Re: Semester 1 Chatter
goony said:
finished at 10am today
Anyone else get a short day because science lab sessions dont start till next week?
but then i had to wait in the damned copycentre line
and then the co-op bookshop line (to no avail)
then i had to borrow mother textbooks from the library
but i couldnt find them
and then i asked the library lady and she sent me to where i was before
but the 500's were nowhere to be seen
but then i saw 'em finally
and then the bus wouldn't pick us passengers

so i got pissed off and walked to broadway which almost made my arms fall off
then i scouted out mountain street and went to kopystop to get 3 more books
then i took a breather outside UTS and alerted the uts cats to my presence there in the hope that someone would befriend me/carry my books to central
no luck.
then i headed off again to central
then the train decided to go 'all stops' except oatley (how unusual

was NOT walking in this damned heat with all my books from 2 stations away
waited for a train to oatley
walked home
my everything hurts