Richie27 said:
Fuk oFF EMO!!!:mad1:
go die silently in a corner.... yeh u buddy!
You've seen one of my posts and already (you think) you know exactly what I'm like and exactly what I'll do!
I think not. See, it's people like you who generally give men a bad name.
Richie27 said:
I think ur just jealous cos ur heaps pov and kno ur not gonna get any so go fuk urself cos thats the onli action ull eva get u fukn HOMO!
For your information, I get plenty. And better yet, my girlfriend doesn't have to be wasted or strung out on coke in order for me to do so.
Richie27 said:
Yeh thanx i kno im kool i get told that all the tym
You really need to know about the nuances of the English language, like the sarcasm that was completely lost on you just now. But before that, we'll have to work on your spelling. Illegitimacy really doesn't do much for you when you're trying to pick up. Of course, if you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd know that you don't
try to pick up. It simply happens.
Richie27 said:
oh btw soz 4 baggin out kno the guy b4 if i knew he was ur boyfriend then maybe i wudnt of sed anyfin

but now that u est. how much u lyk him n that u 2 r goin out im pretty happy
that i fukn bagged him out :rofl:
SkooliEZ 07!!!!
Wow, you run out of arguments so you turn to unfunny gay jokes. Further proof of why your victims are going to have to be high and wasted at the same time in order ofr you to get some.
Tell me, does trying to be cool on the itnernet by flinging cheap jokes about homosexuality make up for your incredibly under-sized penis? I mean, you're definately compensating for