jim_green said:
Goddammit, no OC in the US last week, and no double ep this friday (when it's uploaded) like my friend said. I need my fix!
Btw.. is it just me or has Marissa gotten even more attractive in the last 2 or 3 eps?
YEAH! Ive had a friend download them for me (i got him hooked aswell

) then for this month i forked out some more $ to go up to the next plan so i could download more! Got through 16 & 17, then thats it! I was pissed off cause im very impatient you know!
When do the episodes come out for us to 'get'? Is there any special place to 'get' them first? PM me if you know pleeeaaassseee!
Spoilers (I dunno how to do those roll over things)
I hope to god that Kirsten doesnt have an affair, even though she seems very reluctant to do anything, but that Carter guy seems a bit shifty. And i dont think i really like Trey, i dunno, just doesnt seem to fit in at all. Oh and Summer and Seth dont seem like they're doing anything!
Oh yeah i was looking around some other website and they brought up that Seth doesnt really do anything with his mum, and its true like i think they've spoken like 3 times? And it wasnt even directly? Just odd...