first, you are ashamed of yourself, your arab roots and your religion; Islam. You came here claiming you were jewish hoping to get credibility that jews obviously enjoyed. From your posts it is pretty clear that you are devout supporter of Osama Bin Laden, Hitler and Sheikh Halily.
54247 said:
You missed a step... If Israeil is illegally occupying any part of Palestine, making 'jew' only roads setting check points at will (on palestinian territory) doing some of their sniper practises on children or tesing their plane missiles on random palestinian villages then obviously people that is palestinians have nothing to live for. This will result in them commiting extreme acts. Its pretty useless in promoting domocracy in Israel when they dont practise what they preach. You need to concentrate on the actions rather than listening to words. As long as israel continues to opress palestinians then people will do extrem things such as blowing up themselves!! obviuosly due to extreme oppression For people who are interested in the way Israelis treat normal palestinian citizens and knowing the other sie of the story i seriously suggest you watch 'GAZA STRIP' by James Longley. It isnt influenced by any pro
zionist lobby groups thus showing the absolute truth.
More lies,
can you name a jew only road where other non jewish Israeli citizens cannot use? Or is it always you have to make up these lies to drum up sympathy? Can you give us proof that Israel practice snipers on palestinian children any evidence? Why are you such a low lying bastard? Did n't islam prohibit lying anyways? Or is OK for muslims to make up all these lies as long as it attacks Israel/jews?:rofl:
Palestinian can commit any extreme acts for any reasons, and they are paying the price for it and they deserve it. As long as Palestinian terrorists attacks Israel, israel will always strike back and it will always be painful. They knowingly commit terror acts, and they knew that israel will retaliate. It is up to them to stop.
Well if that was the case then why did they literally bomb the shit out of Christian cities who in no way support shiate hezballah or Sunni villages who also arent linked with hezballah? I dont know if you know this but theres a concept of "actions speak louder than words" You seem to take words over actioans which truly shows an indoctrinated mind. Yes Israel declared war on Hezballah but their actions were muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch more than that.
What christian cities were attacked by israel during its war with Hizbollah as much as it attacked Hizbollah controlled areas? Most of the christian and Sunni areas are left untouched with a few exceptions.
Shows how intellectual you are lol. You see the religon is very peaceful but it is radicals who make it seem be evil. When you have very oppresive bodies such as Israel in palestine then as ive mentioned before, people will look to extremes as they have nothing to live for. This is either due to their families being illegally kept in jail by Israel or their family all slaughtered or the israelis just amking life too hard by randomly announcing that no one is to leave their home today. It is that reason why peopl join radical groups... because of the Nazi like oppression not because of the religion. I mean look at all mjor religions, Christianing, Islam, Judaism and hindus. All of them are very peaceful when followed properly. Bu if we parrallel them with say various acts then obviously, it is an invention tot he religion and isnt truly part of it. This includes Alqeada, thats defiantely noy islamic or the MAJORITY of Israel because thats definately...definately not peaceful and for christianity say the catholic massacres thats definately not christianity
Are Indonesian muslims who bombed bali opressed by israel too? Are Pakistani muslims who bombed indian trains oppressed by Israel too? Are those British muslims in London who bombed tubes oppressed by Israel too? Are australian muslims who were charged with terrorism offences oppressed by Israel too?
The fact is Terrorism and terrorist acts by islamic extremist are a result of religion, the evil religion called Islam founded by a paedophile And remmember that arabs palestinian had a chance to have their own independent country and they rejected it and instead all israel arab neighbours decided to fight to kill all jews from Israel once and for all, OOO LA LA they failed, israel defeated them in All wars, now you keep whining , and you may continue whining, the losers are whiners as always. :rofl: israel has since made considerable concession, giving all west bank and gaza to palestinian . those lands were captured by Israel at the cost of brave Israeli soldier's blood, in unnecessary war all started by greedy arabs hoping that they may defeat israel bwa ha ha.
Regarding Israel slaughtering palestinians, Jordanian government killed more palestinian than anyone else, read about black september, idiot. And those palestinians killed by israel are NOT without reasons, in almost all cases israeli actions were in retaliation for killings of its citizens by Palestinian.
Thats not what i was talking about. I acknowledged that theires a huge corruption problem in arab countries. But if Bush thought that he can fix the drastic problems then if we look so far at THE ACTIONS well its far from working. Therfore due to the US's fault of escalating the situation in both countries then its actually now their obligation to atleast reaturn some sustainable peace in those countries. With regards to Afghan and lets also include Iraq, are you actually saying that its not a failure for the US. Please its not the Zionist menatlity of not hacking loss... sorry but the bludy secretary of defence, GATES admits that the US is at a loss. But as in you can still believe your winning, tahst fine by me atleast i'de know how indoctrinated and up your self you are. lol
When did Bush thought or said he can fix arab corruption problems? More lies from a devout muslim? huh? 
Afghanistan is among the best and shining example of success for Bush Foreign Policy and no one denies Iraq war is bloody, however the cause were worth fighting for liberating 19 million Non sunni iraqis from the clutches of a tyrant. yet you beg for the continuation of Saddam Hussein's rule, those 19 million iraqis have to disagree with you. they are pretty happy that Saddam is Gone once and for all.
