Israel and Palestine (2 Viewers)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
More propoganda and rubbish. The most popular books in those countries are the Qur'an, the Hadiths, religious books and childrens books. Articles like those are mainly made on a fraudulent basis. If I made an article consisting of only the people posting here it would paint a graphic picture of a sociopath and a hypocrite.
I never said anything about popular books, I said bestselling. Articles like these are unfortunitly not fraud (scholars are not bound by their country and I gave you more then one source).

sam04u said:
There is a larger American population that idolise Hitler than the Palestinians. Fortunately the Palestinian people have other people to respect and look upto. (Including the Prophets, and people in Arab history.)
I am sure there is a larger American population that does that, but in terms of percentage compared to the Palestinians and indeed the rest of the Arab world, it is much smaller. Don't forget that many Palestinians look up to Arafat (terrorist), Nasralla (terrorist), Nasser (dictator who launched wars), need I go on? Oh wait, I remember, the 9/11 terrorists who killed 3000 innocent people - guess who was celebrating...that's right, the Palestinians!

"JERUSALEM - As Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat condemned the terror attack against New York and Washington Tuesday, smiling youngsters and adults waved Palestinian flags, cheered and passed out candy in the streets of Arab East Jerusalem.
Passengers in passing cars made the V-for-victory sign in satisfaction with the attacks of unprecedented magnitude that destroyed the soaring twin-towered World Trade Center in New York and set fire to the massive Pentagon military office building." (or is this to biased for you now?)

sam04u said:
Again though you prove to be a hyprocrite. The best-selling text in Israel (torah) is one which asks for the Genocide of the civilisation the Lebanese people descended from.
You want to provide sources which state that the Torah is the bestselling text? Please do as it would make your arguement look marginally better. And if you want to get into a debate about the Torah (which you will lose as you have not read the commentary), then be my guest.

sam04u said:
That entire article is completely fraudulent and has no evidence to make those preposterous claims. Israel occupies the Palestinian peoples land, a small minority of these people taking interest in Jewish history is not something you should be offended by, but instead something you should encourage.
No evidence? Not only did I give you a scholar I gave you other examples of Mien Kampf being best sellers else where in the Middle East. As well as this there is ample evidence of these text books being malicous towards both Jewish and Israeli history, here's proof. First we have our favourite mouse, Farfur next we have some great Palestinian text books:, I think that is enough for you to start on, but if you want more evidence let me know, its been a great pleasure destroying your arguements, we should do this again sometime - say 4pm tomorrow?
BTW, I am happy people are interested in my religion's history, I only hope these people don't get fed by lies that are propagated elswhere in the world.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

I never said anything about popular books, I said bestselling. Articles like these are unfortunitly not fraud (scholars are not bound by their country and I gave you more then one source).
It's not the "best selling" text or article. That's a misleading statement. (Can you find a rough estimate based on facts on the number ou believe exist?) Just remember what the article stands for, and what it means. It's a historical text, and you should not be criticising but rather praising the Palestinians for taking the time to read Jewish history.

"JERUSALEM - As Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat condemned the terror attack against New York and Washington Tuesday, smiling youngsters and adults waved Palestinian flags, cheered and passed out candy in the streets of Arab East Jerusalem.
Passengers in passing cars made the V-for-victory sign in satisfaction with the attacks of unprecedented magnitude that destroyed the soaring twin-towered World Trade Center in New York and set fire to the massive Pentagon military office building."
That's entire article is so ridiculous that it is almost enough to make a sane persons brain to implode.

in satisfaction with the attacks of unprecedented magnitude that destroyed the soaring
9/11 was an attack so great that it was of unprecendented magnitude? What of Hiroshima? What of the attacks on the second world war? It's completely ridiculous.

(You're as irrational as to say the Torah is not the most read book in Israel. The fraudulent Jewish state.)

Anyways instead of continually going off on tangents, we'll deal with the "context" of the argument. A number of palestinians have supposedly read a translated version of Mein Kampf which I explained claims the supremacy of the Angloid race, and Hitlers struggle. (Things which the Palestinians would have no interest in besides the historical aspects.) That's beneficial for the Israeli people though, they're reading a document which is the pretext of the massacre of Jews. (After accepting that fact they can reach logical conclusions.)

Explain how it is beneficial for anyone to read parts of the Torah which ask for the "Genocide" of the people the Lebanese people have descended from.

I only hope these people don't get fed by lies that are propagated elswhere in the world.
You only hope those people aren't fed other peoples lies, and rather just fed your own lies. Instead, I want people to understand the truth of the situation.


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

In Lebanon like Hezballah they're a political party, but the gov didnt want them to kidnap those soldiers, they didnt want this war to start.
the lebanese govt may not have wanted hizballah to kidnap the soldiers, but they don't do anything to stop hizballah from acting in their country. they grant hizballah legitimacy and recognize them as a political party rather than a terrorist organisation. so in part they are at least accessories to the kidnapping and other terrorist acts.

you people should try to put yourselves in their place, they believe the land is theirs so they wont stop until they regain it.

Also half these people have had family members dead, they have grown up hating Israelis [why wouldnt they] and you expect them to change?
i'm not sure who you mean by "you people" but i do understand why they act the way they do. but by the logic of that argument, you legitimise israel's defence of their country as well. its not a defining point to say they believe. fact of the matter is that the land is now israeli, and both sides believe one or the other has wronged them. however, the israelis are seeking a peaceful resolution, the palestinians are seeking bloodshed. so until they change that view that killing israelis will bring peace, then no peace is viable since i certainly don't expect the israelis to march into the meditteranian sea and drown themselves.

