Obviously the stupid, stupid timetable server will not give me what I want... so therefore, I resorted to my own timetabling skills. If it all goes down well, that's what I should have. Commerce subjects are breezy

no science, little hours!
WAIT, do you guys think if I switched from ECMT1010/MATH1004 to MATH1005, they'd still let me major in econometrics? ECMT1010 is listed as a prereq?
WAIT (II), just found it
"Students who complete MATH 1005/MATH 1015/MATH 1905 and an additional junior MATH unit are not required to complete Business and Economic Statistics A (ECMT1010) but must replace this unit with another junior unit of their choice from the Faculty of Economics and Business. However, students who intend to undertake a major in Econometrics should study ECMT1010 and choose alternative MATH unit options to meet the requirements of the Science component of their degree."
Sigh, do you think they'd give me an exception?