Suicide (1 Viewer)

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Nov 21, 2005
sasquatch said:
How can you not say someone committing suicide is not selfish. Experiencing .......... make a post.
First things first: if i ever meet you.... I can't say what i will do. You have no right to say that she didnt think about everyone around her and the consequences that her death would bring. No-one knows what she was thinking, or why she did it, so you can't call her selfish. Also, your point about "rough times" that people go through, yeh people go through that; but it's often just a phase that passes or it can lead to depression. Some people have one or two bad days where they go "Oh, i'm depressed i feel really sad and i want to die" but this isn't depression. If you could even grasp the tiniest notion of what depression actually is then you wouldn't have said anything in this post. If someone is depressed then they constantly feel down many times over a certain period of time. It's not their fault; see your lucky in that you probably don't have depression, and your chemical balance is right. But people with depression have a lack of chemicals in their brain that help them to think logically and be happy. It is, as some said, like cancer, an illness. But if you think that cancer patients suffer and depressed people don't, your wrong. Ok, i highly doubt that anyone here has had a serious cancer and gone through years and years of treatment but it is possible, so if you have speak up. But since that is the case, how could you know what its like? Have you personally experienced cancer or depression? From the way you're bagging depression out i'd say no, but you may have seen the former. Okay, some people who get cancer do suffer for years and then pass away, but this isn't always how it is. I had 4 grandparents when i was born in 1989 and now i only have one through heart attacks and cancer. I've seen them, and yes people with cancer do suffer. I'm not saying they don't. But I also have a family history of clinical depression and have experienced much more of that than you could possibly imagine. If you think that depression is a load of crap, then wait til you see whats coming -

"In some countries, such as Australia, one in four women and one in six men will suffer from depression."

I hope that you experience this sometime and you realise what it's like. You may be thinking "Oh this guys just trying to get sympathy or some shit because he's depressed" Well i dont care what you think of me, i'm just defending a girl choice on her life, which was unfortunately the wrong one, but you seem no to give a shit about why she did it. If i could write here in words a description of depression to show you how i felt at the worst of times i would, and you would realise what it's like. For now i will give you this.

Clinical depression (also called severe depressive disorder, major depressive disorder) is a state of intense sadness, melancholia or despair that has advanced to the point of being disruptive to an individual's social functioning and/or activities of daily living.

This statement is only to give you a vague idea, but i have experienced a mental state 10 times worse than this. You have nothing in your mind that can convince you to be happy. You try and think of the happiest time in your life and it depresses you even more. You think of yur friends and what would happen to them if you killed yourself, but all you can think of is all the bad things they've said or done. You think of your family, and you forget all the happy times you had with them. You think of yourself and your accomplishments... and realise how shit they are. Wow, you went good in a maths test, so what? You fucking suck at everything now. You can't think straight, nothing makes sense, you try and find a sharp object or a high building to end it all..... I could go on endlessly, but i'm too pissed off about what you said. Fortunately i did talk to someone, and i have learned to manage these things when it happens. I was on twice the normal dosage of an antidepressant for over a year to try and help, and sometimes i still felt down.

You said "She didnt stop to think of the impact her death would place on others." and you are very wrong. If you do think of this then all that it does is get you more depressed. You forget that you love them. Forget all the fun times. You literally think that you are already dead and feel guilty for making them all sad. You struggle to find a whisp of hope in your immense collection of memories and you have no idea what you want to live for anymore. You think "well what the fuck is the point of life anyway? do we just wander around for 70 or 80 years and die? what are we supposed to do? why did we waste our time watching tv, surfing the net, having relationships, playing compuetr games, do all that shit, when we don't know if we'll remember it or be remembered by others?

I am feeling slightly depressed now, but i know that i have done a good thing. Thinking back i don't know why i thought all that stuff, but i know that at the time it made sense to me. You think cancer is bad? Well ,so do i, but don't go comparing it to depression. Ok, cancer could get you really sad and possibly depressed, but you have people there to support because they know that your very sick. Many people with depression go about life, and know one knows that htey are sick.

