Some things never change.
yes... evolution......HotShot said:and also things are supposed to change over time, its natural its evolving, even the westerners had laws like beheading and so on, but they slowly changed over time to the extent that they do not exist anymore (perhaps in a few countries). so thats no excuse, who determined the sharia law?
the fact that the 'westeners' changed their laws... could also be the reason behind an increase in corruption and an increase in acts which were once considered shameful but are no longer looked down upon as such.... the evolution of such laws could also be the reason behind an increase in crime/murder... etc.etc.etc...
I remeber learning in yr 10 history.... mixing in Australian beaches (between males and females) wasn't allowed...
females had to cover from neck to knees(if they were to go for a swim...)....
and if u were to ask alot of old people .. u'd find they'ed agree that dress today is simply rude/disrespectful .. sometimes i wonder just how wonderful this "natural evolution of laws" truly is...
stoning till death.. may seem cruel... however... I'd rather be punished in this world than the next...
if u look back into histroy u'd find that people felt the safest, happiest... and most at ease under Islamic law... ( Islamic shariah)...
there are many many interesting aspects about shariah law...
they extend to war time and peace time...
when the prophet (peace be upon him).. was victorious after a battle... he and his army were able to capture a few prsioners of war...
what do u think happened to these prisoners???
they were tortured,mistreated,left to starve.....
when the companions of the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) tied the prisoners hands with rope so they wouldn't escape.. he ordered his companions to untie the prisoners... and then..
then he imposed the "punishment" on them...
would u like to guess what this punishent was???
at the time the prisoners were well educated and fluent in the arabic language...
so he made each prisoner teach 10 children how to read.. and hence they were freed.... talk about the just treatment of priosners of war
thus is the kind of justice Islam offers to even it's enemies...
Most muslims go back to the ahadith 'sayings of the prophet' and recordings of his actions... and i might add that the prophet Muhammad (peace be upin him) was a prophet,teacher,ruler and was aslo a judge... and in most cases u'd find rulings for issues suurounding us in our everyday lives in the ahadith themselves...
Adultery is listed i think either 2nd or 3rd in the list of major sins.. the first being shirk "associating anyone with God (Allah)"... therefore the punishemt is extremely harsh... (i.e stoning till death)...