Oh really? So why are there so many people dead if they warn?

Why do you make it like being a Jew means soo much? They dont really care about that, its the fact that they believe its their land which makes them hate Israelis.
put yourself in their shoes, if your enemy said "hey, we're going to bomb here, so leave" woud you? i'd probably be sceptical. but even so, its more of an effort than the other side make.

and in the end, it is just a war between islam and judaism. at the very least on a political level, and in the minds of the majority of the people. HAMAS is dedicated to the destruction of jews, not just israelis. Hizballah is quoted saying "if all the jews come to israel it will save us the trouble of finding them around the world". in the end, this is a religious conflict as much as a territorial one.

now i ask this, not because it matters in how i would treat you, but just because im curious, are you islamic? or christian? or etc... (sorry if that sounds rude or anything, but i am merely curious.)

They killed hundreds and you still defend them, im not defending Hezballah i know they were wrong, yet you make it out like Israel is 100% perfect and nothing Israel does can ever be false.
not in the least, at least that isn't my intention. i'll be the first to admit that i don't have a purely objective view on the subject, noone who cares enough about it does. but i do defend israel, because ultimately i believe they are in the right, otherwise i wouldn't defend them. they did kill hundreds of civilians who had no reason to be killed. noone denies that. but i just wanted to point out that in the conflict, when israel killed civilians they issue apologies, and they try and limit the casulties. when hizballah and hamas fight this war, they target civilians, and celebrate the innocent deaths.

in the end, this is a war, whether or not it is a conventional one. and the people who suffer the most in war are civilians. there is no justification for innocent deaths, just sorrow that the war is a necessity at the moment. but there is a huge difference in the attitudes of the warring parties. that was all i was drawing attention to. the motive is important to note.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
It's not the "best selling" text or article. That's a misleading statement. (Can you find a rough estimate based on facts on the number ou believe exist?)Just remember what the article stands for, and what it means. It's a historical text, and you should not be criticising but rather praising the Palestinians for taking the time to read Jewish history.
Quite, franly it is. I have given you multiple sources and you have rejected them all. So, to any sane person you are in the wrong and have lost this debate.

sam04u said:
That's entire article is so ridiculous that it is almost enough to make a sane persons brain to implode.
Good description of your arguements.

sam04u said:
9/11 was an attack so great that it was of unprecendented magnitude? What of Hiroshima? What of the attacks on the second world war? It's completely ridiculous.
Its talking about terrorist attacks dumbass. Plus what does that have to do the fact that (I can't believe I have to spell this out to you) Palestinians were waving in the street because of 9/11.

sam04u said:
(You're as irrational as to say the Torah is not the most read book in Israel. The fraudulent Jewish state.)
Are you going to back that up with sources or is it going to be just the usual opinion with nothing attached?

sam04u said:
Anyways instead of continually going off on tangents, we'll deal with the "context" of the argument. A number of palestinians have supposedly read a translated version of Mein Kampf which I explained claims the supremacy of the Angloid race, and Hitlers struggle. (Things which the Palestinians would have no interest in besides the historical aspects.) That's beneficial for the Israeli people though, they're reading a document which is the pretext of the massacre of Jews. (After accepting that fact they can reach logical conclusions.)
Ever read Mein Kamf? It deals with how crap the supposed Jews race is. It is an anti-semitic book, something that an anti-Israel/anti-semitic society like the Palestinians would enjoy.

sam04u said:
Explain how it is beneficial for anyone to read parts of the Torah which ask for the "Genocide" of the people the Lebanese people have descended from.
Take that question to the Torah thread in the reading section.


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam, truth is so subjective. people believe what they are led to believe.

9/11 was an attack so great that it was of unprecendented magnitude? What of Hiroshima? What of the attacks on the second world war? It's completely ridiculous.
hiroshima didn't kill all that many people in the scheme of the war.

9/11 was so unprecented because up until that point, no terror attacks, nor real war attacks had occured on american soil. up until that point, the islamic terrorism that is experienced around the world hadn't really hit american shores. and finally, it was an attack in peacetime. it was unjustified, unprovoked and completly in cold blood. it was the first of its kind in america, a country which for decades has seen itself as untouchable.

You're as irrational as to say the Torah is not the most read book in Israel.
it probably isn't. im gonna go ahead and assume that you have never seen a torah nor have any idea about jewish culture or way of life. but not every jew has an interest in observing the religion. and the torah is a freaking huge book. were talking a thousand and a few pages in a biblical language that requires whole other books each numbering in the thousands of pages to actually understand what's going on. so no, i somehow doubt that there are that many people who've "read" the torah parchment to parchment.

and i question where it says in the torah that we should kill the lebanese? show me the quotes and the lines? and the commentary if you please, since people who actually understand the religion and the text would know that the torah is a twofold invention, and the written text is accompanied by a commontary that explains the meaning. so show me the quotes or stop claiming it.

Anyways instead of continually going off on tangents, we'll deal with the "context" of the argument. A number of palestinians have supposedly read a translated version of Mein Kampf which I explained claims the supremacy of the Angloid race, and Hitlers struggle. (Things which the Palestinians would have no interest in besides the historical aspects.) That's beneficial for the Israeli people though, they're reading a document which is the pretext of the massacre of Jews. (After accepting that fact they can reach logical conclusions.)
you know, you're right. i can't believe i didn't see it before. people who have no education other than in the madrasas and mosques reading books that call for the destruction of the jewish people, and assosciating genocidal statements with what their government tells them to do would be like, so beneficial to the jewish people. it would certainly get rid of the jewish people. could that be why rading of that book along with the protocols of the elders of zion is encouraged in the arabic world? methinks, yes.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
I heard that you tremble in fear when someone mentioned Aryan, just like arabs countries trembled in fear when israel is mentioned
you wish ;)
actually, that guy Aryan, he told me, that he's just some big loner, that everyone hates. He told me that he's always a nigel, lonely boy :( sitting alone in his dark room creating multiple accounts on bos, because thats the only place where people would actually hear him and socialize with him...poor fella, all these accounts turned out to be a desperate plea for attention... sad story.

