The First Kiss (1 Viewer)

Nov 4, 2004
thats because they dont return the favour, theyre 3rd generation greeks they cant even speak english and grew up with australian culture, i grew up in a totally different environment

not that i deny/dont like the aussie environment its actually quiet good, but they tend too be more finely tuned with it so when other people see me bringing lots of my own food too work, or was when i was at school (just like in the wogboy) i got shit for that :D it was hilarious but an example of culture clashing and hence why that girls family told me to go fuck off, just the general 'you don't fit in'


so dead yeah?
Mar 11, 2004
Casmira said:
thats because they dont return the favour, theyre 3rd generation greeks they cant even speak english and grew up with australian culture, i grew up in a totally different environment

not that i deny/dont like the aussie environment its actually quiet good, but they tend too be more finely tuned with it so when other people see me bringing lots of my own food too work, or was when i was at school (just like in the wogboy) i got shit for that :D it was hilarious but an example of culture clashing and hence why that girls family told me to go fuck off, just the general 'you don't fit in'
like fuck man, sif you shouldnt bring all your food

we pay a fortune for that stuff :eek:

lol, you just know dumbass aussies


Apr 27, 2003
Casmira said:
thats because they dont return the favour, theyre 3rd generation greeks they cant even speak english and grew up with australian culture, i grew up in a totally different environment
are you saying you're not third gen greek? when did you come here?
and send some of your food my way :uhhuh:
Nov 4, 2004
iambored said:
are you saying you're not third gen greek? when did you come here?
and send some of your food my way :uhhuh:
1991 i came here but grew up inhousehold where they only spoke greek

haha! you should see me cook, taught straight from my grandmother too me

sif dumbass aussies, you must have good taste to eat greek food :D
Nov 4, 2004
bittersweet_em said:
hey thats not true!
my boyfriend is greek and the biggest wog (from brighton-le-sands) and im aussie and my family think he's great!!
they were a lil bit racist at first but they got to know him and they like him!
see u can get aussie girls if u want
not everybody's as tolerant as your family, good taste in bf btw :D

its highly unlikely that i can so my guess is to go for a western or northen european, they look aussie but they dont hate greeks!


Has left the building :D
Aug 12, 2004
Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to he
Casmira said:
its highly unlikely that i can so my guess is to go for a western or northen european, they look aussie but they dont hate greeks!
your being ridiculous on a number of levels.

1. aussie boys are lazy, cant cook and have very little interest in the way they dress and smell
2. euorpean boys are the stuff of trashy romance novels and films. what does that tell you about our obsession with sex and european culture?
3. greek food is second only to thai food and italian [umm and maybe sushi as well]
4. the tall, dark and handsome image.


5. my parents wouldnt care...


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
l-mercedes-l said:
your being ridiculous on a number of levels.

1. aussie boys are lazy, cant cook and have very little interest in the way they dress and smell
2. euorpean boys are the stuff of trashy romance novels and films. what does that tell you about our obsession with sex and european culture?
3. greek food is second only to thai food and italian [umm and maybe sushi as well]
4. the tall, dark and handsome image.


5. my parents wouldnt care...
Speaking of ridiculous, thanks for those idiotic generalisations.


Has left the building :D
Aug 12, 2004
Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to he
JKDDragon said:
Speaking of ridiculous, thanks for those idiotic generalisations.
you're most welcome. however you must realise that this forum is the realm of the frivolous and trivial which really has no application to the real world. therefore i see it fit to post these random observations here.

and Komaticom. cricket is VERY important. i never said being aussie was a bad thing. imagine life without footy and cricket. actually dont. its too depressing!


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
l-mercedes-l said:
however you must realise that this forum is the realm of the frivolous and trivial which really has no application to the real world.
The matters which are discussed in this forum are frivolous and trivial which has no application to the real world? You're fucking kidding me.


Has left the building :D
Aug 12, 2004
Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to he
JKDDragon said:
The matters which are discussed in this forum are frivolous and trivial which has no application to the real world? You're fucking kidding me.
i wonder what your getting at here? do you really think that this internet forum is of great value and significance? thats cute.

go find yourself a girlfriend


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
l-mercedes-l said:
i wonder what your getting at here? do you really think that this internet forum is of great value and significance? thats cute.

go find yourself a girlfriend
What, so you're saying most things discussed here are false? Not including troll threads and posts, people here are conversing to each other like they would in real life. Infact perhaps even more honest and open due to the medium's nature on social psychology. But yes, I'm sure you're correct and that everyone here is secretly trying to deceive everyone else with their words.. You absolute idiot, grow a brain.

Btw, I've got a girlfriend. What does this have to do with anything, though? LOL. Try not to make any further ridiculous assumptions which achieves nothing but makes you look like a gigantuous moron. I think you're just one of those dolts who has lost their argumentative momentum, so they resort to personal attacks. In this case, the funny assertion that somehow I must be single (which is relevant to what.. perhaps the shit in your mouth).


