Rules for Customers (2 Viewers)


Feb 20, 2003
To drunk customers.... don't tell me your PIN number. That's what the keypad I am shoving in your face is for. And if you are too drunk to remember my PIN, walk down to the bank and waste the ATM's time instead of mine!

Also, don't hand me money out of your wallet that contains your own vomit. It's gross. If you have vomited in your own wallet, you should probably be heading home for the evening now.


Oct 20, 2005
Dont enter the store through receiving and start pointing out items in a catalogue that you want to purchase, when we havent even opened yet.
Haha, assholes.

* Don't come in without a coupon, acting as though you're entitled to the coupon deal without it.
* Don't ask for 20 ketchup packets.


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
Don't abuse me because you were unlucky enough to not get a shopadocket for the bowling Club. Its not my fault, nor my problem, and really, who uses shopadockets anyway?

More importantly, don't ask me to go through my drawer (since the only bits of receipt paper we keep in there are from our credit card slips that I can't give you) or my bin to try and find one for you.
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Aug 5, 2004
Mezza [Merrylands]
[x] If i answer the phone with "Good Evening, Video Ezy (insert suburb here)", then i am not just doing it for my own enjoyment... it DOES mean we are open.

[x] If i am sayig "i have to close NOW. If i dont serve you now, i won't be able to, and you will have to leave without movies"... it means get the fuck up here now! not wander around and ignore me.

[x] No we dont have the keyring cards like blockbuster. Thats why i didnt give you one of those. Dont ask why we dont have them, its not going to change the fact we dont. if you like the blockbster keyring cards so much... go to blockbuster. We dont have them because they are just annoying. much harder to scan, because of the keys jingling and jangling all over the place getting in the way.


Sep 2, 2003
hipsta_jess said:
Don't abuse me because you were unlucky enough to not get a shopadocket for the bowling Club. Its not my fault, nor my problem, and really, who uses shopadockets anyway?
Old people. They like to save as many pennies as possible, on top of the senior's discounts they already get.


Oct 20, 2005
Some lady came in today demanding a "senior's lemonade". She thought you could put the word senior in front of any item and then get it for free.


New Member
Sep 28, 2005
Bahaha this is the funniest thread ever.
More Rules: (retail)
- Don't bitch to me if you come in five weeks after your lay-by was due and it's been cancelled. The due date's written on your receipt for a reason!
- Don't whine to me because the shirt you want is damaged (read tiny smudge of dust) and can I reduce it for you. It'll wash out!!
- Don't ask me question when I'm walking out of the tea room, bag in one hand and checking my phone in the other. It's pretty obvious I am going to lunch!!!
- I know it's been said a million times but don't read my name badge and call me by my name. It automatically makes you really freaky.
- Don't chuck a fit when another customer puts an item on the wrong (and cheaper) rack and I won't give you for that price. And don't scream about false advertising to me either.
- If the lights are off and so is the music chances are we've shut. Don't hang around and then try to justify it by saying "All the more money for you". I have a life and want to go home!!
- And working in the lingerie department. If you need a massive or tiny size chances are we won't have it and I don't care if Myer/David Jones/Bras and Things is more expensive that's not my problem don't bitch to me. And to the stupid woman who yelled at me for not having a certain g-string in a size 24 IT'S NOT MY FAULT WE SOLD THEM ALL. And to the other woman who told me I don't understand what it's like to be flat chested because I'll probably get a boob job one day YOU ARE MENTAL!
- And never crack the following jokes:
1) If something doesn't go through the register "it must be free" hahaha
2) When you ask cheque, savings or credit: "Savings, more like spendings" haha
These jokes were not even funny the first time I heard them.

Arghhhh this has got me all fired up. ANd now I have to go to work.....


every me
Mar 20, 2004
north shore./
dont walk into a liquor store and open something before you actually pay for it, its not a bloody pub. pay for your booze and fuck off


Come on join the joyride
May 19, 2004
hunter valley
miss_m said:
2) When you ask cheque, savings or credit: "Savings, more like spendings" haha
These jokes were not even funny the first time I heard them.

hahaha i always get 'savings?! more like slavings!'

yeah stupid arseholes... i havent worked in a week so i have no more rules yet :)


New Member
Sep 28, 2005
Haha four hours of work has given me so much more to whinge about.