BritneySpears said:
Yes we noticed that Israel have advanced weapons and is effective in destroying infrastructure of its enemy. Those listed above are how successful Israeli forces are in destroying a country effectively controlled by Terrorists. They should have done more and turn the whole area into stone age. But unlike hizbollah terrorists they are not cruel soldiers, they are full of compassion, love and care towards civilians and always tried everything they can to protect civilians, only a few hundred civilians are killed, many of whom used as human shield by terrorists. On the Other hand, Hizbollah love to see as many civilians as possible dead, because they want to use as poster infront of TV cameras, they even staged fake photos with people pretending to be dead infront of TV LOL
is that all you have?? lol, you really are a looser..

and yes im glad that those people come infront of the camera, I encourage them and salute them, these people are the only ones who will couragly and bravely show the whole world how israel makes them suffer and how savagely israel terrorizes them.

BritneySpears said:
711000 are refugees from israel, the rest products of palestinians banished in refugees camps who have nothing to do other than have sex and squeeze out children every year. Thats how one piglet became multipled into 7 piglets, that is they are multipled 7 times over just 50 years Even those 711,000 refugees left israel because arabs countries will not stop attacking israel and as a result of Arabs declaration of war against Israel palestinians have no options but leave as they were made enemy of israel by Lebs, Syrians and Egyptians, who wanted to create palestinian refuges so they can use them as slave (proven by the fact that 400,000 palestinians live in lebanon refugee camps in slave like condition)

nah palestinians are forced to leave their homes and become refugees everyday, they have reached 7000000 refugees, scattered worldwide.
the israeli piglets have desires for small school girls, they attack them and harrass them while they are on their way to school everyday. This is happening everyday, to the extent that peace makers have to physically accompany these girls everyday to school, so that they can protect them from the preying and rapacious soldiers.

BritneySpears said:
Palestinian civilians especially women are safer at the hands of israeli soldiers that is complete stranger. They are persecuted by their own men as Amnesty International said
isnt it amazing despite 50 years of conflict there has not been a single instance in which a palestinian woman is raped by Israeli soldiers while Palestinian women constantly suffered rape, violence and even honour killing at the hands of their own family. I'd say Israeli soldier's conduct is PERFECT compared to all other countries especially when you compare just a few hundred thousand lebanese constantly terrorised australia a nation of 20 million with violent rape against women.
uhuh, sure they didnt but unforunatly, those Israeli savages, are constantly raping Palestinian women daily, over a 50 year period.,7340,L-3225493,00.html

BritneySpears said:
They have nothing to complain against israeli soldier so much that Maniella had to make up lies such as Israeli soldiers raped palestinian boy ( you must remember this reflect prophet muhammad's paedophilia) in earlier post.
LOL, dont focus on the trivial, irrelevant issues. Those israeli soldiers do rape young male prisoners in their jails, and I provided the source in one of my other posts.

BritneySpears said:
yes simple Rifles and light machine guns which were in use since the first World War are advanced High Tech weapons LOL, Arabs have tanks, aeroplane, cannons i bet they don't even know how to use those . Thats probably why they fell like a pack of cards infront of heroic israeli soldiers Thank God for making those arabs stupid and incompetent and making Israeli's clever enough to use simple rifle and light machine guns
nope, they used biological weapons in 1948, seriously you should be ashamed and disgraced, they should really go and pick on someone their own size.

BritneySpears said:
A ha ha, your Sam04u account and Mr Eazy are on leave while your bitchy Maniella and ShiftyQueen account are trolling, praising your own posts. Is that your feminine soft side?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats sooo funny, so your actually admitting that indianprincess/yankeechica/BritneySpears are all accounts that you use to express and illustrate your softer feminine side?? ;);););) ROFL :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I dont think Sam04u, Mr Eazy and ShiftyIceQueen actually have time to create multiple accounts, we all have a life and better things to do :cool::cool::cool:

Oh, and btw, thanks for the complements, ShiftyIceQueen, Sam04u and Mr Eazy, are nice people, im utterly delighted that you thought I was them :D:D:D:D


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
It's not the "best selling" text or article. That's a misleading statement. (Can you find a rough estimate based on facts on the number ou believe exist?) Just remember what the article stands for, and what it means. It's a historical text, and you should not be criticising but rather praising the Palestinians for taking the time to read Jewish history.
You can't deny the truth.

Hitler book bestseller in Turkey


Adolf Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf, has become a bestseller in Turkey - sparking fears of growing anti-Semitic feelings in the country.
The book has sold more than 50,000 copies since January.

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Catering to such people since the early '60s, editions of Mein Kampf have been put out in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, and it is reported to be a bestseller in the Palestinian Authority area. It is available in London stores selling Arabic books.

