mr_will i have to totally agree with you.
the delivery of the podiatry course at ourimbah campus has been appalling thus far.
all of the problems which you so eloquently state, are alive and well in our course as well.
staff do not answer student questions, lecture delivery is far less than adequate. one staff member has actually said to distressed students: "JUST GOOGLE IT"...
this is my second university degree. i have to say: my old university ROCKED compared to this place. staff were very helpful, and actually gave a stuff about getting their students over the 'pass' line.
here at newcastle, the emphasis seems not to be on 'passing' as such, but rather, constant awareness of academic failure.
i urge prospective students to be aware of mr_will's post : he speaks the truth!!
All my love and best wishes,
aunty blueberry
2nd year podiatry
Mr Will said:
now this is only my second year at uni so I dont want to be too hasty in judging...but in all of my subjects it seems that the lecturers arent effective in communicating the subject materials, they dont bother trying to explain things when people dont understand them, dont respond to emails etc etc.
in combination with tutes now being once a fortnight instead of once a week, im struggling to find justification in the cost of subjects these days
anyone have thoughts?