Rules for Customers (4 Viewers)


Jan 12, 2006
I don't CARE if Supermarkets gives you the item free if it scans at the wrong price. We are not a Supermarket. You get it at the correct price and yelling at me is not going to make me magically change story policy.

Secondly, don't be an asshole to me and expect me to be nice back. I WILL be cold and completely ignore you for the transaction and then say in an overly sweet voice 'have a nice day'. You deserve it.

Finally - do NOT look at my name badge and ask 'so what type of wog are you' in a nasty tone. It is fucking out of line and as someone who grew up during a civil war, I have actually dealth with shit in my life instead of you and your ugly tweed jacket living off your rich husband. I will inform you I am Serbian/Croatian and grew up living in a war zone but still came here and finished high school and work.



Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
Believe it or not, if you buy a DVD which we neglect to unlock, we cannot at a later date unlock it for you without your receipt. I'm sorry, but how do I know you haven't just nicked it?

We're a tiny store, with a grand total of 7 aisles, do you really expect us to have fuse wire? Go to the hardware store.

When I'm having a really good day, and working like a trojan, please don't do anything to spoil it.

If the guy across the registers and I are having some hardcore flirting going on, no, its not coz we like each other, we're just bored out of our brains


Dec 15, 2004
i tend to have a high tolerance to idiots; and in 99% of most circumstances i demonstrate an equal amount of respect to both idiots and genuises (in fact if i act like a smartass to someone i'll probably get the boot). that's why my wage tends to be a tad larger than most people my age (18).

'nuff said. treat people how you want to be treated - you don't want to hear customers saying to their mates after getting served by you "wow, did you see that bitch who served me?"
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Nov 4, 2004
*Minka* said:
Finally - do NOT look at my name badge and ask 'so what type of wog are you' in a nasty tone. It is fucking out of line and as someone who grew up during a civil war, I have actually dealth with shit in my life instead of you and your ugly tweed jacket living off your rich husband. I will inform you I am Serbian/Croatian and grew up living in a war zone but still came here and finished high school and work.

I had to get rid of "stephanos" from my name badge because customers would get offended and told the managers for me too put an "aussie" name up, hence steve :(


Jan 12, 2006
Casmira said:
I had to get rid of "stephanos" from my name badge because customers would get offended and told the managers for me too put an "aussie" name up, hence steve :(
My name is actually Miroslava - Minka is a diminutive/nickname for that. No one calls me Miroslava - it is always Minka and of course, Target refused to let me have a 'silly nickname' on my badge. I had one customer yell at me to go back to my own country or change my name to something Australian like Mary.

So the next day, I made myself my own name badge that said:

Мирослава Злата Наталија

That would be my name, Miroslava Zlata Natalija, written in Serbian. It pissed so many racist customers off and I laughed about it so much.


narcissistic whore.
Mar 18, 2004
the floor
I wear different name tags all the time because I hate it when customers call me by my name.

clearance does not mean everything $2 nor does it mean 80% off. It means that the stock is old so it is reduced so we can get rid of it. Sticking a $2.86 sticker on it does not make it clearance either, dummy.


Aug 31, 2004
wow. an hour later and i think i've read them all.. or maybe i skipped a page or two. damnit. this thread is a riot.. but despite the two? newsagency replies i've some more to add.. perhaps more isolated to the store i work at.. but hey.

we have one terminal for lotto. ONE. i know other stores have more. sorry we dont. so don't glare at me it is in use and mutter about lazy staff.

don't tell me its too early in the morning to be cheerful. believe it or not, we're open in the mornings and i'm expected to be as such. would you prefer me to be grumpy and have you complain about that? (same goes for when i worked at a 24hr mcds -- if you want me to serve you a damn burger at 3am i have to be cheerful to keep my job!)

i am not an octopus and the terminal is not a voiceconverter nor very speedy - neither of us are able to convert that babble you just said into a numerous amount of tickets.

