Need Motivation (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 13, 2013
I'm determined to do well in HSC and complete all my assignments before the hand in date so I can get them drafted etc but as soon as I get home I'm just not motivated to do anything and I procrastinate easily.
But around 11 my head finally switches on and I can actually do work, but I hate staying up that late because I know I'll be tired at school.
At school I focus easily and can get a lot of work done but obviously you have to go home eventually...

So how do you combat this? Any motivational tips? WHat do you guys do to make sure you actually do work when you get home?

Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
Why does your head switch on at 11pm?

What do you in that 5 to 8 hour gap....?


New Member
Sep 13, 2013
I don't know why, I just find it easy to focus around that time. It's hard to explain

I usually get home at 4 or 5pm, eat and relax, most days I go to gym or for a run from 6-7 (I know it probably wastes study time but I need it in my life), then have dinner, shower etc procrastinate some more then bam it's 10:30 and I've done no work.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2011
The Moon
Try experimenting with new methods. A timetable might help. Plan your day out prior, and make sure to have adequate throughout the day to study.


Retired Sept '14
Jan 30, 2009
The Fires of Mordor
Uni Grad
Is there a way you can keep the steam rolling from school by either staying in the school library after if it's open for a bit to at least get into the start of your studies or going to a nearby public library to get the start of work done for the night?

Worth trying something new anyway.

Try incentivising yourself to do work, have to do lists and incentives for when you tick a task or two off.


New Member
Sep 13, 2013
Is there a way you can keep the steam rolling from school by either staying in the school library after if it's open for a bit to at least get into the start of your studies or going to a nearby public library to get the start of work done for the night?

Worth trying something new anyway.

Try incentivising yourself to do work, have to do lists and incentives for when you tick a task or two off.
School library closes at 4:20 and I usually leave when school finishes at 3:10, so I could probably stay that extra hour. As for libraries, I live in Malaysia so travelling in the afternoon is a pain in the ass in terms of traffic jams. Public transport is also a nightmare so getting there would be a bit difficult.

And thanks Amaranth, might try timetabling. Worth a shot anyways


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad
Motivation: Sure. Consider this scenario.

20 days, this time next year. You get your HSC results. You don't get into your dream course/s. And you will be regretting everything so much. Feeling as if you wasted the past 12 years of your schooling life. Now, surely you don't want that to happen.


True Fail Kid
Jul 14, 2012
Tubbytronic Superdome
The bamboo stick is all the motivation you need :haha:.
I guess time tabling would help. Do you make a habit of sleeping very late?


Alligator Navigator
Feb 22, 2012
Try a different sleeping pattern. Go to sleep when you get home and wake up around 6 or 7, then try and study. This worked well for me, because I found that I studied best between like 8 at night till 1 or 2 in the morning, and sleeping when I got home from school meant I was still getting enough sleep.


Premium Member
Jan 26, 2013
Motivation: Sure. Consider this scenario.

20 days, this time next year. You get your HSC results. You don't get into your dream course/s. And you will be regretting everything so much. Feeling as if you wasted the past 12 years of your schooling life. Now, surely you don't want that to happen.
No regrets, Mr. Freeman.

OP, do you like your subjects? Do you like the work that you do in school?
If you like the work that you are doing, then you should think of it as a fun hobby to do rather than studying.


Premium Member
Aug 23, 2012
Uni Grad
I'm determined to do well in HSC and complete all my assignments before the hand in date so I can get them drafted etc but as soon as I get home I'm just not motivated to do anything and I procrastinate easily.
But around 11 my head finally switches on and I can actually do work, but I hate staying up that late because I know I'll be tired at school.
At school I focus easily and can get a lot of work done but obviously you have to go home eventually...

So how do you combat this? Any motivational tips? WHat do you guys do to make sure you actually do work when you get home?
If you need some extra boost of motivation, check this short video out:, it worked a lot to boost my own motivation, particularly near the end of my HSC journey. I think if you ask yourself the following questions and answer them honestly, you will be more motivated and hopefully my own suggestions will also help
1)Why are you doing your HSC? What do you aim to achieve by the end of this last year of your high school life? And how do you think your HSC results will help/determine how quickly you get into the desired course of your choice(try to answer these questions without considering friends, family's expectations or teacher's expectations. Try to focus on yourself and your reasons for doing the HSC)
2)How much effort are you willing to put into to achieve your goals, particularly those related to HSC and subject results? Are you prepared to sacrifice some sleep, are you prepared to sacrifice some relaxation time and perhaps integrate that relaxation time into the hour you are running?
3)What resources do you have that can help to alleviate your problems?- your teachers(asking them questions), the internet(past papers and advice), your friends(perhaps group studying will increase your motivation), your siblings(perhaps make them understand how important HSC is to avoid them annoying you), your parents(perhaps seek help/advise in making their expectations of you be realistic and asking them to be supportive-i.e. cooking healthy food and etc)

