, culture, ideals and to a large extent the same language while NONE of ancient other canaanites tribes surivive nor have the same culture, religion, tradition, language to link them to modern Lebanese. Yes I know you are desperate to claim originality of Lebanon, no matter how hard you tried you are arabs not phoenician nor canaanites descent. Yes the only link you can provide is some Y chromosomal links which is as inconclusive as you are descendants of a monkey.
Can you criticise the Palestinian people as a whole, because a small minority of them have read Mein Kampf? When the Majority of Israeli Jews have read the Torah which asks for the Genocide of the Lebanese and Palestinian people. (I know you will say that the Palestinian people are the descendants of the Phillistinians. But, genetics have also proved a strong link with the Canaanites.)
Where did I critisized what they read? You regularly brought up torah calling for killings of canaanits but you frequently ducked the question of your
Quran calling for killings of Non-Muslims aren't you being using ancient text selectively?

By the way, since lebs nor palestinians are canaanites (they are arabs) your pathetic attempts to interprete Torah with modern conflict failed miserably.
Regardless, you know better than I do how these things work. In that context, it works through the entire lineage. Here are the mitzvot in question which asks for the Genocide of the modern day Lebanese people (Canaanites)
596: Destroy the seven Canaanite nations.
597: Not to let any of them remain alive.
As you can see, that is how it relates to the descendants. (Which are the Lebanese people. Bare in mind, the Canaanites were in control of certain parts of Palestine too. But there is no tangible evidence to suggest that their is a DNA link, as there is with the Lebanese people.)
Torah was written probably 1000 years before you arabs in lebanon and palestine exist, stop trying to include yourself in those ancient texts just like you pathetically tried to include yourself as victims of Anti-Semitism.
By the way have you realized that Anti-Semitism did not include ARABS as targets yet or are you still refusing to look at dictionary because you are scared to see that you are wrong?
I thought you weren't interested in my Ancestry or Lineage? I don't think I need to justify myself to you. If you're just going to be a racist, and continue spreading Anti-Islamic sentiment, than I don't think I want to continue this discussion with yout. You're a proven racist, and you're completely ignorant. Deep-down, you wish that all the Muslim people on the Earth died. That's why you are not empathetic to the Palestinian people. That's the only logical explanation. You think they're beneath you, that they deserve to die. That you can take their country, and scatter them throughout the world as refugees. They're not human to you are they?
Last time I heard, the biggest killer of muslims are your beloved Muslim Terrorists. Who are you to call me racist while you lebs are the most racist people on earth treating Palestinians like slaves?
The tests prove that there was a high frequency of Shia Muslims and Maronite Christians to posses the link to the Canaanites. (There was also a strong link with the Sunni Muslims too. But it was considerably less.)
You mean they have a common ancestor? You don't know very much about inheritance in ancestry, do you? A monkey and a human are two complete different species.
A test also proves that Chimpanzee and Humans share 94% of similar Genes
Your continual pathetic claim to canaanites is just as doubtful as Chimpanzees being human ancestors i quoted above. No you have no tangible evidence no language, no culture, no tradition, no history lol.
Anti: not in favor of -
Semitic: Middle East peoples that trace their origin from the biblical Noah and his son Shem; these include Jews and Arabs.
How about you just look at your Dictionary instead of trying to redefine the meaning of Anti-Semitism to suit your twisted an sick mind filled with hate? Why do you refuse to look at the meaning? Are you scared? I bet you are because it proves that you are actually wrong. Once again I restate the meaning of Anti-Semitism and NO it does not include Arabs.
The term Semite refers broadly to speakers of a language group which includes both Arabs and Jews. However, the term antisemitism is specifically used in reference to attitudes held towards Jews
n. 1. Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism.
2. Discrimination against Jews.
I know you do not want to read at the above definitions because you prefer to hide your head in the sand instead of accepting that you are wrong. We also knew that you are deluded with your desire to be included as a target of Anti-semitism and to be counted among jews so far as claiming to have canaanites ancestry. Its just getting funnier here
Really? A few posts ago this is what I was Anti-Semitic and now I've become hitler. Well, I'll edit my previous response to fit the new description
Lets get some facts straight.