- Don't give me a big unbelievable sob story if you want a refund. If you have your receipt I don't really care why you're retuning it that's good enough for me. (The best I've heard was "It was for my mother and she was in a car accident and burnt to death.)
- Don't ring the store to see if we have something get off your arse and come down (these people are the WORST!)
- If I'm ringing another store for you (which I dion't have to by the way!) don't whinge to me if their taking forever on the other end. I hate being on hold too!
- Don't ask to use the staff toilet (even if it's an "emergency" - walk the 50 metres outside!)
- Don't tell me how much you hate Christmas Carols. Try listening to them all November and December for five years. You got nothing on hating them.
- Don't make jokes while I'm dressing a mannequin.
- If your bratty kid spills something TELL ME so I can clean it up. And if you slip over something cos someone didn't tell me don't act like it's all my fault and go on about OHS. How was I sposed to know!?
- Don't some up to me and say "My daughter's about your size/fatter/skinnier. What size should I buy her?" (worse for my friend who got asked her bra size!)
- Don't come in in tight jeans, g-string showing, eyeliner piled on (yeah you know the type..) with fourteen other giggling friends and ask to speak to the manager for a job. Fat chance love.
- Don't whinge cos you can only take three things in teh fitting room and then scream at me from inside to pass stuff in cos every time I'll pretend not to hear you!
- And to my manager: Don't thank me for working so hard and slaving away during Christmas then turn around and give me stuff all shifts when it's not busy!!! No wonder uni students are so poor.
The best customers I ever have are the ones that bitch to me about how useless their ex-husbands are. They are so entertaining!!


New Member
Sep 28, 2005
OMG I can't believe I forgot the most annoying thing of all!! Don't just stand over me while I'm tidying or hover behind and expect me to magically sense that you want my help. Even if I know you're there, unless you say "excuse me" I'm NEVER going to pay attention to you. And if I'm tidying something and you want to look at it ask me to move, don't just dive in while I'm still standing there practically knocking me over.
Wowe I'm gonna have to give this thread up before I get too pissed off.


Premium Member
Feb 13, 2004
Uni Grad
thejosiekiller said:
dont walk into a liquor store and open something before you actually pay for it, its not a bloody pub. pay for your booze and fuck off
tell them doing so puts them at risk of a fine (i think it can be like a $550 on the spot)

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
"All Bags This Size And Larger Must Be Presented For Inspection" is not a suggestion that you can refuse. It's a condition of entry. So don't whinge about it or abuse me when i ask to see your handbag. If you havent taken anything then you've got nothing to hide, right?


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
*Don't ring 3 times in 2 minutes asking to be put through to the meat department. We put you through, and if they don't answer straight away then it is likely they are covered with blood and guts. Please be patient and wait on the line.

*Don't abuse me because I don't automatically put your two items in a plastic bag. We're not allowed to, you need to ask (which the signs clearly state), and besides, use your lazy arse to carry them. Sure, I could give you a plastic bag, but then we'll get taxed for it, and pass that onto you in our prices.

*If you're 25+ and slightly retarded, don't loudly whinge to your mother "she made it too heavy!!!!!!!". Instead, ask me (nicely) "excuse me, Jess, but I have to carry these up the stairs, would you mind packing them a little lighter please". I will happily do so.


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
Rules for fittings rooms:

1. 6 items means 6 items. Not 7, or 8, or 11. Don't give me a bitchy look when I only let you in with 6.

2. Do not SHIT in the fitting rooms.

3. Do not URINATE in the fitting rooms.

4. Do no bring your pathetic friends into the fitting rooms with you and graffiti it--you're not a hard cunt, you're a fucking loser with no life

5. Don't leave your clothes in the fitting room, bend over and pick them up.

6. Do not ask me to keep going and getting different sizes for you, I am obviously busy enforcing the above 5 rules.

Rules for registers

1. Control your fucking brats of children, if they fall off the railings that separate the registers after I have asked them twice in a very nice voice to 'hop off please sweetie', do not bitch to me how dangerous they are and tell me 'its a law suit waiting to happen'.

2. Put the money IN MY HAND, not on the counter. It is the height of rudeness.

3. Do not approach a register whilst on your mobile phone. If you are talking on a mobile phone, you are invisible to me. I am prepared to wait 3 hours until you have hung up.

4. When I ask you how you are today, you are right in assuming that I don't really care, but it is only polite to acknowledge my greeting.

5. Do not hand me foreign currency and expect me not to notice. Or two 5c coins glued together and spray painted gold. Don't get bitchy when I refuse to accept it.

6. Don't ignore me when I ask 'cheque, savings or credit'. Im not asking because I like the sound of my own voice. Don't let me press the button and then refuse the sign the credit card validation slip because YOU didn't press it.

7. If you do not know what flybuys is, when I ask you if you have a flybuys card, just say NO. Don't look at me with a stupid look on your face.