[/FONT]NEW YORK- Adolf Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf, in which he explains his virulent hatred of Jews, has made it to the best-seller list in the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories. The French news agency, Agence France Presse, reports that Mein Kampf is presently at number six on the PA best-seller list. It noted that Mein Kampf was banned from the territories during the years of Israeli administration of the region, but was recently allowed in by the PA.
Furthermore, Arabs colloboration with NAZI here.
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Of all the Arabs convinced of Hitler's coming triumph, none was so eager as Haj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem and leader of the Palestinian Arabs in the Hitler years. Vincent Sheean, the Thomas L. Friedman of the day, thought that Haj Amin had "great gifts." Along the lines that "my enemy's enemy is my friend," Haj Amin converted the Palestinian cause into a local branch of Hitler's worldwide anti-Jewish persecution. Fleeing from the British, he spent the war in Berlin. A friend and admirer of Himmler's, he raised a division of Bosnian Muslims for the SS. Hitler made grandiose promises to him, but was cautious enough to add that they could be met only after victory.[/FONT]

Its nor just a co-incidence that they colloborated him Hitler still is the role model and Idol of millions of arabs youth either Palestinians or not.

That's entire article is so ridiculous that it is almost enough to make a sane persons brain to implode.
What is more ridiculous is how Palestinian MUSLIMS celebrated and danced on the street of East Jerusalem and Gaza while the world watched in Horror as WTC attacks happened , people were trapped in the building , Palestinians cheer, cleberate and chanted death to America. Here is an evidence of Palestinians celebrating terror attacks in NY No wonder America is solidly on Israeli side.

9/11 was an attack so great that it was of unprecendented magnitude? What of Hiroshima? What of the attacks on the second world war? It's completely ridiculous.
And he accused others of going off topic while he routinely tried to avoid the topic going on to world war 2, hiroshima etc.

Anyways instead of continually going off on tangents, we'll deal with the "context" of the argument. A number of palestinians have supposedly read a translated version of Mein Kampf which I explained claims the supremacy of the Angloid race, and Hitlers struggle. (Things which the Palestinians would have no interest in besides the historical aspects.) That's beneficial for the Israeli people though, they're reading a document which is the pretext of the massacre of Jews. (After accepting that fact they can reach logical conclusions.)

Explain how it is beneficial for anyone to read parts of the Torah which ask for the "Genocide" of the people the Lebanese people have descended from.
Torah is jewish holy book is Hitler's book the Holy book for Arabs since you regularly compared the two? I bet it is, it must be a must have, must read alongside Quran for Muslims. It already is a best sellers in many arabs countries.

You only hope those people aren't fed other peoples lies, and rather just fed your own lies. Instead, I want people to understand the truth of the situation.
The world knows the truth and thats why the world told palestinians to fuck off and disarm and stop terror attacks inside Israel. While the world said Israel have every right to defend itself and retaliate.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
you wish
actually, that guy Aryan, he told me, that he's just some big loner, that everyone hates. He told me that he's always a nigel, lonely boy sitting alone in his dark room creating multiple accounts on bos, because thats the only place where people would actually hear him and socialize with him...poor fella, all these accounts turned out to be a desperate plea for attention... sad story.
A ha ha, You said I am Aryan then you said Aryan talked to you :rofl::rofl::rofl: Since I've never talked to you personally, I know that you just lied in front of all the members of this board as you usually made up stories Typical muslim liars :D. Its getting more and more pathetic how these sam, shifty, maniella, mr eazy, s1m0 all obsessed with Aryan LOL. It's like how all arabs countries obsessed with Israel and constantly tried to destroy israel, the perfect example.

is that all you have?? lol, you really are a looser..

and yes im glad that those people come infront of the camera, I encourage them and salute them, these people are the only ones who will couragly and bravely show the whole world how israel makes them suffer and how savagely israel terrorizes them.
Fortunately, the world hates fakes, especially arabs who fake their injury and death to earn sympathy, no wonder the world let Israel destroy Lebanon because they hate lebs, those who fake their pain and cried crocodile tears in front of TV camera.

nah palestinians are forced to leave their homes and become refugees everyday, they have reached 7000000 refugees, scattered worldwide.
the israeli piglets have desires for small school girls, they attack them and harrass them while they are on their way to school everyday. This is happening everyday, to the extent that peace makers have to physically accompany these girls everyday to school, so that they can protect them from the preying and rapacious soldiers.
Yeah, 7000000000000 palestinians forced to leave their home by Arabs invasion of Israel so they can use 70000000000000 as slaves in their home country such as Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc. It was all pre plaanned by them, and use palestinian refugees as prostitute in Beirut and sell 5 yrs old girls to Arabs shiekh 74th wives. NAsty people aren't they? 50 yrsa old arab men marrying young palestinian girls as their 50th and 100th wives !

uhuh, sure they didnt but unforunatly, those Israeli savages, are constantly raping Palestinian women daily, over a 50 year period.,7340,L-3225493,00.html
Ahah, your source didnt even stand verification, i clicked at one source and it quote another source which does not provide the same article. I can see how desperate arabs are trying to discredit the Perfect Israeli soldiers :D Because arabs treat their own daughter as sex slaves marryinf off their 5 yrs olf daughters to 50 yrs old arab sheikh from saudi arabia.

