"barely mentions any sources
distorts the actual question and claims it leads to another conclusion than it actually does
the guy has a known history of actually outright falsifying information
pew's research actually shows the majority of Muslims oppose violent extremism lol
"In many of the countries surveyed, clear majorities of Muslims oppose violence in the name of Islam. Indeed, about three-quarters or more in Pakistan (89%), Indonesia (81%), Nigeria (78%) and Tunisia (77%), say suicide bombings or other acts of violence that target civilians are never justified."
The only "terrorist" groups that seem to have support from the majority surveyed are Hamas and Hezbollah, both of which are likely supported for reasons other than religion (religion isn't the reason for their support in countries like Pakistan etc. cos Hezbollah is Shiite and not Sunni and the support is much more likely due to political support for Palestine and Lebanon against Israel).
And no, im not saying it cos he is jew im saying it cos he *literally* does (the "friends of hamas" scandal, google it)"
-Barely mentions his sources
-When he does he deliberately excludes data that shows the opposite of what he is saying (the pew research actually shows a majority of Muslims have an unfavourable view of extremism but he claims the research shows the exact opposite hahaha)
-Makes logically dubious correlations like supporting Palestine makes you a Muslim extremist or supporting Sharia law makes you a Muslim extremist (even though Sharia law is by no means even a set concept and is not *necessarily* extreme by definition even if it is implied in such a way in some countries)
-Has an actual known history for outright lying about information