Poland okays forcible castration for pedophiles (1 Viewer)


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
I am aware of this. Remove the testosterone, however (which is part of the sex drive obviously), and you also remove the aggression and violent tendencies that fuel the need for dominance/power.
Not really, pretty much every human has a desire for power over others, some just express it more overtly. If they are of this type, removing teestosterone will do very little. Do you think women never experience violence, aggression or a need for power?

Remove the Testicles, remove the Testosterone, remove the sex drive.
I am not saying its bad at reducing reoffending, because it does that really well, i am saying it makes for a really shitty deterent. Nobody can be detered from being attracted to their prefered sex by threats. Do you think you can turn a gay man straight if you outlaw it and threaten them with castration if they dont stop loving men? If anything it will just send child molesters further underground and they will take more drastic steps to keep it secret [i.e killing the kid when they are done, or keeping them as a pet in a dungeon]

Castration doesnt totally remove the sex drive either, and they can still get it up with some effort, its just that their sex drive is totally under their own control and its greatly reduced. Even if it was totally removed, they are still attracted to kids, their psychological issues havent been addressed at all. They will probably still reoffend because its more about a lust for power than a lust for sex.

katie tully

ashleey luvs roosters
Jun 15, 2008
My wrist is limp
But castration will ensure that they never commit the act again, therefore the rights of children will be further protected.
How does it ensure they will never reoffend? It ensures they'll never be able to stick their dick in a 5 year old, it doesn't mean the systematic abuse will stop.

Fail effort imo tbh

katie tully

ashleey luvs roosters
Jun 15, 2008
My wrist is limp
I am aware of this. Remove the testosterone, however (which is part of the sex drive obviously), and you also remove the aggression and violent tendencies that fuel the need for dominance/power.
Most studies today are showing that there is only a week correlation between testosterone levels and aggression, given that many of the results indicate that those with aggrestive tendencies still only produce normal ranges of testosterone. In those given large amounts of testosterone, only a small number of those exhibited increased aggressive behaviour. The thinking now is that testosterone does not cause aggression but may exaggerate underlying aggressive tendencies.

The second problem with the 'testosterone causes bad behaviour' argument in humans is that those studies showing a positive correlation can be read two ways, and there is no definitive answer - it's like the chicken and the egg. Does testosterone exaggerate aggressiveness or does aggressiveness elevate testosterone.

They showed the latter in wrestlers. Androgens rise before a wrestling match and the winner still demonstrates elevated levels after the game, whereas the loser's levels drop significantly, within normal limits.

I'm not convinced by the testosterone causes bad behaviour link imo tbh

The second problem with this is the definition of who should be castrated. In America the debate is over the classifications used to determine candidates.
Generally, the criteria necessary for categorizing
an individual as an SVP/SDP include findings that: (1) the person has been convicted of offenses determined by the state to constitute a sexually violent crime; (2) the person suffers from a diagnosed mental disorder; and (3) as a result of that disorder, the person is likely to engage in sexually violent offenses. Not all states use the term “mental disorder”; some use “mental abnormality”; “mental abnormality or personality disorder”; “behavioral abnormality”;
“sexual psychopath personality”; “sexual disorder, personality disorder, or other mental disorder or dysfunction”; or “mental illness or serious emotional disturbance.”
I have serious reservations about “castrating” someone who has been classified as someone with a “mental abnormality” or a “serious emotional disturbance” given that I think the impact of castration and therefore mutilation of the genitalia will have a much larger profound effect on the person.

Secondly, the efficiacy of castration in reducing reoffence isn’t convincing
studies of non-sex-offender males who underwent bilateral orchiectomy demonstrated that while testosterone may mediate physical sexual arousal, it is not uniformly essential to male sexual functions.
Re: a repeat offender

One year ago, he chose to undergo surgical castration. Since then, his testosterone levels were confirmed as low. Currently, he views himself as cured of sexual deviancy. A penile plethysmograph (PPG) conducted recently confirmed no sexual arousal in response to
young boys. Mr. B., however, demonstrated sexual arousal in response to images of teenage boys on the PPG. Six months after orchiectomy, the hospital staff found a stash of pictures of young boys in Mr. B.’s locker that were cutouts from “family-type” magazines. Mr.
And lastly

Sexual behavior is not exclusively determined by sex hormones.


Mar 30, 2006
the gun show
Not really, pretty much every human has a desire for power over others, some just express it more overtly. If they are of this type, removing teestosterone will do very little. Do you think women never experience violence, aggression or a need for power?
you're not serious, right? You do realise women have testosterone in their systems too, right? At any rate, what she said is accurate.

For example, castration leads to a marked decrease in aggression as shown by castration experimentation on various species. Furthermore, when testosterone is replaced through hormone therapy in these castrated animals, the amount of aggression increases and is restored to its original pre-castration level
Does Testosterone Really Lead to Aggression?

katie tully

ashleey luvs roosters
Jun 15, 2008
My wrist is limp
You mean to say that there are no other psychological factors at play in a paedophile's decision to sexually abuse children?