What really enraged me was this part of your post "Fuck you to that bitch who said depression is a medical condition, and it is life threatening." If you ever say that again, then you must have no moral values or sympathy lying anywhere within that cold hard heart of yours. Just take time to think about what your saying, and do some research before you say something like "She was the one who decided to take her own life" because, she may have done this, but she wasn't mentally stable when she made this choice. And i you go and say something like "Oh wow, you have depression, who gives a shit, go cry to a counsellor" then you won't want to read my next post.

Sorry to all of those out there who had to endure this, but i hope that this gets the message through to all those heartless fucks posting in this thread saying "Suicide is selfish."


So leave this poor girl alone, and let her rest in peace. I respect her decision, for whatever reasons it may be, and i hope that all her friends and family can cope in this difficult period of time.
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Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down. As one person said previously (and I'm paraphrasing here), the death of this girl has caused a lot of discussion, and it's important that we discuss these issues that we're tackling. I don't mean any disrespect to the memory of Lily, but I refuse to let abusive ignorant people say horrific, untrue things about the nature of depression and suicide, and if someone does in this thread, I will argue it.

EDIT: To the above poster, the "deep breath and calm down" comment is NOT directed at you. I was writing this at the same time as you so I hope it doesn't appear that way. Thank you for writing something constructive. You've brought up some really good points.
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Nov 21, 2005
Thank you. I understand your comment and i thank you for taking time to read it. If anyone views this as disrespect to lil, then i am sorry. I just hope it gets a message through to some of those people who constanly post things here bagging her out for the decision she made. Sorry to those who are offended.


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
I didnt know her but I have friends who did, their pretty upset and are not focusing at the moment, thus, your comments do not belong here, they simply do not need to exist. I sincerely hope that some of you self-righteous opinionated people experience loss on a scale of what the people I know have then see if you have the nerve to write some of the utter crap you have written in this thread.

Support needs to go to her family and friends, criticising her actions only leads to more unneccesary hurt.


Nov 21, 2005
Again, i'm sorry if people think this is inapropriate, or that i'm trying to bag her out. I just hope that people will read what i wrote and think about the stupid things they have said before they write something again.


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
I just dont understand the "you dont know lil" comments.

No, I did not know Lil, and I'm sure she was an awesome girl.

That still doesn't change the fact she committed suicide. Anyone who commits suicide is wrong. Those of you claiming that I/anyone else "didnt know lil" - what are you trying to say? Suicide was the right way out?

Well done fucknuts.

Complain on my blog thank you.

little man
i hope i don't see u at uni. i'd smack the shit out of u.
tell me wat goes on in russia?, wat about coloumbia? tell me what was the status of afghan and the usa in 1990 and what is it now?
let alone why don't we convert to a greener source of fuel when it is possible?
And why is the world like this hatred, people dying?
stick to ure fuking books.

oh wait.... wats this u got ure results from wikipedia
pls tell me wats ure name so i can create an article called 'the guy with smallest the brain' because anyone can edit wiki u dumbass.
oh my :eek:

edit: off topic - but this lolzors deserves to get pWn3d.
1. you will see him. wont be hard.
2. you will not smack the shit out of him.
3. your use of grammar even with abbreviations is really bad.
4. russia's developing, columbians been takin them lines, afghanistan and usa were best mates and they still are
5. world is full of hatred because of your attitude.
6. oh wait, he did infact get a source which has sources of its own - unlike your invalid statement from your arse.
7. his name is ashton jones.
8. for some reason, a guy like you typing about aguy with an iq around 150 who actually makes politically correct comments backing them up with sources some reason seems to make me smell iron.
9. not anyone can edit wikipedia. i was told i don't have an account so i cant.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2006
She's alright.

