Originally posted by ND
Firstly, i was only calling you a racist by your definition, which was an incorrect definition.
my response on excuses/reasons was aimed at everybody who talked about it...
Secondly, to say that aboriginals are disadvantaged simply because of their race is completely rediculous. I had two aboriginals in my year at school, they had exactly the same oportunities as i did. Noone stopped them from getting a UAI of above 99 and getting into any course they wanted... Anyway both of these guys will probably do something decent with their lives, and they're aboriginal! *gasp*
2 whole aboriginals? like wow... 2 WHOLE ONES?... were they adopted? because i dont need to defend this one... its just true, simple fact... aboriginals have it fuckin tough... i am not talking about those who grow up in richer households... (richer than redfern) but those who are forced to live in those dumps (most of them)
fuckin good on em for doing so well, but there is a hell of a lot to go, if we can only mention 2...
Again, you and i both know that i wasn't being literal, stop nit picking. I was obvisouly referring to the way that our tax dollars (and yes, when i'm an actuary i'll be paying a shitload of tax) are wasted on keeping scum like this in jail when they could be better spent on health of education.[/QUOTE]
so you tell us that YOUR OPINION, that this person is better dead... and when you mention YOUR DOLLARS you're talking about all of us...
if you have money you dont want to spend, then dont... cheat taxes skip the country... there is a lot worse shit the government is spending money on, (llike border protection)
and wtf is with SCUM??? serious, if that aint a personal attack then i dont know what is.... NO WAIT... sorry i got it.... thats a wide ranging GENERAL attack targetted at no one particular... definitions of stereotype dont come much clearer...
Resorting to personal attacks, really intelligent ...
replying in kind darling...
Originally posted by poloktim
That's a load of bollocks. Of course there was a choice. Like the choice of not rioting. Not destroying Redfern station, not injuring those police officers, not endangering their own children by having them throw fire. If they wanted a riot, the most sensible thing to do would be to keep their children out of it.
firstly... if every parent sent out their kids to do the throwing and "rioting" the police would still be there trying to quell it... the fact is the majority DIDNT... and those that did probably went out there themselves... or didnt even know their kid was involved until it was too late...
it was almost definately organised by his mates (the kid who died)... and if you think for one second that the adults planned a riot sending out their kids a foot soldiers your extremely naive, ignorant and tolerant...
Now, with a country condemning the actions of those kids, and their own parents, neighbours encouraging their actions, those children are going to wind up confused and frightened. For lack of a better word, everyone who encouraged the children to riot, abused them. They exploited them. They had the choice to do it themselves, or hide behind their own children. No matter what the reason, the cause, the problems, nothing justifies sending your own children, as young as ten, into that sort of situation. That's nothing more than cowardly abuse. [/QUOTE]
I'd rather look at those that directly abuse these kids every day, by not giving them proper healthcare, by not providing them with proper housing.... thats where i wanna look, and so my eyes are directly staring at howard and associates...
of course those kids are going to wind up confused and frightened... there gonna think... "look what we did, and still no one listened" hard not to grow up confused with that...
Originally posted by ...
u r saying that apart from causing riots with burning cars and wrecking buildings and trying to hurt police..that theres no other way to express their feeling or opinions?
there are other ways, but none that have worked... none that have given them the slightest bit of attention in years
Originally posted by ...
hmm..i agree that the aboriginals suffered a lot due to many reasons..but the fact that if u work hard, that rewards will come by...i mean, even asians have to face hard times in australia when theyr first came over
i mean, theres a few successful aboriginal stoies that can motiviate them like Freeman and such
but ising violence with the behaviour in that riot is probably the lowest form of expression
haha the trump card of every racist...
Cathy Freeman...
same story in the US... but there are hundreds and hundreds more black athletes that are hundreds of times better than the white athletes...
the first thing to deal with is that african americans are a much larger percentage of the population than aboriginals... and so whilst black americans can have heaps of role models... aboriginals have very few due to their small percentage...
secondly cathy freeman is a CHAMPION, to do what she did is nigh impossible... and very unlikely...
and nevertheless, where is the motivation for aboriginals to move into other areas such as education, law, politics, higher skilled positions... with very few people to follow in the footsteps of...
and then asians... sure they were discriminated against and had it tough, but they havent had anything like what aboriginals have had... i wont go into a historical comparison, unless i need to
listen the riots werent great, but they werent left with any other option (before when i had said this i assumed that i had already ruled out the other options they had that didnt work... obviously that wasnt smart)