Sprinkles~ said:
Hahaha well yeah true, some (actually it's probably more like all

) university degress are just insanely expensive, I wonder where all the money goes. It should still be free, then anyone would be able to go no matter how much money they have... we should have been born earlier!
Just adding a little of my 2 cents
University's do not recieve ENOUGH funding from the government..
I know so because of family experience, my father was made redundant by the UNCLE in 1996 because of a funding cut and judging by the current news and things, these redundancies of staff have happened each year, just so the University's can cover costs. This is why full fee paying gets a considerably lower UAI than Commonwealth funded and as well as why University's take on so many international students...
Another thing to note, this same UNCLE laid off a considerable number of staff last year and for the first time recorded a profit in the many millions of dollars... sadly though, even if you were to keep your job, your work intake basically doubled... ew..
If you think about it, running a university would have a massive amount of costs, and try running it on say 2/3rds of an original budget due to cuts... even that is pretty devastating.
As for free university, my mother jumped at the chance, having migrated here just after the abolishment of the WAP (lol she wasn't allowed in the country before hand even though she spoke/wrote perfect English and had a sister here)...she has a science degree with honours ^_^ She wishes that I had the same chance of free university as her... but you know, I guess we're lucky we have CFEE, even though we'll have some hideous debt later on...
Oh and to answer the thread
The HSC is unfair because it ruined my friendship with someone who got onto the Honour Roll.. sure it's great he got that but our ties are severed.... but on several accounts the HSC was great, cause it gave me a cause to write justly in my blog and make all these super friends...