LOL, dont focus on the trivial, irrelevant issues. Those israeli soldiers do rape young male prisoners in their jails, and I provided the source in one of my other posts.
No you didn't you are probably confused with your quran where Muhamad routinely abused young girls and boys for sex. Ayaan Hirshi a Somalian Muslim woman who is currently visiting Sydney said "MUhamad is a paedophile".

nope, they used biological weapons in 1948, seriously you should be ashamed and disgraced, they should really go and pick on someone their own size.
Your own breath is a biological weapon with your Halitosis :eek:. Your source said Palestinian had Cholera which is a disease for people of Poor Hygiene. Like I said before, they are nasty and dirty people who poop in the open court yard, wash and bath on the river and then drink the same river, spread the disease and then blame their disease as biological weapon by Israel :rofl::rofl:. if you arabs have good hygiene as Israelis you would not have many of those tropical disease such as Cholera and other communicable disease.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats sooo funny, so your actually admitting that indianprincess/yankeechica/BritneySpears are all accounts that you use to express and illustrate your softer feminine side??
Ahahhaaaa so you actually admit that you are the same person as Sam04u, mr Eazy and other countless accounts that usually troll the board and create anti jewish thread every once in a while?
I dont think Sam04u, Mr Eazy and ShiftyIceQueen actually have time to create multiple accounts, we all have a life and better things to do :cool::cool::cool:

Oh, and btw, thanks for the complements, ShiftyIceQueen, Sam04u and Mr Eazy, are nice people, im utterly delighted that you thought I was them :D:D:D:D
yeah its very funny how your four or five accounts always comments eachother's posts supporting eachother not only in this thread but also in all other thread, apparently you do not have better things to do other than creating those multiple accounts and posts and comments your own posts using those accounts. Oh wait what happen to your Dam10 account as well you usually used to create anti-israeli thread every once in a while? :D


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

You can't deny the truth.
Actually I could. But unlike you I have not denied the truth, but rather embraced the truth.

Its nor just a co-incidence that they colloborated him Hitler still is the role model and Idol of millions of arabs youth either Palestinians or not.
Lets look at the facts. The Palestinian people are oppressed and displaced because of the Israeli state (which is a self-confessed Jewish state) and an illegitimate one at that. Their rights to life and liberty has been stolen from them. Their rights to freedom of movement has been stolen from them. Now don't you think it's natural that they would try to associate themselves with somebody who claims to have experienced similar injustice? (Atleast to better understand the Jewish history? In my opinion that would be beneficial to the Jewish people.)

What is more ridiculous is how Palestinian MUSLIMS celebrated and danced on the street of East Jerusalem and Gaza
Are you claiming that every Palestinian muslim danced on the streets after the collapse of the World Trade Center? That is a ludicrous and preposterous statement which has been sculpted into your impressionable mind. They showed the video of those Palestinian Muslims celebrating more times than they did the collapsing of the towers. Why do you think they have done that? They're obviously trying to portray muslims as criminals and terrorists. (Which is ridiculous.)

while the world watched in Horror as WTC attacks happened
Maybe they didn't see the same images we did? Maybe their perspective was different than ours? Maybe those people were not even celebrating the collapse of the WTC, are you sure reports had reached the Palestinian wastelands before it reached the U.S media?? (They didn't show the towers collapsing or even claim to know who or how it happened till a day after.) Yet the Palestinian muslims were capable of knowing before hand, and that's why they were able to evade the attacks. (Sarcasm)

This is the Palestinian perspective. (The people who have armed the armies who are bombing, killing and displacing us were attacked.) What do you think they would do? The ignorant probably celebrated as an ounce of retribution had been given to them.

And he accused others of going off topic while he routinely tried to avoid the topic going on to world war 2, hiroshima etc.
No, you imbecile. He was close enough to claiming that 9/11 is the most biggest attack which has ever been seen on Earth. As if an attack on the U.S is more illegal than an attack on the Palestinians, the Lebanese, or the Israelis.

I brought up Hiroshima to explain that the scope of 9/11 was blown out of proportion.

Torah is jewish holy book is Hitler's book the Holy book for Arabs since you regularly compared the two?
Nope. But you've stumbled onto my point. The religious text which the Israelis believe is holy and of god, asks for the Genocide of the People with the Lebanese have descended from. Whereas, the biography of hitler is a piece which claims the superiority of the white-race. Something which the Palestinians would read sceptically.

The world has let Israel commit and attrocious act on the Palestinian people by turning a blind eye. Nobody, should accept what has happened is fair.
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Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

once again sam, quote where in the torah it says that, or don't bother saying it. if you can't be stuffed backing up your arguments, don't make them.


Feb 2, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

JayB said:
once again sam, quote where in the torah it says that, or don't bother saying it. if you can't be stuffed backing up your arguments, don't make them.

At least he doesnt make BS or use biased sources.


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

yeah, just makes things up and doesn't substantiate them, thats so much better...not.

what you think of as the torah is an amalgamation of different texts that can't be understood properly in english. all the translations are sketchy at best, and completly incorrect usually. add to that that you need the commentaries of thinkers since the torah was given, and thats alot of reading. and since im 99% positive that neither one of you has a grasp of biblical hebrew or aramaic to understand the torah and the texts that deal with it, you'll forgive me for being skeptical.
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Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Aryan said:
No Israeli soldiers did not phone the prime minister before they shot every fire to kill a terrorists target. You are perfectly OK when israeli civilians are killed by Hizbollah and Hamas and cry like whore begging for dick when arab civilians are killed by Israeli soldiers while doing their military operation.
They are meant to be taking orders, since they are soldiers. End of story.

WTF is your problem? The only thing i learnt from you is that you
1-can swear
2-hate arabs

both of which i dont care about, so swear at someone else. ok thank you.

How do they protect themselves by firing rockets to some random place? it only made israeli soldiers a reason to launch attacks against palestinian militants as it is doing for the past two weeks. 50+ terrorists killed while Palestinian terrorists managed to kill 3 civilians inside Israel. NOT the soldiers.
Why do i try to reason with you?

Israel also beleive the land is theirs and they will not stop protecting themselves from arabs terrorists. Both sides will not stop and as long as arabs attacks Israel, there will always be retaliation from Israel, a painful one. With every israeli soldiers killed there will be at least 10 arab terrorists dead.
Exactly. Both sides believe it is theirs, therefore they believe they have to protect it and their people, and the only way possible is to kill those who try to harm them/their land, coz there is no other way.

