Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!
mserica said:
Best way to do sit ups is to lift the legs and then put them down but dont let them touch the floor then, lift them again and then let them down but hold them about 2cm above the ground.
The reason for this is that it will not damage the neck or back as your legs and abs are then doing the work.
to focus on the side you do exactly the same however tilt your legs to the left or right!
Hope that makes sense!!!!
p.s It works though you need to do at least 50 a day four to five times a week
I'm going to be hugely pedantic here. Sorry guys
By rough definition, that's not really a situp as you're not "sitting up"

But again, this is me being pedantic, and I have no idea whether someone actually taught that to you using the words "situp", in which case it's really just a petty terminology dispute that isn't worth taking up for too long
On a more general note - I would encourage those interested in this sort of exercise to ensure their lower back stays on the floor. Even though your neck has a far less likelihood of being overworked doing something like this, you can really screw up your lower back if you don't make sure it stays on the floor and lets the abs do the bulk of the work.
and finally - don't rush out and do 50 of these babies if you know you're not strong enough for it yet. Start with about 5-10 on each side, then increase as you get stronger

If you feel any pain that feels 'not right' at any time, STOP immediately!