Hey Bec...
Not really wanting to post much , but it seems like you have made something of a judgement call on 'resident fundies' lol....i mean , i have been called that incessantly...yet i have expressed an opinion quite similar to yours.
There is no way i could look down on someone for anything , least of all something as 'morally' grey as this (that is , if morals CAN be grey.. they are in our political system).... you seem to assume people like me have no heart at all? I hope i have mistaken you

Someone also said earlier that christians were just like everyone else but with a holier than thou attitude...I hope they didnt mean all Christians i really do>
If anything i could say Christians are constantly feeling the weight of their 'sin'...which does not lead them (or me anyway) to adopt any sort of holier than thou attitudes...anyway....