Nelson Mandela has died, aged 95 (1 Viewer)

hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
It was much worse before the ANC came to power.

The thing is though 90% of blacks living in south africa moved to or had ancestors who moved to south africa AFTER European settlement. They would often travel vast differences to get there, because the wealth available to them was unheard of in Africa. So yeah, the Europeans made things better for the black by the blacks own implicit reasoning, and the ANC have made things worse.

who gives a fuck

you want equality, go live in Chad

The ANC and Zuma are in power because of Mandela's actions. Zuma and Mandela were close friends, so Mandela had no problem with Zuma's actions.


Nope, that's idiotic. Just like in teh US, white rule lead to ahistoric stability and wealth for blacks

Nope. ENDING aprtehid has seen a collapse in the rule of law. These problems weren't around before Mandela.

No you fucking retard.

No, it fucking didn't.

ignoring the fact that apartheid wasn't even that bad, the average white person didn't do anything. They were truly innocent, and their presence brought wealth to africa like never before seen.

but if a black person rapes a mans daughter, are you going to excuse him for going out and shooting a bunch of negroes?

of course not.
First of all. That is not what a human being would say and how could you address them as blacks? They are human beings, just as capable of anything as much as you and therefore not to be differentiated by colour. And I am not going to say anything about nelson mandela seeing that you donot appreciate his efforts but the Europeans should have known better than to go around conquering others lands and claiming it as their own. I am not criticizing you or something, but just asking you to not disrespect them or atleast donot talk like that about them.

Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
Guys, there is always a bad history behind historical figures and persons. But what sets them apart is whether the amount of good outweighs the bad.

hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
Oh look sylviab, it appears you are wrong because some people *do* think inequality is an issue

What an extraordinary surprise!
Inequality is useless, people should be given an opportunity, as Australians call it fair chance. i dont know what is wrong with people today,I am just a teenager that will be 18 soon and I myself feel that we are just inhumane. A great man once said 'Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile', and I respect him greatly for that. But if he was here today in this world, he would see not many people that abide by this sentence.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Source of your first claim
if you dont know about the preeuropean south african population you dont know enough about the subject to be talking about it

Hahahaha "who gives a fuck about equality" hahahaha shit look if you hate black people so much grow a pair and just say it instead of pussyfooting around it with pseudointellectualism, it's embarrassing
it has nothing to do with hating black people. europeans created a society that provided blacks to become wealthier than ever before thought possible.

youre saying it was good to violently destroy black rule for the sake of equality, and it has seen south africa become much poorer

Yes because if you are part of the sane political party as someone you are totally responsible for *all* their actions including personal
Retard, learn to read. The only reason teh ANC is in power is because of Mandela. Thus, mandela's actions were bad. Like I said and which you ignored, Mandela and Zuma were close friends and mandela never said anything bad about Zuma, whg

The rest of ur post is literally just insults and saying no like a crybaby, I thought you would get used to being wrong by now like in every other thread but your stubborness is amusing.
Saying "black people rape cos of da whaite man" is not an argument.

Fact is, the rape and murder problem did not exist during the very depths of apartheid, which it should have if this shitty hypothesis is correct.

As the europeans have had less and less power, the problem has grown worse and worse, which is the opposite of what should be happening.

Lol apartheid was terrible and treated non whites as less than human, this is in NO way a good thing.
Apartheid was segregation and certain legal restrictions. If it was so bad, why didnt the blacks leave instead of actively moving TO south africa after the establishment of apartheid.

There was nothing keeping them there. When people really ARE oppressed, they try to flle, like North Korea orduring american slavery.

Apartheid was so bad that not only did the blacks not leave en masse, they were desperate to get IN to south africa

Also, the Europeans were in South Africa before the vast majority of black south africans and created a fantastically wealthy society from scratch (SA was essentialyl empty when they got there).

If the blacks wanted to live in the country created by the Europeans, fine, but they didn't get the same rights as everyone else. Seems fair enough to me. If they didn't agree to this system, they didn't have to move to SA, but millions of them did. Nobody made them live in a country with Apartheid.

The average white person a) didnt oppose apartheid which is bad
blacks were better off under apartheid

and b) most of the "terrorist" attacks were at military, political and strategic targets
nope, thats a load of shit.