Has left the building :D
Aug 12, 2004
Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to he
wow. i think youre actually taking me seriously which is a scary thought. i suppose that you cant see the sarcasm implied in my earlier posts. chill mate. im just messing with you. mostly because you seem to care.

but this isnt real life and unlike the regular conversations people you talk to here dont care about you or your wellbeing. e-people [as in the internet going form of ourselves] only care about telling people stuff not reading or caring about other anonymous e-people. people like talking about themselves and get bored reading about others. they dont care. which makes your point on the value of this forum a little flimsy. these people arent your friends, just people who want a meduim to talk about themselves as if theyre important.

ok i promise to stop intentionally casuing conflict now. happy new year mate



Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
No, I couldn't see the sarcasm 'implied'. We're talking about text on the internet here with a serious undertone.. how it was to infer obvious sarcasm is a joke. It's funny to see people resort back to this excuse however after their words backfire. :)

Anyway, whether or not people care about each other.. is it really that relevant to your assertion? The point is you're suggesting that what is said here is somehow false, or that one cannot detract value from it. First of all, the generalisation that everyone here talks about themselves under circumstances which request advice for someone else is false. Infact, it even kinda emanates a bitter undertone.. for some reason. Secondly, assuming alot of people do use it as an excuse to talk about themselves even in threads which do not warrant such still doesn't prove your assertion anyway. Infact, it's hardly relevant at all.

Happy New Year to you too!


Has left the building :D
Aug 12, 2004
Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to he
JKDDragon said:
Anyway, whether or not people care about each other.. is it really that relevant to your assertion? The point is you're suggesting that what is said here is somehow false, or that one cannot detract value from it. First of all, the generalisation that everyone here talks about themselves under circumstances which request advice for someone else is false. Infact, it even kinda emanates a bitter undertone.. for some reason. Secondly, assuming alot of people do use it as an excuse to talk about themselves even in threads which do not warrant such still doesn't prove your assertion anyway. Infact, it's hardly relevant at all.

Happy New Year to you too!
OMG i like arguing with you. its making me miss arguing with my english teacher. usually people just let me win...

heres what im getting at. my assertion was that this is pointless becasue none of this is real. its lacking human contact and empathy. i highly doubt that you actually give a shit about anyone on this forum. so therefore if you dont care about them then how valid is the sort of conversation and advice you give them. i doubt that you would tell your best friend some of the things you'll tell/advise people here. which means that even if the conversation here is more open and honest [i shudder to use the word, however you said it earlier] its not a real conversation because people it lacks the normal structure and purpose of an ordinary human conversation. the very fact that a conversation can be drawn out long enough to think of a smart ass comment means the conversation is not a real conversation with real people in real time.

that aside. this is completely pointless becasue people will skip over this post because it contains more than two lines of text. people are superficial.

finally a conversations requires active input. this is like a shallow, 2-dimensional form of a conversation. i think my earlier point about sarcasm backs this up, internet conversations largely lack that human element, of feeling and emotions. its too passive to be considered a meaningful conversation. these forums lack a focus and point which makes them intensely irritating to try and follow. which comes back to my point that they are pointless becasue people are only interested about talking about THEMSELVES. Therefore i stand by my earlier comments about human nature and peoples desire to crap on about themselves to whoever will listen. sorry but i dont see the value in this. perhaps you could explain it?

futhermore, this entire post substantiates all said above. its basically meaningless and will get lost in a sea of other boring posts that lack a point. [on which im sure you'll agree]

disclaimer: this isnt intended as a personal attack but im quite enjoying this whole arguement, feels good to use my brain again. [please dont pick on that statement]
Last edited:


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
English teacher? I did Standard English for HSC and went crap in that actually. Haha. Anyway, I'll let you win on your birthday.. lol. Better not be today :/

Now the premise behind your argument is that because you don't view any of this as 'real', then nothing of use or truth can be detracted from it. My overall rebuttle is that that's not a valid conclusion. I don't see how lacking human contact and empathy results in significantly lower useful posts. You're right, I don't give a shit about most people on this forum, and I agree that most people don't. But like I said in my previous post, I don't see the relevance of this. One reason for that is because we don't need an emphatic environment to give relevant advice.

Let's have a look at a typical thread:
Define Person A as threadstarter.
Person A: "omg my bf did this and this and blah blah wat do i do??"
When people answer (not talking about trolls here), they will try to give reasonable advice straight down from what they think. They don't particularly care about Person A, of course not.. but that isn't relevant. When they are presented with an issue of another forumite whom they don't give a shit about personally, they will try to resolve the situation anyhow digging out their input on the situation, with the situation in mind. They don't have to care about the person.

Here's the brainclogger for ya, I would argue that for blunt advice giving.. it can be even BETTER to lack physical human contact. Due to the internet medium's nature on social psychology, of course we all feel more inclined to post more honest opinions without worrying about ramifications resulting from posting such. For example, if your best friend asked about something sensitive.. empathy and sensitivity comes into play and a good friend may bend the truth such that accurate advice is given, but the whole truth isn't told as to prevent emotional damage (and hence preventing strain and tension on the friendship; one potential ramification under the circumstances like I suggested before).
So people don't care about the other person's feelings (which is a bad thing in your viewpoint).. and what I'm saying is that it can actually be a good thing. They don't care about the other person's feelings, so they can totally roam free when it comes to giving advice. They can tell it as it is completely.