Israel is perfect while hizbollah and hamas terrorists are 100% wrong.
Aryan, can you please say something new?

You cannot donate even if you are dying for it, because you cant without breaking the law. They are terrorists organisation according to australian Law. Where as Isralis are NOT :D

Like I said, idiots like you dont know how to differentiate the LAW and POLICY. If the government legalized gay marriage, its the LAW and you cannot do anything on legal basis no matter how much you hate homosexuals other than maoning like a whore. On the other hand, sending troops to Iraq is a government policy decision NOT a LAW and you can protest about it, challenge it in court. That is the difference. Like Wise, Hizbollah and Hamas are terrorists you cannot do anything tangible to support them, you cannot help them materially, you cannot donate money to support their charity, its against the LAW.
JayB please tell your friend to stop swearing at me, just coz he is used to whores and sluts speaking with him not all of us are the same!!

Who was this cameramen, and what TV was he on Live? or is it pulled out from your arse as usual?

THREE different articles which say he was shot, knock yourself out telling me im a liar, it wont make you look any better.

yeah i know the slept with you!
Are you mentally retarded or do you pretend to be?

yeah its very funny how your four or five accounts always comments eachother's posts supporting eachother not only in this thread but also in all other thread, apparently you do not have better things to do other than creating those multiple accounts and posts and comments your own posts using those accounts. Oh wait what happen to your Dam10 account as well you usually used to create anti-israeli thread every once in a while? :D
Who's Dam 10 :confused: never even heard of that person :S

What do you expect when you support Israel, you make the people look like shit.

You still didnt get me that 1.4million, i dont have to prove my friends are Palestinians who were kicked out, you have to prove these people are hppy, since you're the one bragging about how good Israel is to them.

Jay said:
the lebanese govt may not have wanted hizballah to kidnap the soldiers, but they don't do anything to stop hizballah from acting in their country. they grant hizballah legitimacy and recognize them as a political party rather than a terrorist organisation. so in part they are at least accessories to the kidnapping and other terrorist acts.
And the leb gov is meant to stop its people by? How were they to know what was going to happen?

They were elected, what do you expect?

Nope, they may have been elected by the public, but they were on there own, they kidnapped those people, Israel bombed the country, vise vera.

i'm not sure who you mean by "you people" but i do understand why they act the way they do. but by the logic of that argument, you legitimise israel's defence of their country as well. its not a defining point to say they believe. fact of the matter is that the land is now israeli, and both sides believe one or the other has wronged them. however, the israelis are seeking a peaceful resolution, the palestinians are seeking bloodshed. so until they change that view that killing israelis will bring peace, then no peace is viable since i certainly don't expect the israelis to march into the meditteranian sea and drown themselves.
you people=anit-palestinians eg Aryan yourself and that other one..

Whats the 'peaceful solutions'? Do the palestinians get their homes back? Do they get Israel? What do they get?

Damn it! Now im sure Aryan will be here for a LONG time:( :p

put yourself in their shoes, if your enemy said "hey, we're going to bomb here, so leave" woud you? i'd probably be sceptical. but even so, its more of an effort than the other side make.

and in the end, it is just a war between islam and judaism. at the very least on a political level, and in the minds of the majority of the people. HAMAS is dedicated to the destruction of jews, not just israelis. Hizballah is quoted saying "if all the jews come to israel it will save us the trouble of finding them around the world". in the end, this is a religious conflict as much as a territorial one.

now i ask this, not because it matters in how i would treat you, but just because im curious, are you islamic? or christian? or etc... (sorry if that sounds rude or anything, but i am merely curious.)
Umm.. actually i would ignore it, and think whoever it is is stupid :S So good thing i wasnt there, now i know if anyone tells me theres a bomb, i'll leave the country asap :)

lol im Muslim and my parents are Lebanese, so does that answer your question? You're Jewish and Israeli? or something else just defending those whom you think are right?

not in the least, at least that isn't my intention. i'll be the first to admit that i don't have a purely objective view on the subject, noone who cares enough about it does. but i do defend israel, because ultimately i believe they are in the right, otherwise i wouldn't defend them. they did kill hundreds of civilians who had no reason to be killed. noone denies that. but i just wanted to point out that in the conflict, when israel killed civilians they issue apologies, and they try and limit the casulties. when hizballah and hamas fight this war, they target civilians, and celebrate the innocent deaths.

in the end, this is a war, whether or not it is a conventional one. and the people who suffer the most in war are civilians. there is no justification for innocent deaths, just sorrow that the war is a necessity at the moment. but there is a huge difference in the attitudes of the warring parties. that was all i was drawing attention to. the motive is important to note.
They celebrate coz they have people kidnapped who you believe are terrorists, and they believe are innocent, they have people who are dead who..did noting to deserve to die. Israelis may be the same, but these people have lots and lots of them. I dont know if you have seen some of the videos where the Palestinians are celebrating the death of a Jew/Israeli most times i see it, there's usually a picture or more than one of different people, who either died, or god knows what happened to them now.
Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
Re: Israel & Palestine

I think there's a very easy way to solve this.

Count up the innocent jews dead.

Count up the innocent palestinians dead.

Whoever has lost the most loses the game.

The other team wins.

Which are the team that throws rocks at tanks?

My money says they'll be the ones who lose.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

JayB said:
yeah, just makes things up and doesn't substantiate them, thats so much better...not..
Hey, I haven't made up anything. I sent you all the relevant information, and also the context which it was presented on the internet. Did I not? Unless you can better clarify the sources with your knowledge of Aramaic and Hebrew, then it is perfectly acceptable.