At his trial, he had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilising terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists. Here are some highlights

-Church Street West, Pretoria, on the 20 May 1983

-Amanzimtoti Shopping complex KZN, 23 December 1985

-Krugersdorp Magistrate’s Court, 17 March 1988

-Durban Pick ‘n Pay shopping complex, 1 September 1986

-Pretoria Sterland movie complex 16 April 1988 – limpet mine killed ANC terrorist M O Maponya instead

-Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court, 20 May 1987

-Roodepoort Standard Bank 3 June, 1988

, the incidences where innocent white people were specifically targetted were very minimal


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Oh look sylviab, it appears you are wrong because some people *do* think inequality is an issue

What an extraordinary surprise!
The choice for black south africans is poverty or equality.

If they want to live in poverty, then bully for them.

hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
Guys, there is always a bad history behind historical figures and persons. But what sets them apart is whether the amount of good outweighs the bad.
Exactly, No one Is Perfect, People make mistakes. It doesnt mean they are bad.
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."- Einstien
Without trying anything new, political situation never change.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Guys, there is always a bad history behind historical figures and persons. But what sets them apart is whether the amount of good outweighs the bad.
right, and the bad unambiguously outweighs the bad


Jun 8, 2012
if you dont know about the preeuropean south african population you dont know enough about the subject to be talking about it

it has nothing to do with hating black people. europeans created a society that provided blacks to become wealthier than ever before thought possible.

youre saying it was good to violently destroy black rule for the sake of equality, and it has seen south africa become much poorer

Retard, learn to read. The only reason teh ANC is in power is because of Mandela. Thus, mandela's actions were bad. Like I said and which you ignored, Mandela and Zuma were close friends and mandela never said anything bad about Zuma, whg

Saying "black people rape cos of da whaite man" is not an argument.

Fact is, the rape and murder problem did not exist during the very depths of apartheid, which it should have if this shitty hypothesis is correct.

As the europeans have had less and less power, the problem has grown worse and worse, which is the opposite of what should be happening.

Apartheid was segregation and certain legal restrictions. If it was so bad, why didnt the blacks leave instead of actively moving TO south africa after the establishment of apartheid.

There was nothing keeping them there. When people really ARE oppressed, they try to flle, like North Korea orduring american slavery.

Apartheid was so bad that not only did the blacks not leave en masse, they were desperate to get IN to south africa

Also, the Europeans were in South Africa before the vast majority of black south africans and created a fantastically wealthy society from scratch (SA was essentialyl empty when they got there).

If the blacks wanted to live in the country created by the Europeans, fine, but they didn't get the same rights as everyone else. Seems fair enough to me. If they didn't agree to this system, they didn't have to move to SA, but millions of them did. Nobody made them live in a country with Apartheid.

blacks were better off under apartheid

nope, thats a load of shit.

At his trial, he had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilising terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists. Here are some highlights

-Church Street West, Pretoria, on the 20 May 1983

-Amanzimtoti Shopping complex KZN, 23 December 1985

-Krugersdorp Magistrate’s Court, 17 March 1988

-Durban Pick ‘n Pay shopping complex, 1 September 1986

-Pretoria Sterland movie complex 16 April 1988 – limpet mine killed ANC terrorist M O Maponya instead

-Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court, 20 May 1987

-Roodepoort Standard Bank 3 June, 1988
hahaha look if it is legitimate, give a source, it's quite pathetic that you have to make up an excuse not to show it

lol how were blacks "wealthier", how were they better off if now they were treated as subhuman?

violently deestroy black rule for equality? lol what? I never said that

Yes because creating a political party with a certain agenda makes you entirely responsible for every single thing other people in the party do. Zuma being a rapist has nothing to do with Mandela's actions for south africa (but hey, reading that article you happily linked earlier, it appears apartheid has everything to do with high rates of rape in south africa)

lol you completely misunderstood the argument

Men who were abused or experienced trauma during their childhood are much more likely to rape, she said, adding that apartheid destroyed family life, fostering violence and anti-social behavior.

The apartheid period also saw very little enforcement of common law, which has contributed to a culture of impunity, said Jewkes.

Im requoting this because you did not address it, this hypothesis doesn't lead to the conclusion rape levels would have been high during apartheid but entirely explains the effects apartheid would have on people who grew up in those times and are adults in present day South Africa

"Saying "black people rape cos of da whaite man" is not an argument."

no it *is* an argument cos if you fuck up a people enough there will be changes in their behaviour, it's a simple fact of life.

"If the blacks wanted to live in the country created by the Europeans, fine, but they didn't get the same rights as everyone else. Seems fair enough to me"

If the blacks wanted to live in the country created by the Europeans, fine, but they didn't get the same rights as everyone else. Seems fair enough to me

lol m8 iz u for real

did it occur to you that they might have been leaving their countries for other reasons than south africa being some sort of eden? Also how the hell does this justify treating people like shit being "fair". "oh if you're in my country i can do whatever the fuck i want with you"

oh yeah because moving out of a country and leaving your home is a very easy course of action for people, derp do you have any emotional intelligence? did it occur to you that leaving a country is not that easy, especially if you have a home and family?