As for the assertion that generally forumites use the forum as an excuse to blabber on about themselves, I disagree. Some do it, sure.. but remember alot of threads here ASK for it. It's in the context of many threads to do so. But let's assume you to be completely correct and that everyone blabbers on about themselves, that still doesn't detract much value from their posts.

Let's have Person A start a thread asking for advice again.
Situation where people don't blabber on about themselves: 'You should *insert verb here*'
Situation where people blabber on about themselves: 'Well this happened to me too blah blah'.. which is fine, because threadstarter is still getting the same advice.. i.e what people who have replied actually did in the situation or would do. Sure, they're blabbering on about themselves, but the advice is obviously there, just expressed differently. Hence my original conclusion that this issue is hardly relevant.


Feb 11, 2005
One of my friends got his first kiss last night.

Midnight, lakeside, fireworks...

What a legend :D


Has left the building :D
Aug 12, 2004
Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to he
JKDDragon said:
English teacher? I did Standard English for HSC and went crap in that actually. Haha. Anyway, I'll let you win on your birthday.. lol. Better not be today :/
haha i think my 3u teacher was the only person that challenged me to use my brain. an unfortunate part of being blonde... see there we go. uninteresting and pointless information that dosent contribute to this thread at all

JKDDragon said:
Now the premise behind your argument is that because you don't view any of this as 'real', then nothing of use or truth can be detracted from it. My overall rebuttle is that that's not a valid conclusion.

Here's the brainclogger for ya, I would argue that for blunt advice giving.. it can be even BETTER to lack physical human contact.
so you believe that this annonymous model of a conversation that allows people to be abnormally frank and blunt with others, wherein there is no fear of consequences to be a superior model to normal conversations when it comes to specific 'love and relationships advice'. the great irony in such a belief is that this is probably THE most personal forum where empathy is required to make any sort of a relevent and worthwhile post that would be helpful. ill use this term becasue its cute, 'forumites' are giving a small amount of info and asking for anonymous advice, but identity protection plays a huge part. the people here dont WANT you to know who and what they are. for example, i wouldnt want people i know to know that my relationship was in trouble or non-functional. id pretend it was all ok. but here it seems ok to let your guard down a little but identity preservation is huge. so with minimal info other forumites feel empowered to deliver life changing advice [for example, dump him/dont dump him/keep the baby etc... pretty big stuff aye?]

so in relation to your point about blunt advice giving perhaps this forum isnt a particuarly good place to be looking for advice/seeking comfort and support becasue these people DONT ACTUALLY CARE about you or your situation, they just care about making themselves feel important by posting worthless advice or raising options that the forum starter is already clearly aware off. i think for this type of advice, subjectivity is VERY IMPORTANT!

so in summary:
these forums dont reflect real conversations and real life.
people dont give enough info for others to give reasonable advice in the interest of identity preservation
people dont actually care about the wellbeing of the person theyre advising and usually dont even seem to have read the entire post before replying and therefore look stupid by repeating what has already been said.

any heres something new. people use these forums to bignote themselves or make themselves feel superior. how much would you be inclined to trust someones advice who is just here to make themselves feel important?

i think the majority of posts here reflect peoples need to justify what theyve already decided, and therefore further conversation is pointless and unwarranted.



Active Member
Jun 17, 2003

See, I will concede that empathy is an advantage to advice-giving to an extent (one reason why I keep reinforcing how it doesn't negate too much the integrity of the post, but of course still some). The way it brings benefit is that in face-to-face situations, people are more inclined to dwell deeper into their problems and perhaps offer more realistic advice. This of course requires an effort of the advisor to put their feet in their shoes, an element often absent from online forums. But the problem with this is only so many threads out of all the threads require this empathic effort to be able to result in good advice. In other words, for the majority of threads here.. I would think the element of brute honesty is more relevant than empathic comprehension. If all the threads here were about people with psychological disorders, depression, serious complicated relationships issues etc., then yes, I would favour your point of view.

Speaking of the empathic effort often absent from online advice posts, I would argue that there is a various degree of that absent from real-life conversations also.

Your suggestion that online advice can be inaccurate due to the general inadequacy of information about the threadstarter present has merits. Infact, this is probably the strongest assertion you have against my arguments, from my point of view. But like I said, I don't believe the general nature of the threads present within this forum are dire enough to warrant an absolute comprehension of the threadstarter's personality, situation etc. to be able to give good advice. Many of the threads in here are asking for personal input regarding themselves. Well obviously that one's ok. Then we have 'How can I get her/him to notice/like me' kind of threads. Yes, deeper understanding of the threadstarter's situation and personality is beneficial here.. but remember rarely do these threads consist of specific circumstances. Instead, the threadstarter usually just wants generalistic advice, so that's ok. We also have rant threads, again that's ok because it's asking for subjective input. So overall, again I just don't think the nature of the threads in this forum are complicated enough to warrant or NEED an empathic approach to it.

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