Unless you know of somebody else (preferably in the Australian community) like a religious leader who would be willing to clarify those things. (This is as accurate an interpretation as could be made.)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Lets look at the facts. The Palestinian people are oppressed and displaced because of the Israeli state (which is a self-confessed Jewish state) and an illegitimate one at that.
Stop repeating this trash, it is getting you no where and I have defeated it many times before. BTW, why do you make the point that Israel is a self confessed Jewish state, just look at every single as other Muslim country, just look at America, a predominantly Christian state. Look at England. The fact is, Israel lets other people in and actually lets them build holy places on its soil, the same can not be said for countries like Saudi Arabia.

sam04u said:
Now don't you think it's natural that they would try to associate themselves with somebody who claims to have experienced similar injustice? (Atleast to better understand the Jewish history? In my opinion that would be beneficial to the Jewish people.)
Who the F*ck would want to assosiate with Hitler? Are you trying to tell me that to better understand Jewish history people would read Mein Kampf???? Answer this questiong right now!!!

sam04u said:
Are you claiming that every Palestinian muslim danced on the streets after the collapse of the World Trade Center? That is a ludicrous and preposterous statement which has been sculpted into your impressionable mind. They showed the video of those Palestinian Muslims celebrating more times than they did the collapsing of the towers. Why do you think they have done that? They're obviously trying to portray muslims as criminals and terrorists. (Which is ridiculous.)
Now you're putting words in my mouth. I am claiming the Palestinian society is predominatly anti-semitic and encourages violence and matrydom as a way of solving their issues. I gave evidence of and sited examples of who they view as heros, those 9/11 terrorists were one such example and I used that picture and news article to back up what I said. Now where did I say these people were muslims, all I said were that they were Palestinian.

sam04u said:
Maybe they didn't see the same images we did? Maybe their perspective was different than ours? Maybe those people were not even celebrating the collapse of the WTC, are you sure reports had reached the Palestinian wastelands before it reached the U.S media?? (They didn't show the towers collapsing or even claim to know who or how it happened till a day after.) Yet the Palestinian muslims were capable of knowing before hand, and that's why they were able to evade the attacks. (Sarcasm)
Didn't see the same images we did? You would have to be a complete baffoon to not realise what they were celebrating about. To the rest, WTF are you talking about, they were celebrating on 12/9/01, a day later.

sam04u said:
This is the Palestinian perspective. (The people who have armed the armies who are bombing, killing and displacing us were attacked.) What do you think they would do? The ignorant probably celebrated as an ounce of retribution had been given to them.
They were celebrating 3000 innocent people being killed...

sam04u said:
No, you imbecile. He was close enough to claiming that 9/11 is the most biggest attack which has ever been seen on Earth. As if an attack on the U.S is more illegal than an attack on the Palestinians, the Lebanese, or the Israelis.
No, he said that this was unprecedented wave of violence on American soil (which it was, pearl habour was in Hawai and was not a terrorist act).

"I brought up Hiroshima to explain that the scope of 9/11 was blown out of proportion."

Not as a terrorist act it wasn't.

sam04u said:
Nope. But you've stumbled onto my point. The religious text which the Israelis believe is holy and of god, asks for the Genocide of the People with the Lebanese have descended from. Whereas, the biography of hitler is a piece which claims the superiority of the white-race. Something which the Palestinians would read sceptically.
You mean the Jews believe...please debate the Torah in the section that I have specified, I will answer your questions there to the best of my ability.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

ogmzergrush said:
I think there's a very easy way to solve this.

Count up the innocent jews dead.

Count up the innocent palestinians dead.

Whoever has lost the most loses the game.

The other team wins.

Which are the team that throws rocks at tanks?

My money says they'll be the ones who lose.
What simplistic and stupid idea...


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

I think there's a very easy way to solve this.
This thread does not require your comedy. We get enough of that from BritneySpears posts.

Which are the team that throws rocks at tanks?
My money says they'll be the ones who lose.
That would be the Palestinian children. In war they already have lost. They lost their country, their respect, their dignity and most importantly their freedom.

I don't know what I would do if I saw a tank driving down my street tommorow killing my people. Probably alot of Crying and Praying. Untill the tear ducts ran dry, and the belief in a higher order was minimalised. After that, I would probably take responsibility. Probably blame myself and my people for the position that we were in. Maybe then I would completely lose the reasoning and emotions which clouded my actions prior. Instead I would have one goal. To inflict as much pain and damage to those who did this to me and my people as humanly possible.

Which I suppose to some extent has already happened...


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Actually I could. But unlike you I have not denied the truth, but rather embraced the truth.

Lets look at the facts. The Palestinian people are oppressed and displaced because of the Israeli state (which is a self-confessed Jewish state) and an illegitimate one at that. Their rights to life and liberty has been stolen from them. Their rights to freedom of movement has been stolen from them. Now don't you think it's natural that they would try to associate themselves with somebody who claims to have experienced similar injustice? (Atleast to better understand the Jewish history? In my opinion that would be beneficial to the Jewish people.)
I'll reply your post with your own posts by fill in the blank in BOLD :D Lets look at the facts. The Palestinian people are oppressed and displaced because the Israeli state is invaded by Arabs countries in 1948 (which is a self-confessed Jewish state) and an Legally created under international Law by UN . Their rights to life and liberty has been stolen from them by arabs invaders and force them to live in refugee camps in lebanon and elsewhere to be used as slave labour. Their rights to freedom of movement has been stolen from them by Arabs authorities who restricted palestinians into refugee camps while palestinian arabs inside Israel have citizenship, passport and are free to travel anywhere in the world. Now don't you think it's natural that they would try to associate themselves with somebody who claims to have experienced similar injustice under arab opression such as jews, christians, black sudanese in darfur etc.

