SpHan said:
Thanks for that info! I have John's as my second preference, I don't know what made me put Wesley as first lol. It sounds as though college is an amazing place i am really really looking forward to it now (pending i get in of course!!)
When do all the colleges come together are there clubs within the uni or do u hang out in places like newtown pubs etc? And are there formals or balls that all the colleges attend?
You couldnt go wrong with Wes goodluck getting in they always look like they are having fun the few times ive visited even if i got hit by water bombs by the seniors when i was walking in lol
Wednesday nights!!!!! - thats when we all come together, our weekends start on Wendesday and they are awersome. My friend said that most of Wesley goes out on tuesday but I dont know shes a bit of a nerdburger so she could have missed the memo about wednesdays lol. But my other friend there is crazy so i see her at everything.
Wednesday nights are heaps of fun especially in first semester when you start to get to know everyone at intercol, all the colleges go to their pubs, drews - roxbry, i think thats also wesleys but they have their night on tues, pauls goes to sals which is awersome but in pauls and hence womens goes their too, and johns HQ even tho Manning (the uni bar is ment to be our offical sponsor but we cancelled our contract with them because they suck). Then everyone heads to the Grose where it all gets very messy but luckily for us its right across the road from Johns I like to think of it as our living room. Then if your lucky you break into Rydges hotel and go swimming in their pool lol. Basically we hit up the pubs in Gleb Naggs, Roxbry, HQ and the Grose.
Then the colleges have their own bars which they open for parties I would say Sals at Pauls is the best (could be slightly biased there for other reasons lol) they have lots of big themed parties but its mostly pauls and womens but they are the only pub open all week if your a guy then youd appreciate the Womens girls....commitment to their costumes lol. Drews have highlander every now and then which is lots of fun but you have to get to know ppl at Drews otherwise it can be a little intense lol. We have the Dail which doesnt open that often but is always good fun and finally should be renovated soon.
I dont think Wesley has a pub but i could be wrong.
As for formals and informals, each college has their own. Pauls has a massive informal surreal sounds which everyone goes to uni ppl, ppl outside uni its really well known. Drews informals are smaller and its mostly them and they invite their friends. Ours were at manning this semester i heard the first was good I was rejected by the bouncer so I wouldnt know, the second was ok but manning sucks balls. Wesleys got cancelled this year i think their license fell through but i went to one in 05 and it was fun. Formals are some of the best nights of the year I think most the colleges have one in each semester obviously you have to be invited to other colleges as a date. Johns were massive and messy, and Pauls was amazing they pulled out all the stops bc they are rich.
If i can give you one tip, go to everything intercol at least at the start make as many friends possible at other colleges. Youll know everyone at Wes by the end of Oweek, but then go to all the events with your friends (and there are a lot) at the beginning because its always fun to go out and become friends with ppl from other colleges so you have a back up if your friends arent up for going out, that way you get to experience all of intercol and will get invited to the other colleges formals and informals.
Thats was a long response sorry, but i remember before I came I really didnt have much of an idea even tho I was already at usyd and had been to a few informals etc and wanted to know anything anyone could tell me. Plus im bored. Being a fresher is lots of fun as someone else mentioned you are new everyone wants to get to know you, freshers go to everything because uni is that important first year lol.
Best of luck getting in