Not-That-Bright said:
It saddens me to hear that and I know it's truth - yet these voices aren't loud (at least here in the west). There are no masses of people we can see listening to a muslim leader preach peace on our tv - that doesn't mean they're not there, but I simply can't find much evidence of it.
Maybe its just because the media doesnt show much of muslim leaders advocating peace. You have to look at the more objective and BORING stations to see anything of the sort, the only place i hear of peace coming from muslims is on SBS or ABC, or some obscure news report with george negis or wateva at weird times.
All the talk back radio people make it seem like every leader is asking every muslim to commit such violence
Heck i have seen you quote a lot and never have you quoted a message of peace from a leader, but rather the rambunxious rantings of a loud mouth malcontent who just wants to use religion to justify his war mongering.
I guess its just what the media wants to portray, do they want to show peace, or do they want to show only death, destruction and demolition over what the media makes it look like JUST A CARTOON. (by that i mean the crazies are using the cartoons to express their deep rooted hatred)
There are a lot of right minded muslims out there, but dont expect to find them closed of in urban ghettos or in crazy dictatorships, its usually just these guys that get air time anyway.