Taking the step from sexual desire to abuse -an act which displays a complete lack of any empathy towards the innocent victim, requires more than just a biological urge. The sociopathic tendencies evident here would mean the propensity to commit crime wouldn't suddenly disappear with castration, especially with the associated decrease in self-worth. To say that such a procedure will turn a ruthless child abuser into a functional member of society following incarceration is incredibly naive
This this this this this times one billion.

As I've already pointed out, but now I am not alone.

Androgens alone do not govern sexual behaviour and studies have shown that whilst castration is effective to some degree, it's also a shit load not. Like testicular cancer patients with bilateral surgery to remove the testicles, many of these patients have gone on to demonstrate normal sexual function both in terms of sex drive and thw ability to gain and maintain an erection.

If there was some way to prove that testosterone or androgens for that matter are responsible for inappropriate sexual feelings, I might be slightly more tolerable towards this proposal, but there aren't and I'm not

katie tully

ashleey luvs roosters
Jun 15, 2008
My wrist is limp
you're not serious, right? You do realise women have testosterone in their systems too, right? At any rate, what she said is accurate.

Does Testosterone Really Lead to Aggression?
Castrated animals.

Refer to my post about wrestlers. There is no proven link between testosterone and aggression, the most they have is a correlation between testosterone and aggression and it is not even 100% sure whether it's because testosterone causes aggression or because aggression increases testosterone.


Premium Member
Jan 27, 2009
I am not saying its bad at reducing reoffending, because it does that really well, i am saying it makes for a really shitty deterent. Nobody can be detered from being attracted to their prefered sex by threats. Do you think you can turn a gay man straight if you outlaw it and threaten them with castration if they dont stop loving men? If anything it will just send child molesters further underground and they will take more drastic steps to keep it secret [i.e killing the kid when they are done, or keeping them as a pet in a dungeon]
Difference between the two is astronomical. One is ruining a life, the other allows both parties to enjoy life, One is not tolerated in modern society, the other is. Please fail more..

Castration doesnt totally remove the sex drive either, and they can still get it up with some effort, its just that their sex drive is totally under their own control and its greatly reduced. Even if it was totally removed, they are still attracted to kids, their psychological issues havent been addressed at all. They will probably still reoffend because its more about a lust for power than a lust for sex.
I can assure you, with only a fraction of testosterone running through your veins, getting your sex drive going would be a up hill battle with a truck. And if they do re offend even with their balls removed or chemically dried up, they need serious help and be removed from normal society.

katie tully

ashleey luvs roosters
Jun 15, 2008
My wrist is limp
Difference between the two is astronomical. One is ruining a life, the other allows both parties to enjoy life, One is not tolerated in modern society, the other is. Please fail more..

I can assure you, with only a fraction of testosterone running through your veins, getting your sex drive going would be a up hill battle with a truck. And if they do re offend even with their balls removed or chemically dried up, they need serious help and be removed from normal society.
The difference isn't astronomical if you forgot this shit about ruining lives, and focus on the mechanics of the brain and what makes people sexually attracted to young people.

And again with the fucking sex and testosterone, will you jerks fuck off and do some research. Androgens do not govern sex drive alone, this has been demonstrated a heap of times and to deprive a male of testosterone purely as a weak measure of 'prevention' is only going to have other health consequences on their bodies. In which case, if they seek androgen therapy or testosterone replacement to combat this, it is really just counteracting the point of the castration in the first place.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
I am not picking on gays here, iam just pointing out a situation that actually used to fucking happen. Do you know why chemical castration was developed? yeah, to deal with gays. That didnt stop people being gay though did it? You really cant see the similarities between what gays put up with 50 years ago and the witch hunt about pedophiles now?
pedophilia doesnt harm anyone, its not their choice to be sexually deviant, they need help. It is their choice to attack children and they should be punished for it when it happened, but it isnt illegal to be a pedophile.

same thing with pedophiles, castration is not an effective deterrent. Nothing is, really. Sex is one of the main things thats almost impossible to deter people from doing[along with eating, drinking and consuming drugs]


Premium Member
Jan 27, 2009
I am not picking on gays here, iam just pointing out a situation that actually used to fucking happen. Do you know why chemical castration was developed? yeah, to deal with gays. That didnt stop people being gay though did it? You really cant see the similarities between what gays put up with 50 years ago and the witch hunt about pedophiles now?
pedophilia doesnt harm anyone, its not their choice to be sexually deviant, they need help. It is their choice to attack children and they should be punished for it when it happened, but it isnt illegal to be a pedophile.

same thing with pedophiles, castration is not an effective deterrent. Nothing is, really. Sex is one of the main things thats almost impossible to deter people from doing[along with eating, drinking and consuming drugs]

Only source i found was a British male who was a closet homosexual and volunteered to undertake chemical castration because he didnt want to go to jail. 1950's homosexuality was a illegal. He then committed suicide.

Second bold writing: Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


coked up sociopath
Sep 30, 2009
The American Gardens Building
It's quite ironic that the Prime Minister of Poland is calling for forcible castration of pedophiles, while at the same time saying that Roman Polanski (who pleaded guilty to sex with a 13 year old girl) should not be extradited to the US to face trial for his crime.

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