- the print under the huge "up to 50% off" signs reading "selected merchandise only" DOES exist. There is not 50% off the entire store - SELECTED MERCHANDISE ONLY.
- with gift cards, when I say "and I'll just need you to enter in your pin - <insert random numbers here>", don't stand there staring at me and say "pin? What pin? We didn't get any pin!" Just enter in the damn numbers. And if I get annoyed by your slowness and do it myself, don't huff and puff at me. I have other people to serve too.
- when you get to the registers and your stuff doesn't have any number at all on it, I’ll hunt down an APN for you, it happens, but saying "oh no, did we get something with no barcode?", or whinging, just annoys me.
- don't hit on me when I'm working, and then get offended and start swearing when I ignore you. It's not cool, and you're repulsive anyway.
- when someone has stuck a little incorrectly-priced sticker over the barcode, it's what it scans at if we've rung someone up and checked for you. I don't care that other stores have a "prices as marked" policy - we don't.
- attempting to steal a whole five dollars worth of stuff is pathetic.
- once the sale is completed, don't come back to me five minutes later complaining about the price. I can't do anything about it, go to the Courtesy Desk.
And last but not least:
- in footwear, PICK UP THE SHOES AND PUT THEM BACK ON THE RACK. You have no idea how hard it is scooting along the floor of footwear and pulling apart piles 5 shoes high.
Wow, that was a great rant. I feel much better now.