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by the time they would have worked it out, and then tracked down the details, the cards would no doubt have been sold-on, or used
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There isn't a supervisor induction that I know of, unless you are doing a retail certificate course/diploma with the company. There are training booklets available WoWPos Supervisor (SVR menu, spot checks, etc) and WoWPos Office (how to use the office program to generate reports, spot check, remote log off, etc) but I don't think you can get them from StoreNet, I think they need to be ordered by the SSM. I've only ever learnt these things from other supervisors and experience... just watching what other supervisors did when I was a cashier, etc. It may sound a bit nerdy, but I read training manuals and StoreNet when I am bored and its a dead night lol...Pardon the spamming, but I was wondering about Service Supervision training...
I was wondering if there was a proper, set way of training new front end supervisors? Cos I've done a few supervision shifts like weekend opens but have never been formally trained in anything, just from stuff i've picked up myself or what i've learnt from other supervisors. But i feel like I really don't know anything and am not confident on refunds, most of the SVR menu and like store policy shit.
Is there formal training you're supposed to receive that I'm not getting?
Manual EFT is a way of processing EFT transactions when the EFT lines are down (pinpads cannot communicate with the banks). Important things to recognise are that if your store's EFT is down then you can only accept EFT transactions up to a certain amount (the floor limit). I don't remember what this is for our store and it may differ for you. Recently there was a widescale network issue which meant lots of customers credit cards were being declined as we couldn't accept them without authorisation (EFT must be online). Because of this our store got authorisation to raise our floor limit and allow these transactions to continue. Anyway, it's rare to come across offline EFT and it usually doesn't last long. You can tell when EFT is offline (usually only happens for one bank) if people are paying with SAV or CHQ and it requires a signature (approved 08 rather than approved 00). All this information is on StoreNet but your store will most certainly have it printed out and in a folder labelled Manual EFT on the service desk somewhere.. hopefully. In any case, if it ever happens definitely talk to the duty manager/office cashier especially because sometimes you may have to take a imprint of a credit card.I've just recently been given supervisor shifts, and I am often backup supervisor (for when the rostered supervisor is on break)- can someone tell me what this 'complex stuff' (Manual EFT, EFT Settlement, Dissection dumps) is for?
It depends how long you have been working at the store and if you are casual or PPT. If you are casual you can quit immediately. If you are PPT the minimum is 2 weeks notice, but it increases the longer you work with the company. You can find out in the EBA.2.) How many weeks do I need to give them before I quit? I wont be called in the time anyway so what should i write on my letter? i cant make it effective immidiently right?
Why haven't you used it yet? Technically it must be used within 21 days either side of the day it is accrued.My SM and office cashier are on my manager's case about me having too many TOIL hours. The thing I can't understand is, why? Why should they care?
It's important because if you don't get authorisation/bulk orders for large wish card transactions your store may go over the eft refund limit. Also, those sorts of transactions should generally be regarded as suspicious, and you should be requiring photo ID, like townie said.u care to much. I once had a transaction of $1200 of gift cards. I only refered to supervisor cause when i reached $1000, it asked for a supervisor password. Supervisor came along, (numbers in) and off i went up to $1200 lol.
Don't worry about it. My store (in WA) IS open Sunday and Monday and we were busy like that all day today.we were soo busy as here in WA we are not open on sunday or monday. we had all of our big registers open (12) all day and STILL there were ques 3-4 people deep the whole day!!
This is pretty poor though.then, after we finally got all the customers out half an hour after we closed, we all got a 15 minute lecture by our SSM. apparently the 'loss prevention' guy came into our store for a safety & security audit. he walked past all the security barriers setting them off and not one staff member asked to check his bag. then we had unsecured registers (ie no trolleys) so we got busted for that aswell.
If you're not working, you will still get paid for it, but not at penalty rates, you'll only get your normal rate you'd get any other Monday, and if its a day your rostered for. (Not your RDO)Does a part-timer(BigW) who usually works tomorrow still get paid cause its a public hol even though we dont need to work?
Just asking, does anyone know what 'flex up' is?
During my shift other day that I was roster on for, my manager gave me this sheet to sign saying my shift that day and my shift tomorrow were to be 'flexd up' and I would get part time pay, but I would get sick leave and annual leave, which doesn't make sense to me cause I'm casual. Can anyone explain or has my manager just jibbed me of some pay?
He doesn't have the right to make you work 8-1 unless there is an agreement and approval from you, and a signature saying you will and can work that other shift.Heres my dilemma, he's rostered me in Liquor on Saturday Morning, 8 - 1, conflicting with my CONTRACTED Checkout shift of 9.30 - 2.30.
Your Liquor manager should know that your contracted shifts take residence over any other non-contracted shift.Hmmm... I was rorted by the incoming Liqour manager a few months back, told I was contracted to Checkouts, so thats where I had to work... simply, the guy didn't like the look of me, could've done what his predecessor did and kept me in Liquor anyway.
Heres my dilemma, he's rostered me in Liquor on Saturday Morning, 8 - 1, conflicting with my CONTRACTED Checkout shift of 9.30 - 2.30.
Do I have the right to tell him to piss off? That's the plan atm, since he was a prick to me...