8. When the cash only sign is lit up, it is not lit up because we need some extra light in the store. It means I will NOT accept any cards. Don't go on to yell "well how are we supposed to know?!?!" after I have lit up the sign and been yelling it down the line before every transaction. I will only point at the lit up sign and you will look stupid, not me.

9. Don't bring shit to the registers that doesn't have a barcode on it. When I go on to tell you that I need to get someone to get a barcode for it DO NOT roll your eyes and tell me how much it was. I can't just type a price into the register, it doesn't work like that.

10. Don't fucking change the prices on the stock you bring up. It will still scan at the regular price, and the mangled price sticker really gives it away. If you are clever enough to change the whole barcode, I WILL realise that the $90 playstation game I am scanning is not a $14.99 set of building blocks.

11. If it scans wrong YOU DO NOT GET IT FREE. Do not screech to me that you 'know your legal rights'. I will take much joy in correcting you and letting you know 'that is not the law, ma'am, it is a policy adopted voluntarily by the bigger supermarket chains'. We a not a supermarket, nor are we bound by the policy. If you wish to argue that we are a supermarket, kindly point me toward the fresh foods and I will gladly give it to you for free.

Rules for the service desk

1. Don't come back doing something completely dodgy with store credit vouchers or returns and then get the shits when we catch you out. We have seen your dodgy attempt at scamming us a million times and won't let you rort the company, no matter how many times you jump up and down and sulk.

2. I AM the boss. Don't ask for someone higher.

3. No I will not accept a pair of shoes that have clearly been worn and have nothing wrong with them apart from being the wrong size. If its not in a saleable condition, I will not take it back.

4. Don't bitch to me about the lines being long. I am only going to point out that its christmas, a busy time of the year, and that EVERY REGISTER IS FUCKING OPEN!

5. Bag checks are not optional. We are not asking if you would like to show your bag, we are telling you to fucking open it. Alternately we can call the police and you can sit in our security office for 3 hours until THEY arrive to check it.

6. The $25 delivery fee is not a suggestion, its the fee. If you don't want to pay the fee, we don't want to deliver it to you. Simple.

Rules for layby

1. There is always a chance we will misplace or lose your layby. DO NOT wait until 6pm on Christmas Eve to pick up your child's new bike. If we can't find it and don't have anymore in stock, we're not the ones with the disappointed children.

2. No, I will not waive the service fee 'just for you'. I don't care about you anymore than the next moron in line.

3. I don't care if you have had to wait for 30 mins and am going to 'report me to head office in Melbourne' They care even less than I do. Do not get even more enraged when I fail to express any concern that you are going to 'report' me.

4. When we tell you we need 3 days notice for you to pick up certain items, we aren't doing it so we can put on make up, get our hair done and look our best for you when you come in. It means your items are NOT IN THE STORE!

Rules for the phone

1. LISTEN to me when I answer the phone. If I say "hello <store location> how can I help you?" don't go onto ask if this is <store location>. Its not a game.

2. Don't get pissed when you have to wait more than 30 seconds and call back 3 different times on 3 different lines.

3. If you can't speak English, don't even bother calling.

4. No I will not hold something for you if its on sale. Get off your arse and come into the store like everyone else.

5. When you are angry, don't bother asking for surnames of staff members so you can 'report' them. No matter how much you yell and swear at me, its not information I am going to give you.

6. Don't try and have phone sex with me, we have your phone number and you will get a suprise phone call back from the cops.

Rules for the selling floor in general

1. I don't care if you work in retail and think we should be doing something a different way.

2. If you drop something on the floor, fucking get over yourself and pick it up.

3. If you open a packet, I will make you pay for it. Or we can discuss it with the police. Your choice.

4. If a door says 'emergency exit--door is alarmed', don't test it.

5. This isn't the singapore markets. Our prices are not negotiable. Don't come and haggle with me.

6. One word: deoderant.

7. You glaring through the doors at me at 8:55 will not make me open them any quicker. In fact I will probably wait till 9:05.

8. Next time you look at the logo on my uniform and ask me if I work here, I am going to just keep walking.

9. If I have am carrying my handbag, eating a sandwich and talking on my phone, I am NOT going to stop to help you ponder which brand of engine oil you should buy.

10. In general, being rude will not make me try to help you. Just a tiny bit of niceness, gratitude and understanding go a LONG way.
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Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
Ok, I'm sorry, but thats just fucking wrong. I don't care how little control you have over your pelvic floor muscles or your anal sphincters, noone in their right mind would do that..surely?

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