Are you claiming that every Palestinian muslim danced on the streets after the collapse of the World Trade Center? That is a ludicrous and preposterous statement which has been sculpted into your impressionable mind. They showed the video of those Palestinian Muslims celebrating more times than they did the collapsing of the towers. Why do you think they have done that? They're obviously trying to portray muslims as criminals and terrorists. (Which is ridiculous.)
No I made no claims, I show the video as it is. The world is disgusted by Palestinian people's indifference towards other people's sufferings. And you are wrong, TV did not show more videos of palestinian muslims celebrating, it was only a 1 minute or less clips and yes I saw it myself. NO other countries celebrate death and disaster of other countries EXCEPT arabs. That shows a lot what kind of people they really are.

Maybe they didn't see the same images we did? Maybe their perspective was different than ours? Maybe those people were not even celebrating the collapse of the WTC, are you sure reports had reached the Palestinian wastelands before it reached the U.S media?? (They didn't show the towers collapsing or even claim to know who or how it happened till a day after.) Yet the Palestinian muslims were capable of knowing before hand, and that's why they were able to evade the attacks. (Sarcasm)
The most pathetic denial once again you'd expect from an arab. Who said the report reached Palestine wasteland before it reached US media? The attack was broadcasted live around the world by CNN, BBC as it happened and palestinians saw exactly what you saw on our tv on the same TV channel, and yes they have satellite TV almost everywhere in Gaza and Westbank.

More evidence

I also saw how Arafat donated his blood as a goodwill gesture to USA but hey damage is already done. Your pathetic excuse will not change how the world think these savages who celebrate death.

This is the Palestinian perspective. (The people who have armed the armies who are bombing, killing and displacing us were attacked.) What do you think they would do? The ignorant probably celebrated as an ounce of retribution had been given to them.
First you deny, and then blame it on palestinian perspective what a flip flopper!

No, you imbecile. He was close enough to claiming that 9/11 is the most biggest attack which has ever been seen on Earth. As if an attack on the U.S is more illegal than an attack on the Palestinians, the Lebanese, or the Israelis.

I brought up Hiroshima to explain that the scope of 9/11 was blown out of proportion.
it was the biggest terrorists attack the world have ever seen on earth. No one is discounting Hiroshima to prop up 9/11. US was at war with Japan where was US was NOT at war with any arab or muslim country yet those muslim terrorists attacked USA. Yes an attack on USA is more illegal than those in Lebanon or Palestinian, those countries were at war with themselves or their neighbour where as US was NOT.

Nope. But you've stumbled onto my point. The religious text which the Israelis believe is holy and of god, asks for the Genocide of the People with the Lebanese have descended from. Whereas, the biography of hitler is a piece which claims the superiority of the white-race. Something which the Palestinians would read sceptically.
Perhaps God knew that Lebanon would be a terrorist haven and asked Jews to kill them all 2000 years ago who knows. Your Quran also promoted paedophilia with 50 yrs old having sex with 6 years old girl, do you muslim really still believe in those 1000 years old teachings? And Yes hitler's biography is a load of shit which palestinian and arabs take it seriously and became an all time best seller.

The world has let Israel commit and attrocious act on the Palestinian people by turning a blind eye. Nobody, should accept what has happened is fair.
Maybe because the world think Palestinians needs to learn some lesson and stop their terrorist acts first? hey?


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

The zionists are getting pissy and irrational tonight (It's probably day-time in the U.S though). Well, no use wasting the rest of a good night debating with people who are too ignorant to actually read what their opponent is writing.

it was the biggest terrorists attack the world have ever seen on earth. No one is discounting Hiroshima to prop up 9/11.
Big idiot here. Do you know what a terrorist attack actually is? Compare that to what Hiroshima was and you have a perfect example of a contradiction.

I also saw how Arafat donated his blood as a goodwill gesture to USA but hey damage is already done. Your pathetic excuse will not change how the world think these savages who celebrate death
Firstly who are you calling a savage? Your IQ is lower than that of a baboons, you can't even form a rational argument/wager. Did Arafat do 9/11? I thought it was Al'Qaeda who the imbeciles in the White-House trained in Intelligence and Funded.

Arafat had LESS to do with 9/11 than the Americans in charge of operation cyclone. Now calm down, take a breath, and be logical for a few moments.

Perhaps God knew that Lebanon would be a terrorist haven and asked Jews to kill them all 2000 years ago
Better an under-armed terrorist haven, than a technologically equipped terrorist state. (Did you forget what terrorism is again?) The Israeli state is a terrorist one.

First you deny, and then blame it on palestinian perspective
Right, isn't that exactly what that moron secretary to Israel did after the Attack in Qana? (It was a mistake and we're sorry and we were scared.)

Maybe because the world think Palestinians needs to learn some lesson and stop their terrorist acts first? hey?

Who the F*ck would want to assosiate with Hitler?
Many people (Mainly including Americans who brandish the Nazi Symbol.)

I am claiming the Palestinian society is predominatly anti-semitic
Incorrect, my uneducated zionist friend. The Palestinian society is predominantly semitic, not predominantly anti-semitic. They generally accept the statements of many Rabbi's, Orthodox Jews, and those who are not zionist, and who do not wish for the destruction of the Palestinians.

Well, this is enough for now.

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