Re: Are YOU trying to lose weight?
AlleyCat said:
Err, Glitterfairy.
Maybe you teach dance at a school for the naturally fit, but when I was a dancer I was made to run every morning, and had to do pilates as well as the actual dance training. So the fitness of a dancer actually has zero to do with how long the routine is. A smart dancer will know that they have to maintain a very high fitness level to stay at the top of the game.
For me, I constantly struggle with my weight. Even though I am pretty active, my body responded to the pill by gaining 6kg that wont seem to budge no matter what I do.
So for now my aim is to be healthy and eat less and perhaps after my body get over the hormone hurdle the weight will come off.
Serious? Holy cow, where did you train? Sounds like MWM or something (not that I've heard they make their students run, but I wouldn't put it past them)
I was never made to do that... Occasionally teachers made suggestions to classes that running was good, but we were never forced. Most of my dancefriends and I kept fit by the sheer number of classes we did - I think at one point I was dancing 25 hours a week, at a non-performing arts school (to this day, I still try and keep a "minimum" of hours I dance per week). Pilates and some yoga was integrated into our Technique class (Sue Ellen Chester ftw).
To test our stamina, I think the worst we ever got was being forced to do routines back-to-back, which was a killer

but not as bad as being made to run each morning >.<
Tulipa said:
Yasmin wreaked fucking havoc with my whole being cause it's so damn estrogen charged. I hated my boobies but then again I love no cleavage-cleavage so that makes sense.
sorry to hear that

I'm on Yasmin, have been so for the last seven years, and I love it

Didn't notice any weight gain, and I'm actually better on it (less pms-y, for one thing) then without it.
I've heard that it's one of those pills that either really works or really doesn't, though. loette somethingsomething is the lower dose... for those interested in trying it.