Actually, the Liberals are quite right economically, but I'd say in regards to social reform they are moderates.
I'm going got keep this post bi-partisan. Economically speaking a right winger generally favours minimising the involvement of the government in day to day life, for both ideological beliefs and in the belief that small governments operate much more efficiently. For example, minimising taxation and moving towards a user pays system. Progressive right wingers favour economic liberalisation, i.e.: the removal of trade barriers and micro-economic reform.
Left wingers on the other hand tend to hate their fellow man (bi-partisan? =P). They feel an inadequacy within themselves and thus champion the causes of those they see as being shunned by society (aboriginals, homosexuals etc). There is no cause, that a leftist won't follow.
Economically leftists believe in robbing Peter to pay Paul. ideally a leftist is interested in minimising or eliminating inequality. This has the added "bonus" of entrusting all power to the government, since of course the only wealth to pay for investments in capital etc is held by the government.
Leftists love impotent NGO's like the UN, but hate globalisation. Leftists love protectionism and unionism and hate the thought of free trade. Leftists hate economic reform, and be damned if economic reform is the only way to improve living standards. Leftists hate Jews. Leftists are impotent, yet aggressive, take for example hiphophooray's wonderful comparison of Liberal voters to "gang rapists". Leftists like to label their socially regressive ideas as progressive whilst forgetting that it's all been tried (and failed) before.
Leftists like to think that the world is against them, but the world is just laughing at them.