the lotto terminal will scan your ticket provided the barcode is in tac. after scanning it will either place a 'winning ticket' or 'no prize due' (or something to that affect) on the bottom. that is its job. do not come back and say you should have gotten a payout. i dont play the game, i know the basics.. but what i do know is that the computer is not out to get you.

you are in new south wales. lotto is done by new south wales lotteries. do not hand me tickets from other states. please. i cannot check them nor send them anywhere. take some initiative - if you've won its worth the effort.

just because i work at a newsagency doesnt mean i know the price of every obscure newpaper, magazine.. as well as the issue dates, freebies and number of pages..

any form of published material in the store has a return date to the publishing company that provides it. therefore, we do not keep backcopies and last weeks sunday paper has gone home. similarly, if you see me changing over magazines, don't ask me for them. no amount of smile, flirt or joke works. you can buy it only. invoices record quantities. nothing in this world is free.

when you come to the counter - please hand over your items, i dont know prices off the top of my head -- they aren't labelled just for your benefit.

if you wish to buy travel passes - travel 10, tway.. dont tell me where you want to go, who you're seeing and why you're going there. i see little cards with colours and a pricetag - work with what i know.

despite what seems to be popular belief -- newsagency staff are not in on an evil conspiracy of rigging lotto numbers. there is also no access to a secret 'print winning ticket button' -- if i knew about it, i wouldnt be standing here listening to your lame joke that was told by the customer before you.. and the one before them..

i cannot see through scratch panels. please dont request that i give you THE winning one or joke about the 'free tickets' that continually come up -- thats how they suck you in.. and you just keep coming back don't you...

our around the corner 'blindspot' isnt all that blind. i have a screen to check on every few moments.. dont be intimate. dont scratch yourself. dont examine body parts.. just because you think you cant be seen.

dont tell me your 'if i win' stories - please. because every single one of them seems to have your number one priority as buying me a car, a house, a bottle of champange..... *sniffle. i've been let down too many times. ha!

you cannot pay for lotto with credit. there is a big sign on the wall to tell you that. if you don't have the money you should not be playing.

the store does not have a nametag policy -- therefore i am not obliged to offer you my name. do not replace it with some generalised noun. and, yes, my name is printed on your phone recharge receipts.. being printed is not an invite for it to be used.

if you go to the adult section, thats fine. but do not continuously twitch and watch over your shoulder and pace - the be-alert theft awareness kicks in and i do have to keep a closer watch on you.. which seems to make you even twitchier. also, do not ask me on the best type of adult reading - if i tell you - nicely - to look for yourself dont be so sure ive read them all. im at work, my boss is around the corner and im not having this conversation with you.

if you can see it is getting busy and i say, hold one moment ill need some service help and i pick up the phone. it is an intercom. it gets more people to serve you faster. dont tell the customer behind you that im making random phonecalls. a half a second request does wonders for an impatient queue.

do not creep up to the counter entrance door and expect me to talk through a hand-hole. the half door does have a catch. you are not allowed in. and if you get too close i will have to question your motives for moving closer to the till. as much as i like to keep perspex between us, take two steps towards the counter.

i work at a newsagency. i am not the shopping centre directory. i do not know the surrounding roads...

and damn, the most grr-worthy thing is that all these happened today. oh, tomorrows day at work to look forward to.


Apr 27, 2003
*Minka* said:
My I had one customer yell at me to go back to my own country or change my name to something Australian like Mary.
It pissed so many racist customers off and I laughed about it so much.
Casmira said:
I had to get rid of "stephanos" from my name badge because customers would get offended and told the managers for me too put an "aussie" name up, hence steve :(
Aug 5, 2004
Mezza [Merrylands]
- The release dates for movies are controlled by the distribution companies (roadshow, buena vista, sony, etc). If movies don't come in on the displayed date, we are as shocked and disappointed as you, but we have ABSOLUTELY no control over it. We may give you a release date. It may be wrong, but it's what we've been given. If you have an issue with this, please do our job for us and call the distributors and ask where the hell our movie is. We don't know when the deliveries are coming, until we see the couriers' trucks enter the carpark.

