I just watched a news article that theorises lack of sleep --> obesity (chemical imbalances, lack of sleep decreases "hunger repressing" thingo, and increases "hunger" mindswitch). Boooo ok so I'm going to try and sleep properly again (sleeping patterns screwed up royally this week, eating patterns screwed too? hmm)
Breakfast: (9am) ham and cheese sandwich and cup of diluted fruit juice (I sat down at the table and everything to eat this... felt so strange but so nice for someone who normally eats on the go like myself)
Lunch: (3pm) Cheeseburger + small fries from maccas (was rushing to work from physio...)
Dinner: Chicken pasta + tiramisu
Study: If I get a chance tonight will look at CUL202, not expecting to have time or energy though
Exercise: Physio, dance teaching for 2 hours (gah, NAUGHTY CLASS made Miss Lynn have to YELL grrr), and photoshoot this morning where we did some hoppy things and Lynn had to get into weird and muscle-challenging positions (did some more "straight" portraiture this time around, will show you guys after we do cropping/culling this sunday). I'm so exhausted I fell on the couch and slept as soon as I get home... now to help mum cook, then...then... maybe sleep!!
Oh in other news I bumped into a fellow MQer at the sports physio

they're prob not a BOSer, but I just thought it was amusing (we both had stuffed up ankles! lol)