katie tully
ashleey luvs roosters
we cant have some kids learning advanced maths and only others learn general that is giving the kids learning advanced maths an advantage in life the only way for true equality is if they all only do general maths
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Oh fuck off that's not what I said. I'm talking first and foremost about resource allocation and you bloody well knew that. I as public schooled from kindergarten to year nine and private schooled thereafter. At the public school if our teacher was unwell or on an excursion etc we would basically be babysat, so long as it wasn't violent and swearing was kept within reason we did what we wanted in those classes. At the private school 90% of the time we'd have a relief teacher who was actually qualified to teach the subject, continue with the lesson plans of our normal teacher and on the rare occasion that specialist relief teacher couldn't be gotten we would still have textbook would left by our teacher which we had to do in silence. How is that fair on a year nine student, were they meant to take responsibility for ensuring they received a competently taught lesson?i agree, we should close all selective schools
not class segregation either, kids aiming for 40 atars in with kids aiming for 99.95
all doing the same classes
Again that is not what I said. Primary and secondary education should be funded entirely and with a few exceptions (eg a blind student) equally. It shouldn't be a bare bones school for the kids whose parents can't or wont pay and a chateau de chenonceau for those kids whose parents can or will supplement the funding. The intentions of the parents are noble but it's just not fair on the children for whom these matters are out of their control.hahaha
sounds like you went to a shit school. we always learnt when we had a sub.
so you wouldnt be opposed to all schools having the same funding (per student) and if parents want to pay a bit extra (for extra services like qualified teachers) then they can
Private tuition? Piano lessons? A school trip to the museum? Fine but formalized school fees will just lead us back to where we are now and the idea of parents paying a little bit extra, eg donating to the school, I don't see how that stops becoming an informal pre-requisite for the kids to get into the school. In suppose it could go through scrutinized channels before getting there and then it'd be alright.what you said was the same as what i said
funding should be the same and it should provide an adequate level of education for each student and currently it may be too low to ensure this
but once the right level of education can be attained for each student, would you have any objections to parents being able to pay more on top of that to provide their children with an even better education?
Probably not but would want to read more on the cases for and against before I made a call on that.do you want to abolish selective schools also?
Most rich people work long hours, which is why its stupid to claim that a significant portion of them are just "leeches", at least in the sense you're claiming.
Fair enough. Reading back i was being pretty retarded in making a claim to that extent (as KT said).your whole post was a generalisation of a large demographic of people
I know this and am not complaining that things should be "fair". Hard work should be rewarded. Our difference is that i believe that the "playing field" should be leveled a little so people have equal opportunities to show their innovation/hard work.So? An economy isn't about things being "fair", its about producing goods and services people want. Rich people are smarter so its better that they keep and spend their money than it is for poor people/the state to recieve/spend it instead.
To a certain extent yes.SO you think that australia should be poorer if it means greater "equality"?
Not really well read on this.Only slightly. I'm talking about making it the prime source of revenue, and greatly minimising/eliminating income taxes. And low income earners could claim most of their tax back ifyou want to cry and hurting the poor.
if you're against people being able to engage in voluntary exchange to purchase better/more goods and services than other people, then you're against people being wealthier than others full stop, ultimatelyAgain that is not what I said. Primary and secondary education should be funded entirely and with a few exceptions (eg a blind student) equally. It shouldn't be a bare bones school for the kids whose parents can't or wont pay and a chateau de chenonceau for those kids whose parents can or will supplement the funding. The intentions of the parents are noble but it's just not fair on the children for whom these matters are out of their control.
spread the jews amongst the public schoolswhat would be the solution to this Jewish question
How is that "equal" at all? How does that ensure any semblance of an equal opportunity?i can see where lentern is coming from
ultimately he believes that public schools are under-funded ultimately, and especially so when compared to private schools
i also think they should recieve equal funding, perhaps more for schools in shit areas even. but removing the option for parents to spend more than they have to on their childs education is fucking atrocious and thats why no one likes you lentern
also fuck that, public schools are not under-funded, they are just horrible at resource allocation. i mean a bunch of teachers and parents are given massive lump sums of money to do whatever they want with, what a stupid idea. yet we wonder why there is so much waste? look at the school halls shit, it was administrated by TEACHERS and most of it was wasted. they are teachers, not engineers, why would we expect them to know how to efficently spend $500,000 on infrastructure?
I saw no benefits in the added christian focus at my private high school.You're a big ol Christfag, aren't you Lentern?
What about parents who want their children to attend a religious school that the government can't provide for?
In an ideal world no, not with government money.So you wouldn't let people have religious high schools either?