- (an extension of the above) dont ask me to just go out the back and put one 'coming soon' movie on file for you. just think about that for a second. if we HAD a box of brand new copies of a much-anticipated movie... why the hell would we keep it out the back in a box, when we can rent it and make some money off it?!?! When the movie comes in, putting it on file and making it available for rent is our top priority, but it must COME IN first. Duh!

- dont pull the old 'im a friend of the managers so i should get this for free, otherwise i'll tell her and you'll get fired...' It doesnt work. if she wanted you to use her account, she would have left a message. it REALLY doesnt work when she is standing behind you in the line, hears it all, and has never met you before in her life. *the look on your face is priceless*

- dont claim 'discrimination based on race/religion' when we won't break store policy for you.
[e.g. - a man comes in and has a $12 late fee. it was a 2disc movie, so we delete half of it for the second disc... as is store policy. thats all sorted and fine. the woman behind then comes in with a $6 late fee and demands we only make her pay half her fee and delete the rest, despite being entirely different circumstances. when the manager tried to explain this to her, she put her hand up in the managers face and yelled 'i dont wanna hear it from you. i dont wanna hear it. i dont care. etc' over and over. she later complained to head office that we were discriminating against her because she was muslim. if you say so luv. some of our best, and favourite customers are muslim, so grow up and stop being a dick.]

- each time we ask you for id, we mean it. it is the law. to hire R18+ rated movies, you need to prove you're 18+. we might know you are, or think you are... but its the law that we have to ask, and you have to present id. i dont care if the 'other guy' lets you hire without it. i wont. also, dont come in 2 days later and try the same thing on the manager. she wont. also, dont pretend that i didnt tell you last time. i know i did. then dont do the same thing with the managers sister 2 days later. and again deny that you had been told previously, when both the manager and myself are there and can say without a doubt you have been told. we aren't stupid, but you are.

*end rant*


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
The stickers on reduced stock are fluro green. Date stickers are white. Please do not confuse the two

Please do not complain to me that the price of a carton of cigarettes has gone up $7, it is the cigarette companies that set the prices, not us, and even if it were us, and you were truly that concerned, shouldn't that be incentive to give up?

There are only two areas in the entire store which are not captured on camera, neither of which you have access to. Please refrain from doing anything embarassing whilst in the store, as, yes, it will be caught on camera.

If you look under 25, I HAVE to ask you for ID when purchasing cigarettes. Therefore, bring your ID with you.

If you're old, please bring your glasses with you. When I have a list longer than your arm of tasks I need to complete, I probably won't appreciate standing there figuring out which tin of peaches has the lowest sugar content.

My workmates and I all get along well. Do not bitch to one of us about another, as we will laugh to your face and then inevitably tell the other person about it.

Do not constantly harrass one of our staff members. You've already asked him out countless times, he has said no every time, and if you continue to do it while he is working, we will call the police.

See those big plastic doors you just walked through, into back dock, with huge signs up everywhere saying "authorised personnell only" "staff only" etc, well guess what, you're not allowed here!

I have no control over when the truck comes in, therefore I have no control over when stock will be on our shelves.

Don't bitch to me about how grocery must be "all out the back, slacking off" when you can see several flat-tops in every aisle, with people unloading each one. It isn't an easy job, they're working their butts off, and I'd like to see you do it any quicker.

If I'm standing in the front desk, on the phone, please do not try to talk to me. I'm either talking to another customer who got in first, or a boss, who I refuse to ask to wait just so I can answer your pathetic question which wouldn't need to be asked if you stopped to think for half a second

If I look like I'm in a rush, I probably am. Please don't stop me.

If you want to complain, see that lady over there with the very blonde hair and funny voice? Shes the front end manager. Go annoy her, and if the complaint is about me she will probably laugh to your face. Just as I did.

If I happen to be in my store, but out of uniform, guess what, I'm not working!! Therefore, please do not ask me anything, because right now, I'm just a customer like you. Although, I am a customer that will get better service than you.