You see you keep missing a step thinking that Israel is an angel. Hezballah kidnapped soldiers because the Israeli offece force illegaly hold hundreds of lebanese citizens... ill say that again Illegally. So if Israel wants to live peacefully then if they return their illegal detainees than who knows peace will finally be on the agenda. However the media never shows how israel illegally kidnaps soldiers which maybe explaind why many people cant understand why hezballah commited such acts. All i can say is that the current menatlity of the Israeli admin will never achieve peace.
israel is an angel to its citizens, while Hizbollah celebrate killings of its own people. Israel will protect its people at all cost. You may want to ask yourself why does Israel hold Hizbollah members? because Hizbollah was specifically established to destroy Israel and Israel have every right and duties to protect herself from an organisation established for its destruction. Whether Israel return all palestinian prisoners or hizbollah prisoners, there will be no peace, simply because arabs cannot be satisfied without killing all jews in israel or complete destruction of Israel. There will always be fighting between both sides and Arabs will always be losers because they are born losers.
How many times do i have to repeat myself. Fund me one post where ive simply acknowldged say Hitler or saddam without also criticising or only preffered them when their would be less innocent killed (eg saddam in iraq compared with the US). Also youve got in wrong. Hezballah is a ligit resistance. The only reason you call them terrorist is because there currently the only organisation that has given the Israeli offence force a bit of a a shaking. By the way is that the Ship (on you signature) which needed to be toed away LOL. And to that second part, you basically admitted that you wouldnt mind blowing up every muslim. You typcal zionist. I still dont understand why? Can you tell me why Zionist people wish to slaughter every muslim on the planet?
Ah you wished US and allied nations did not wage war against Hitler and you want him to continue his genocide of millions of people, similarly you dont want war against saddam and you want him to conitnue his systematic murder of Shiite and Kurds. You think it is OK for Hitler, Saddam and Al Qaeda to kill innocent civlians BUT not OK for others to fight them back, who else want that except the supporters of those three? Furthermore, where is your proof that more people were killed under US than Saddam ? Iraqi Body Count website said 56,000 maximum compared with 300,000 iraqis reportedly killed by Saddam during his reign.
Calling yourself jewish while you clearly are not, (you already said you are arab from your other posts) I am not surprised that you dont understand the meaning and aims of zionism. You probably call those Hindu fundamentalist who burned muslims alive in Gujarat are zionist too LOL :rofl: I am not even surprised that you are ashamed of your own race and roots, most lebs in sydney call themselves wog, spanish, greek , mixed race cause no one wants to be arab nowadays!
A) Incorrect, we dont glorify hitler but we parrallel hitlers actions with the way Israelis are treating arab neigbours
B) As long as Israel continue to illegally hold the sheba farms (part of lebanons terriory) and hold hundreds of lebanese soldiers then that is a legitimate right to atack. As in if that happened to our citizens here in Aus or the US or Israel then obviously their will be a response in one way or another. Stop holding double standards making at as if lebanese citizens are a class below us here in the west. geeez!!!
C) I love the US, are you menatlly insane. I just hate the Bush administration and that view is held widely here in Aus and also in the US. thankgod his admin is out in 2 years. Sorry i can understand currently how your upset over Bush's loss. I feel for you.. lol
D) Showing again how you value human lives. Its as if your playing say a playstation game.. "well atleast more arabs get killed" like what the hell. Are you barbaric or WHAT. I hope your the extrem of zionism and not the moderate. LOL
A, You wished Hitler to rule for more years and opposed war to stop him, what is the similarity of Arabs and Nazis? Both wants complete destruction of jews and Israel. Both of them are losers of all wars bwa ha ha.
B. Sheba farms, according to UN belongs to Syria NOT Lebanon, arabs cannot even agree for once, both Syria and Lebanon claimed Sheba farms, and the winner Israel got it

Losers can be whiners as usual. As long as you attack israel, you will suffer more not Israel. Up to you
C. I am a staunch supporter of USA either Bush or Clinton, even if Bush lost, Democrats are no supporter of Al Qaeda and muslim terrorists, in fact, most Democrat leaders such as John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Barbara Boxer are jewish by ancestry, and Hillary Clinton a staunch supporter of Israel (remember her speech at a rally in support of Israel war against terrorist Hizbollah in New York?) , what hope you arabs have here even if Bush is gone ?
D. Well if you value life then why start war against Israel while it is pretty clear that you are gonna get kicked in the ass by those cute hot sexy insraeli soldiers ?

Since you support arabs/hizbollah war against Israel it is pretty clear that you also wants more arabs to die ha ha.
testpilot said:
I'm not going to say that Israel has played no role or has no role to play in Iraq, because to put it simply, that in not true. However debating the aim of Zionism and whether UN Resolution 181 should have occurred (and consequently the existance of an Israeli state) should not occur in a thread on the Iraq War (19/3/03-20XX)
Why does arabs/lebs always have to throw in israel-palestine issue? Thats what I wonder too, perhaps it feels incomplete for them without mentioning it in every debate.