Yeah I'm deeply fucking depressed (Social context) at the fact that when you let a bunch of you morons go you create an echo chamber of idiocy the likes of which has never been seen.
I'm sick of the fact that people are taking scientific evidence and science-based medicine and abrogating the place it has in society because they're to lazy to perform a simple task of mental cognition.
I'm sick of the complementary medicine echo chamber and I'm sick of the utterly retarded stoicism.
I also think it's trebly hilarious that one can then attempt to undermine the points that I'm making with a jab at my mental state. Well played, old friend.
The point still remains that this thread is inherently retarded.
Comparing medical science to the boy crying wolf and thereby saying it undermines the legitimacy of the diagnosis is a load of shit and should be called as it is.
The main arguments put forward in this thread are
a) People should harden the fuck up
b) Man the drug companies control society we're overmedicated
c) We live in an emotionally-based society where everyone is entitled to be depressed
d) Sometimes people exaggerate or misrepresent facts about themselves in a social situation
And the final, and proper fucking argument
e) We don't yet fully understand the neurochemical processes of the brain, but we have a fairly good understanding that Depression is heavily linked to dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. There may also be societal/cultural factors, but the point still remains that there is a substantial element of neurochemistry here.
And the rebuttals in order
a) This is a canard and really has nothing to do with the science of Psychology
b) Prove it. So far it just seems like you're trying to sell Acai berries or some homeopathic bullshit.
c) Prove it. It seems like you're promoting some bullshit gestalt theory nonsense and I'd rather eat a trough full of putrescent shit than sit through a second of that psycho-babble fuckery.
d) The world has attention seekers and people who are histrionic, how does this undermine it on any scientific level? Oh that's right, it doesn't. Also, you're a cunt
e) Okay commander scientist please provide papers and studies that argue with current medical wisdom, otherwise get to fuck.
The problem we have is the fact that most of the people here have NO fucking idea what they're talking about but think because they may have once interacted with someone who was an attention seeker it makes them an authority on issues of mental health.
It doesn't. If you think that, you are a cunt.
End fucking discussion.