I'm not a member of grocery. Therefore, I don't know where every obscure product is located. If you'll be so kind as to wait one moment, I will call a member of grocery who is sure to know.
Nov 4, 2004
*Minka* said:
My name is actually Miroslava - Minka is a diminutive/nickname for that. No one calls me Miroslava - it is always Minka and of course, Target refused to let me have a 'silly nickname' on my badge. I had one customer yell at me to go back to my own country or change my name to something Australian like Mary.

So the next day, I made myself my own name badge that said:

Мирослава Злата Наталија

That would be my name, Miroslava Zlata Natalija, written in Serbian. It pissed so many racist customers off and I laughed about it so much.
Ah Serb, probably the only other race my parents wouldn't mind if i brought home, anything else and I'll get shot on sight :p. You know what its like at least too get constantly hounded by xenophobic customers. Today there was a customer that couldn't speak good english but she was greek (tourist) and I helped her out speaking greek too her, and customers went and told my manager that I'm not speaking english, even though that customer spent $800+ on items, should I go speak english so I can't understand her fully and her end up prob spending alot less.

Thats my name in greek but the last letter of my last name (sigma) is the other sigma but stupid word doesn't have it so that'll have to do :p.


May 19, 2004
Casmira said:
Today there was a customer that couldn't speak good english but she was greek (tourist) and I helped her out speaking greek too her, and customers went and told my manager that I'm not speaking english, even though that customer spent $800+ on items, should I go speak english so I can't understand her fully and her end up prob spending alot less.
Some people are just pathetic. Like get a life! It would have been pretty obvious that you were helping her and not just bitching about other people.
I'd do the same thing if the situation came up.


narcissistic whore.
Mar 18, 2004
the floor
I think the whole xenophobic thing is just reliant on where you work. At my work at least 75% of customers come from non-english speaking backgrounds so they don't care about ethnic names or not speaking english. I find that most of them are glad that we have staff that can speak their language- it just makes everything so much easier.

Actually come to think of it, all of my managers come from non-english speaking backgrounds. Supervisors included.

Ranger Stacie

hollaback girl
Oct 13, 2003
central coast
Do not laugh when your children run behind the counter. Its not safe, and makes our job a lot harder. If your child gets injured, we will be the ones laughing :).

dont leave your dirty plates and mugs on ledges and on the newspaper stand, this is dirty, and likely floor staff will not see it, and possibly smash it.

dont leave your hand bags lying in the walkway! carrying your coffees is a fricken balancing act, dont make our job any harder

dont leave dirty nappy wipes on the table! for god sakes, why the fuck would you be even doing this on a cafe table? people are eating.

dont block the entire walkway with a trolley/pram, and glare at me when i ask you to move it. fucking wanker. i cant float.

dont ask me to make reccomendations about what you should have for lunch. i dont know you, i dont know what you like. i dont even eat this shit becuase i dont want to be the size of a house, like you

wheres the sense in ordering a soy milk thickshake, with extra chocolate, and a huge slice of tiramisu cake? your arse is already the size of a small country.

Ranger Stacie

hollaback girl
Oct 13, 2003
central coast
Casmira said:
I had to get rid of "stephanos" from my name badge because customers would get offended and told the managers for me too put an "aussie" name up, hence steve :(
that is fucking rude


Sep 8, 2004
Casmira said:
I had to get rid of "stephanos" from my name badge because customers would get offended and told the managers for me too put an "aussie" name up, hence steve :(
... so, do you go by Stephanos everywhere else? Is that why it is a problem?


Jan 12, 2006
Casmira said:
Ah Serb, probably the only other race my parents wouldn't mind if i brought home, anything else and I'll get shot on sight :p. You know what its like at least too get constantly hounded by xenophobic customers. Today there was a customer that couldn't speak good english but she was greek (tourist) and I helped her out speaking greek too her, and customers went and told my manager that I'm not speaking english, even though that customer spent $800+ on items, should I go speak english so I can't understand her fully and her end up prob spending alot less.