The ones that need peace and condolences are the people that are affected by her death.


tako one adlay.
Dec 2, 2005
2026 lad.
sasquatch said:
How can you not say someone committing suicide is not selfish. Experiencing the pain of somebody elses death, especially someone as close to you, like a child, mother, father, brother, sister, etc. is the worst form of pain you can experience. So inflicting that to those around you is fucken selfish as hell. People need to realise that sometimes they need to go through fucken rough times and that.. Say your mother is raising a family by herself, with little income, etc. obviously she would be fucken unhappy. But for her to commit suicide, without think of the saftey/future of her kids is fucken selfish. Same applies to this girl who decided to take her own life. She didnt stop to think of the impact her death would place on others.

If everyone who felt upset committed suicide, we would have mom, dad, brother, sister, the family dog, all committing suicide after one member of the family commited suicide, because they were "all depressed".

Fuck you to that bitch who said depression is a medical condition, and it is life threatening. Have you ever seen someone die before you from cancer for over a year. Your a fucken retard. Comparing some pissy bitch who would get a UAI of 30, to those dying of cancer.. even if she got abused - physically/sexually, how can you compare that to dying slowly for fucken years you bitch.

She was the one who decided to take her own life, i know the impact of greiving with death, but fuck random fucks like you who dont even know her.. you try to make yourselves look good by saying "oh my heart goes out..blah blah blah" when you dont even really give a shit.

So shut the fuck up you depression bitch, and make sure you know what the fuck your talking about before you make a post.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You have no idea what she was going through, it may very well have been more than HSC, on her mind. People make mistakes. You have no right to comment on her death.

And what's this, denying that depression is a mental condition? Fuck, no words can fathom how retarded you are. News flash, depression is a mental condition. The human mind has a fair bit of fragility that we don't know alot about.

I can't go on addressing you. I don't typically associate with idiots, and replying to one infuriates me.

Take your own advice and know what you're talking about before you post.


Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
Bookie said:
depression has only been classed as a medical condition to make those depressed feel better.
That is so ignorant.


Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
Depression is a psychological condition that changes how you think and feel, and also affects your social behavior and sense of physical well-being. We have all felt sad at one time or another, but that is not depression. Sometimes we feel tired from working hard, or discouraged when faced with serious problems. This too, is not depression. These feelings usually pass within a few days or weeks, once we adjust to the stress. But, if these feelings linger, intensify, and begin to interfere with work, school or family responsibilities, it may be depression.

Depression can affect anyone. Once identified, most people diagnosed with depression are successfully treated. Unfortunately, depression is not always diagnosed, because many of the symptoms mimic physical illness, such as sleep and appetite disturbances. Recognizing depression is the first step in treating it.
Nearly two-thirds of depressed people do not get proper treatment:

  • The symptoms are not recognized as depression.
  • Depressed people are seen as weak or lazy.
  • Social stigma causes people to avoid needed treatment.
  • The symptoms are so disabling that the people affected cannot reach out for help.
  • Many symptoms are misdiagnosed as physical problems
  • Individual symptoms are treated, rather than the underlying cause.
Clinical depression is a very common psychological problem, and most people never seek proper treatment, or seek treatment but they are misdiagnosed with physical illness. This is extremely unfortunate because, with proper treatment, nearly 80% of those with depression can make significant improvement in their mood and life adjustment.


Nov 21, 2005
Bookie said:
depression has only been classed as a medical condition to make those depressed feel better.
Can we just stop posting things like this? No offence to the author Bookie, because he is also trying to stop people bagging her out, but it is sort of relevant so i'll answer it. I thought my massive post just above would stop people saying things like this. Yes, In some sense this statement is true, but it IS an actual medical condition in which there is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
So can we stop arguing and if you want you can leave you condolences here for her. This isn't a board where you can say how much you hate people who commit suicide. Go do that somewhere else and leave her memory in peace. Please. If not for her sake, then for her family's sake.
Oct 22, 2005
rickem said:
I thought my massive post just above would stop people saying things like this.
You really thought that your post would stop people, even though lots of other posts, similar to AND shorter than yours, have had no effect??


tako one adlay.
Dec 2, 2005
2026 lad.
Bookie said:
depression has only been classed as a medical condition to make those depressed feel better.
Being a moron should be classified as a medical condition to make those who are morons (ie: you) feel better.