- I don't hate Jewish people.
- I don't believe that any race is superior to any other race. I believe all people are equal, and everybody has the same potential and are all considered equal.
- I don't believe in the killing of any people. (Unless it was absolutely neccesary.)
Here are Hitlers beliefs -
facts already proven by your posts:
1. You hate jews, regardless of they are in Israel, America or Australia.
2.That might be true, because arabs have no chance of being superior to other people or races, no matter how hard you wanted or tried.
3.You openly accepted that killings of israeli civilians by palestinian terrorists or hizbollah as acceptable. perhaps those are absolutely necessary to you.
Why do I hate Jews? One minute you accuse me of trying to be "more like the Jews". The next minute you accuse of me of hating the Jews. It's completely moronic. I don't hate Jews. I'm not Anti-Semitic, I'm not Anti-Judaic and I'm not anything else you plan to accuse me of in the near future to deflect the argument at hand.
You are full of hatred against jews, yes you wanted to be included as target of anti-semitism so you can claim you are not anti-semite.
If the European Jews (Zionists) had not taken their land, and displaced them throughout the Middle-East, they would not have been in Lebanon in the first place. Again, you completely deflect what I have said on previous occasions. Those who chose to integrate into Lebanese society have integrated, and are now regular Lebanese people. However, 400,000 of these refugees decided instead to settle into 12 seperate camps. (And a few other which were established later by the Palestinian people.) Because of the strain which was incurred onto the economy by the influx of refugees, Lebanon was forced to rely on foreign aid (Food) to provide for the influx of refugees. (Jordan is much different to Lebanon and the Lebanese economy. There is no use in bringing it up on the discussion go the Palestinian refugees. Bare in mind, this was a 10% increase in an already struggling Lebanese economy.
If you lebs, Syrians, Egypt (all of them arabs) had not declared war on the pretext of palestinian cause, yes there would not be many palestinian refugees. It was clearly your fault, and as it is still today. Palestinians were never given a chance to integrate with lebanese society, you discriminate them, you refused them housing, jobs and everything this UN report clearly said
"there is 40 percent unemployment among the Palestinians in Lebanon, and they are not granted the same rights as Palestinians living in Jordan and Syria because of the internal political situation in Lebanon and the view that if given what they want in Lebanon, the Palestinians will melt into Lebanese society and refuse to leave the country later" here
Al-Jazeera channel which is the mouth piece of arabs quoted a Palestinian
"We are treated like vermin. Among Syrians, Sri Lankans, and refugees - we are considered the lowest class"
Sameera Abo al-Fool,
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
While you continually pretended to fight and cry for the cause of Palestinians, you are actually shedding crocodile tears, laughing behind your bedsheet like dress at how you galvanized Palestinians into depressed suicide bombers. The world knows it, we knew it you cannot hide your true intentions. You deliberately put Palestinians into chronic poverty, depriving of their basic rights to education and health by denying public school and health service, denying them their basic rights to work by banning them from all works that are deemed too good for them (legacy of segregation in america and apartheid in South Africa) Which country denied its people of right to work, after 50 years of living and born in their country?
I do not have an ingrained hatred toward jews. I do, hate sociopaths who try to justify the death and suffering fo millions of people. Thousands of Palestians have been killed. 5,000,000 Palestinians have been displaced (made refugees throughout the world.) Their land has been stolen, they live in constant threat of harassment and danger. As the form U.S Attorney General puts it "They are the most terrorised people on Earth."
Who put them in that position? Who made them refugees? Who stole their land?
Jews and Palestinians were living side by side long before Israel was formed despite occasional violence, it was nowhere as bad as it was during the past 50 years. The turning point was when you lebs, Syrians and Egypt invaded Israel with a single aim of annihilating all jews and to divide the lands between then ( NOT Palestinian cause) Remember who occupied Gaza (it was Egypt) who occuped west bank ( it was Jordan and Syria). You can only blame yourself for starting the war and creating millions of palestinian refugees. Its your fault. Solve it.