Thats my name in greek but the last letter of my last name (sigma) is the other sigma but stupid word doesn't have it so that'll have to do :p.

Oh TELL me about it.

I swear, some customers seem to think I have planted landmines all across the store as well as have grenades and a rifle under my register because my nametag says Miroslava and not something 'cute and harmless' like Katie or Elizabeth. I have had quite a few people look at the badge, look at me, and then say 'Oh you are one of those DANGEROUS wogs' or 'Don't you have something to set fire too or someone to shoot?' and then go to someone else's register. Doesn't bother me. As if I was going to be nice to them after that.

I do speak to some elderly customers in Serbian or Croatian because a lot of them do struggle to speak English. The girl on the register across from me had a elderly Serbian woman trying to ask for some help. It was not at all busy, so I went over and told her in Serbian that I speak her language and can help. After I went and found her the dolls she wanted for her granddaughters, the girl from the registers said in a very snotty tone 'We speak ENGLISH in this country. Leave your wogspeak in Europe'. Little bitch.

I got the last laugh on her - the lady came back an hour later with this gorgeous little bracelet from Diva and she put it on my arm and insisted that I keep it when I told her she didn't have to do it. It was so pretty - the snotty cow was eying it off for the rest of our shifts.
Last edited:
Nov 4, 2004
steph@nie said:
I think the whole xenophobic thing is just reliant on where you work. At my work at least 75% of customers come from non-english speaking backgrounds so they don't care about ethnic names or not speaking english. I find that most of them are glad that we have staff that can speak their language- it just makes everything so much easier.

Actually come to think of it, all of my managers come from non-english speaking backgrounds. Supervisors included.
I work in rockdale and most customers are european/asian, the managers also got offended

Ranger Stacie said:
that is fucking rude
that is also why i do find aussie girls very attractive but refuse to go out with one, at the same time i was about to go out with one and her parents told me they want her girl 'going out with an aussie'

cimbom said:
... so, do you go by Stephanos everywhere else? Is that why it is a problem?
Nope, its always shortend too steve only my first job was at the timberyard owned by greeks they called me stef or stephanos

*Minka* said:
Oh TELL me about it.

I swear, some customers seem to think I have planted landmines all across the store as well as have grenades and a rifle under my register because my nametag says Miroslava and not something 'cute and harmless' like Katie or Elizabeth. I have had quite a few people look at the badge, look at me, and then say 'Oh you are one of those DANGEROUS wogs' or 'Don't you have something to set fire too or someone to shoot?' and then go to someone else's register. Doesn't bother me. As if I was going to be nice to them after that.

I do speak to some elderly customers in Serbian or Croatian because a lot of them do struggle to speak English. The girl on the register across from me had a elderly Serbian woman trying to ask for some help. It was not at all busy, so I went over and told her in Serbian that I speak her language and can help. After I went and found her the dolls she wanted for her granddaughters, the girl from the registers said in a very snotty tone 'We speak ENGLISH in this country. Leave your wogspeak in Europe'. Little bitch.

I got the last laugh on her - the lady came back an hour later with this gorgeous little bracelet from Diva and she put it on my arm and insisted that I keep it when I told her she didn't have to do it. It was so pretty - the snotty cow was eying it off for the rest of our shifts.
absoloute pricks, how dare they say dangerous, i just kept getting told off for not speakign english you copped alot more shit than i have, not sure how you go through it


Jan 12, 2006
Casmira said:
absoloute pricks, how dare they say dangerous, i just kept getting told off for not speakign english you copped alot more shit than i have, not sure how you go through it
Its OK. I guess the problem is that the moment someone hears the words 'Serbian' or 'Croatian' or see a name that looks it, they just think of raging war criminals.
Nov 4, 2004
More like civil war, greece had a civil war in the 60s and just because it was a little longer ago people remember it more clearly. Ignore them, its just like hte "macedonians" who think they're descendants of Alexander/Phillip. Let them live in their fantasty world :uhhuh:

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