Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!
clairegirl said:
hey glitter seems to me your doing awsome so far

Keep up the good work! Ohh and i hope your injury gets better soon

sounds painful
and Pb wow that many sit ups.. lol i don't really do sit ups anymore hahaha only coz even if they do get toned and stuff, who's going to see my "six pack" under the flab.
I know I probably should thoug can anyone give me reason/motivation why i should incorporate doing sit ups into my work out again even though i've still got a flab on my stomache?
Once upon a time - for a brief period of time - I was doing 120 situps a night. Ces't blah, I'm not a huge fan of situps because there's such a huge potential to do them wrong/cheat.
clairegirl (or is it anne?), you have asked the magic question!

*puts on dance teacher hat*
Abs are far more central to movement than most people realise - they're also slightly lower than a lot of people assume (ie they're underneath your bellybutton). Some will argue that since it's all one long muscle there's no point in differentiating between "abdominals/lower abdominals" and "stomach muscles", but I say there is - it's so easy to work one and not work the other.
Abs are useful in a number of different ways - they aid in posture, childbirth, act as your
centre of gravity... they're also one of those muscles people are
supposed to rely on. Much the same way people overuse their lateral quads instead of their VMO, many people tend to overwork their back muscles to overcomensate for weak abdominals. This can lead to a number of injuries such as slipping discs etc...
Abdominal muscles as mentioned above act as your centre of gravity. When trained well you can actually use them to stop you falling over/lessen the impact of the fall, and you can also use them to sort of help 'support' your weight... I don't know how clear this is but I know that if I'm a little lax on my ab workouts, my knees are sure to feel it because of the "extra weight". It's not something the scales will show, but it's a significant change that is noticable over time.
There are a bunch of other cool things the abs do, but I can't really type them up... much better at demonstrating

But definately don't underestimate the value of abs! Aside from the heart, they could be one of the most important muscles in the entire body!
I'd like to state for the record that I have a tummy, and my six-pack has never seen the light of day

But I still work on it because I know it's good for me!