"blacks were better off under apartheid "

ie. blacks were better off being treated as less than human. Goddamn you're retarded

church street bombings actually targetted South African Air Force i.e. military personnel, many of the people injured and killed were thus military targets. The attack was also in response to a raid that killed 42 ANC members

krugersdrop was actually targetted at the security force too but due to a malfunction did not detonate properly, do your research

"Mohammed Ichbahl and Aboobaker Ismail set up two bombs at the Krugersdorp magistrate’s court adjacent to the local police station, the first to serve as a decoy and the second, a car bomb, directed at security force personnel but, "unfortunately the decoy failed to explode, due to some malfunction". The car bomb explodes killing two South African Defence Force personnel and a civilian."

for the rest of the bombings as im not bothered to dissect them you can see which gives a list of each attack, who was targetted and the ratio of military/security killed to civilians killed

even then, if you were to add up the civilian casualties they are incredibly small compared to the numerous times black people were killed during apartheid

hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
All I know is that, shit happens and thats how the world works. It is a combination of 95% bullshit people and 5 % helpful and nice people. This will always remain like that and we are no one and never be able to change it. Forget nelson mandela, peek inside your ownself and you will be able to find faults. I look at myself today and see not a perfect person but a person who is changed to be a much nicer person. This is no philoshophy or stuff like that. I am just expressing myself and the stuff I see in the world through my eyes. It might be true you statement sylviab, but you should still look at the good things he has done. Rather than going on sites that say bad stuff about him and trying to prove your point, trying exploring things that are good about him.


Jun 8, 2012
"Education was segregated by means of the 1953 Bantu Education Act, which crafted a separate system of education for African students and was designed to prepare black people for lives as a labouring class"

yes fantastic educational opportunities provided by the glorious white man!

hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
"Education was segregated by means of the 1953 Bantu Education Act, which crafted a separate system of education for African students and was designed to prepare black people for lives as a labouring class"

yes fantastic educational opportunities provided by the glorious white man!
That agrees with my statements.

hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
lol yes, because im on ur side?
So what do you think Kiraken, do you think the world has deteriorated down to just selfishness and greed? Do you think there are still good people that remain? I dont know I just keep asking my random question sometimes like this cos they puzzle me. Do you really think anything can be done about the situation in Africa and how?


Jun 8, 2012
So what do you think Kiraken, do you think the world has deteriorated down to just selfishness and greed? Do you think there are still good people that remain? I dont know I just keep asking my random question sometimes like this cos they puzzle me. Do you really think anything can be done about the situation in Africa and how?
lol most of that is irrelevant to the thread

as for the last question, of course it can improve, most crime etc. is a direct result of poverty. Poverty has multiple factors leading to it, the effects of apartheid are one, apartheid has since been finished but obviously a society that has been under the thrall of oppression for so many years and has the residues of attitudes and friction, particularly racial, of those times is going to take time to recover. Improving the health system and education system (for everyone) would definitely help, reducing political corruption would also help.

hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
lol most of that is irrelevant to the thread

as for the last question, of course it can improve, most crime etc. is a direct result of poverty. Poverty has multiple factors leading to it, the effects of apartheid are one, apartheid has since been finished but obviously a society that has been under the thrall of oppression for so many years and has the residues of attitudes and friction, particularly racial, of those times is going to take time to recover. Improving the health system and education system (for everyone) would definitely help, reducing political corruption would also help.
Think about it, it is all relevant. It is all interconnected. People dont see the link and then they just never do anything about it.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
I'm going to quote this the next time you ask why people have zero respect for you.
I guess he never heard of logistical growth when it comes to population.

Sylvia: yeah just blame all the darkies for the woes, white man's burden to make all these uncivilized heathens live properly amirite.


ремове кебаб
Aug 8, 2012
Uni Grad
well, less mouths to feed maybe? I would say thats a plus?

the AIDS/HIV is a form of population control u could say. Just imagine where the world would be right now if there were no STD's or fatal diseases in general. Fucking overflowing with human flesh, disgusting.

Anyone with IQ over 80 can logically deduce, less people=easier management.
fuck that's just fucking cold, you wouldn't be saying that if you had HIV... consider yourself lucky that you live in a country that only has about 120,000 documented cases of HIV and prey you don't eventually get it (which by that statement you probably deserve to)...

it is certainly not a fun way to die...
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