Here's what I understand of Hindu philosophy.. I'm going to try my best to put this into words!
- Belief in a universal God, and that all religions essentially work together. Many Hindus are, to some extent, unitarians. There are also several deities that are also worshipped, sort of with statuses as 'God's messengers' (I don't know how else to say it!) although they are also sometimes referred to as Gods.
- A belief that people are essentially good - there is no hell, only heaven, and there are no sins that exceed God's love.
- An open belief regarding the form God takes. There's nothing that really defines this.. some believe in a human form, while others believe in a spiritual form.
- Everybody is divine, and God is everywhere.
- A belief in Karma - action & response.
- Belief in reincarnation.
- Acknowledgement of the importance of service.
- Heavy importance and significance of family & elders.
- Importance in learning and knowledge.
Hmm okay I tried my best haha! I don't know everything, though.. this is just what I understand of it. I think lots of Hindu beliefs are very much open to interpretation.