It's learn-the-entire-year-11-course-in-

Todays my 3rd day doing chem, and i've finnished chemical earth, metals, and water.
The only thing i skipped was the development of the periodic table because I hate reading about ancient people doing ancient stuff.

I remember falling asleep reading astronomy in physics because they had a section like that.
Tomorrow i'll finnish energy, and thus complete the prelim course!

Then I'll do inverse trig and binomial in one day, meaning i'll have revised the entire 3U Prelim + HSC course.
And I just remembered I have an english assessment due the first day back. I have no idea how to start it, and I don't intend to start it untill the day before it's due because i hate enlgish and i don't want to ruin my holiday by doing something so horrible.
Apart from english, i'm quite pleased at the speed i'm progressing through all my courses.