Gavvvvvin said:
Err none that couldnt be used on a Windows system? And those that are exclusively Mac are utter shit.
Gavvvvvin said:
Umm I have the pleasure of working with these pieces of junk everyday so I know what I'm talking about. If you actually use the likes of Garageband and iDVD and think they are good pieces of software good you are obviously not an experienced user. They only people who use that crap are Mum and Dad burning DVDs of the weekend barbeque. Its like the MS Paint of graphic design.
Audacity is a cross-platform program and has been proven to be as good on Mac as it is on windows. Cubase, another Audio editing program is cross-platform and is one of the most powerfull music editing programs in the world... And works as well as it does on Mac as windows. Finale scorewriting program - one of the best, and on Mac. Sibeilius - Scorewriter program on par with Finale.
Logic Studio and Logic Pro - VERY good audio editing programs, exclusive to Mac.
Reason - Audio editing and electronic music production program, cross - platform and is one of the most successful programs of its kind.
Final Cut Pro - A video editing suite generally known and considered as an industry standard for video production. Produced exclusively for Mac. In responce to the earlier comment, Final Cut Pro will only work on a more graphics capable machine, otherwise yes, it will appear smudgy, etc. as will happen with any underperforming computer.
Pro Tools - One of THE BEST audio editing, recording and multi-tracking ensuites, it is also considered an industry standard, and is produced, exclusive to Mac.
Sure, alot of these programs are Audio Engineering programs, but that's only because that is what I use and am studying to become. I could give you the Windows equivalent programs if you really need that validation, but I don't think that is neccesary. Mac programs ARE NOT all complete and utter crap, infact there are industry standards that some producers use and would not trust any other program. Cross - platform capability is no problem any more, at all. Mac OSX generally cannot play games, but if you own a Windows machine, and the windows disk that comes with it, use one of your three licence key tries on your Mac and install windows on it through BootCamp. Presto! Instant gaming! Gavvvvvvin, don't be so close-minded. Just because you personally can't find a program that suits you and your purpose, don't close off Mac completely and just tell everyone you come across "Mac is shit. No matter what you want to do, it is shit and will only do shit". Mac may indeed be just what they need. Oh... Just so you know, I use both Mac and Windows and love them both.
Irony: Windows Vista and XP both run faster on the MacBook Pro than they do on an x86 Machine purpouse built for Windows. Go figure.