Awww... it's raining today. Not a good day to put dough outside in the sun to rise
*shifty look*
*turns oven on to 32C with low fan and pushes dough inside

Now it just has to rise! Whoo!
In other news, I hope I'm not getting sick :S I know I've said that before, but this time my brother is
actually sick, and I'm at risk of
actually getting sick too. And my eyes are really sore

Hmm I wonder if there's any Vitamic C in the house...
EDIT: Bread turned out ok. Not great because I wasn't patient enough to let it rise for like, half the day, but sooo good to eat fresh bread out of the oven!!!
In other news, I have decided that samba is the new way to exercise. Ten seconds of the "basic step" (which is a basic step-2-3 but done very fast) and my heart is already thumping away! Whoo for cardio!