Nov 21, 2005
chocolate_lover said:
You really thought that your post would stop people, even though lots of other posts, similar to AND shorter than yours, have had no effect??
I dunno anymore... guess i was just dreaming. Yes, they were similar, but no one else has spoken from personal experiences...


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
rickem said:
Can we just stop posting things like this? No offence to the author Bookie, because he is also trying to stop people bagging her out, but it is sort of relevant so i'll answer it. I thought my massive post just above would stop people saying things like this. Yes, In some sense this statement is true, but it IS an actual medical condition in which there is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
So can we stop arguing and if you want you can leave you condolences here for her. This isn't a board where you can say how much you hate people who commit suicide. Go do that somewhere else and leave her memory in peace. Please. If not for her sake, then for her family's sake.
No your post was worthwhile - but I feel that a medical condition is one which can be cured or treated with medication. While most of what I interpret as medical conditions are treated through medical procedures - depression is more treatement through rehab, without any applications of medical science. Yes, I know there are antidepressant drugs, but I wont start talking about them because in the long term they probably have a bad effect. If I'm wrong, I will stand pWn3d [in saying this i mean please post something from a reputable source and snap my ass].

But I feel the labelling of depression as a medical condition works ike a placebo - where the person experiencing depression is told its a medical condition - and yay! its curable by medicine. But overcoming depression is not a medical thing. Ah shit, I'm gonna get pWn3d soon by someone saying "but cancer involves more than the medicine too". Point is - I dont interpet depression to be a medical condition because the causes for it are direct and preventable.

And yes Cadence, I read your post. But that just makes me believe that its not a medical problem. It's a problem, no doubt - and I'd be lying if I said I hasnt experienced depression in Years 9 and 10 because of some bullying - I'd feelshit and not want to go to school and avoid certain people at all costs - but certainly not kill myself. It worked itself out over time. But again, I dont see it as a 'medical condition'.

Fuck I'm getting nowhere. Bugger it. This is like a religious discussion - cept this time I'm the Christian against you athiests who prove me wrong with references :(

tako said:
Being a moron should be classified as a medical condition to make those who are morons (ie: you) feel better.
quiet little man. my iq is mensa standard. its the only thing i have in life goin for me. i suck at everything else.


The Power Is Yours...
Nov 6, 2005
Bookie said:
I just dont understand the "you dont know lil" comments.

No, I did not know Lil, and I'm sure she was an awesome girl.

That still doesn't change the fact she committed suicide. Anyone who commits suicide is wrong. Those of you claiming that I/anyone else "didnt know lil" - what are you trying to say? Suicide was the right way out?
Why do you insist on being an ass? You are being incredibly insensitive. Those of us saying that "you don't know Lil" are telling you to shut up. We are saying that because you don't know her, you have no idea of her situation and therefore no right to comment on her suicide. Because you don't know the whole story, you cannot decide that anyone who commits suicide is wrong. Apart from that, spare a thought for Lil's friends and family members who may come along this thread and read your comments. How do you think they'd feel with you calling Lil selfish. Imagine if it was your friend or relative?
Lil is dead, please have some respect for her and those that knew her. I suggest that if you want to continue talking about the politics of suicide, do it somewhere else. This thread really should be about sending condolences to Lil's family and friends. Please have some compassion and think about what they are going through right now.


tako one adlay.
Dec 2, 2005
2026 lad.
Bookie said:
Point is - I dont interpet depression to be a medical condition because the causes for it are direct and preventable.

Bookie said:
quiet little man. my iq is mensa standard. its the only thing i have in life goin for me. i suck at everything else.
Fucking oath.
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