My top advice for alleviating your current situation
1)You can either change your sleeping patterns-I know people who tend to study throughout the night because their attention span is zero in late afternoon and evenings and they end up doing brilliantly in the HSC-(you must follow this change for at least 1 month for it to work, that requires self discipline)-you must make sure you are studying at times that are optimal for your brain function and alertness

2)Determine the type of learner you are and perhaps try to multi-task, i.e. instead of listening to music when you are jogging at gym, you might record your voice talking about your essay/notes for different subjects and you can replay it constantly through an audio device such as an iPod when you are jogging, instead of relaxing for so long, perhaps shorten it to a 20minutes to 30 minutes, and you might find a friend to come over, or at library where you teach them the content they don't understand or you don't understand-it will increase your understanding, at school-perhaps try to seek teachers for as much help and clarification as possible-before school, during school and lessons, or after school

3) Find a source of passion for the subject, imagine the freedom you will have after the HSC, one year is really nothing in the long run-where your sacrifice will pay off in the long run, do you want to give this year your very best or do you want to relax, procrastinate and at the end of the year, when it is too late, start regretting you haven't put enough effort-set up a schedule/to do list if it helps you, perhaps jogging or relaxation can be shifted later in the night where you must finish a certain amount of set tasks before you can relax or jog-so these becomes condition/rewards/motivation

Whatever your final study schedule is, make sure you stick to it-I wish you all the best for the HSC and I hope you will be able to find that source of inspiration-whether it is a particularly brilliant teacher, whether it is a particular intriguing and curious subject- as a last resort, perhaps consider getting tutoring to help you manage your time and learnt your content more efficiently and make sure you establish goals and stick it onto your wall to aim for, perhaps also consider packing up your room or study area to make sure it is an area where you feel motivated to study, and when you don't get the result you want, just keep trying-because if you keep trying hard-you will reap in the rewards. May your HSC year be defined by you having tried your absolute best and having no regrets in your effort. Best wishes and I hoped this helped:)


Feb 11, 2011
Mare Crisium
Motivation: Sure. Consider this scenario.

20 days, this time next year. You get your HSC results. You don't get into your dream course/s. And you will be regretting everything so much. Feeling as if you wasted the past 12 years of your schooling life. Now, surely you don't want that to happen.
To be honest, I dont think this mentality really helps you for the day to day stuff. Sure, it gives you a reason to want to do well overall, but for many people it isnt that effective in actually getting them to sit down and do some work.

With regards to the OP, I dont believe that you are wasting as much time as you think. You work hard in school which should significantly reduce the amount of study which you need to do at home. Also, I wouldnt classify exercising and going to the gym as a waste, because you have said that it is important to you and obviously staying fit and healthy is important for your studies. Plus, you need a degree of procrastination and relaxation in order to keep yourself sharp and refreshed.

From what you've said, is it possible that exercise switches you on and prepares you mentally for work? If so, you could consider moving your exercise to earlier in the day so that you have more time for study.


New Member
Sep 13, 2013
The bamboo stick is all the motivation you need :haha:.
I guess time tabling would help. Do you make a habit of sleeping very late?
They only cane boys here. I'm safe :p I love to sleep early, like around 10pm but nowadays I'm usually up until 11-12 finishing work.

Try a different sleeping pattern. Go to sleep when you get home and wake up around 6 or 7, then try and study. This worked well for me, because I found that I studied best between like 8 at night till 1 or 2 in the morning, and sleeping when I got home from school meant I was still getting enough sleep.
I kinda tried that today actually. I tried studying from 5:30 - 6:30 (with no success), so I just decided to sleep for an hour and see how I felt when I woke up. Now I feel much more energised and ready to do work. Maybe this is what I needed all along.. haha

Strawberrye: Wow! Thanks, that was a great response :) Your advice there definitely helped me. And you're right, HSC is only one year but it makes such an impact on the rest of our life. I really want to do well, I guess I just need to find the right schedule that fits my needs as you said then I'll be all good for the rest of the year. Thanks again!

No regrets, Mr. Freeman.

OP, do you like your subjects? Do you like the work that you do in school?
If you like the work that you are doing, then you should think of it as a fun hobby to do rather than studying.
I generally enjoy all my subjects and I'm also topping most of them. But at the end of the day, long-ass tiring assignments will never seem that fun.

With regards to the OP, I dont believe that you are wasting as much time as you think. You work hard in school which should significantly reduce the amount of study which you need to do at home. Also, I wouldnt classify exercising and going to the gym as a waste, because you have said that it is important to you and obviously staying fit and healthy is important for your studies. Plus, you need a degree of procrastination and relaxation in order to keep yourself sharp and refreshed.

From what you've said, is it possible that exercise switches you on and prepares you mentally for work? If so, you could consider moving your exercise to earlier in the day so that you have more time for study.
I agree, exercise works wonders in terms of stress relief. I actually feel more tired and less inclined to do work after exercise but it's worth it imo. I could possibly exercise earlier then integrate a short-ish nap after it, then I should feel more energised to do work for the rest of the night. I'll experiment next week

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