Whooo hoo! I lost again and havn't seen a number since ever
Today was good, except for night time...
Breakfast: 2 toasted crumpets, cheese and devon (gawsh crumpets are an extremely heavy breakfast, when eaten together with cheese and devon, i felt like i was having maccas

I had carbs this morning because I knew I'de be on "the floor" at work all day so hence ide be able to burn it off.
Lunch: Salad with steamed chicken/capsicum/lettuce and onion
Snack: 3 coffees with FULL cream milk! Arrgh stupid work, I'm going to say something we should get a variety of both skim and full cream milk! The only ever times Kmart has skim milk for employees is when I do the shopping for store supplies on Sunday! and by Wednesday the skim milk is gone! grrr!
Dinner: shitloads of lettuce and marinated chicken and one small potato
Snack: 6 red frogs (the jelly kind) and an apple
Excercise: Gym 30 mins cross trainer and 20 mins weight training
Snack2: 2 peices of cheese and some devon
In regards to self inducing vomitting- totally agree with you all... I admit i tried to but i couldn''t get past the whole "putting a finger down your throat" thing
In regards to Guess brand, I don't really like anything of theirs except their watches, in regards to JAG being cheap, I know! It's just like Fiorelli, i remember back in the day back in the old old old days it used to be up there with guess, but now you can find their wallets for 20 bucks. I'm still in love with my old Liz Caliborne (sp?) wallet, but only because it was purple and purple is my favourite colour and it had awsome material n pattern to it.
I'm really picky about wallets this absolutely PERFECT (forget the brand, im not really intro brands believe it or not lol but it was perrrrfect except it was $110, normally i'de buy it, but i have to be cheap now due to mexico (oooh i'm going in January! instead of August of nextt year instead!

and I've decided to go on my own

(just thought i'de insert that in here as a side note)