The Zokunu Chronicles: My HSC, and how I progress (2 Viewers)


May 18, 2012

- So tired. Went to Westmead today for Dental checkup. Had to like wait for more than 30 mins. IDK why they took so long. I should of brought my Physics notes with me, rather than waiting their doing nothing..
- It's pretty much Dinner then rest after I finished.
- Did questions for Math on both PP and Cambridge 2 unit textbooks.
- Watched "Mary and Max" for my second related text for belonging. Editing Belonging Essay.



May 18, 2012

- Reading Biology notes again. - I know I've been doing the same thing. But Week 1 for exams is just basically this. No Physics.
- Did Math questions for Logs/Expo/Trig - Struggling with the Volumes of 2 curves, areas of curves etc. Gonna practice more tomm
- Edited Romulus My Father essay and Creative for EA.

If possible, please check out my creative and leave some comments on what you think about it. I'm legit ready to recieve some harsh comments cuz i know I suck at creative so bad that it's not even funny. Thank you so much. Imma sleep now. Later.
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May 18, 2012
Alright how do i start....I'm just gonna tell you's what I did/think about the Half Yearlies. TBH i think this situation is far more worse than what I've seen in the forums right now. This is gonna be long so please take your time if possible,

March 31st 2014 - English Advanced

This has to be the worst exam I've done in my life. Not because it's hard, but because i've made a dumb decision. I walked in the exam room, full confident. Because people say that you should rememeber quotes/topic sentences/concluding sentences/intro to answer the question the properly instead of memorising every single word. I "fully memorised" the creative instead.

Reading time, I was so happy, the questions are quite easy and the creative stimulus sort of matches what I've wrote. After reading time, i went into this order which is like the most dumbest thing I've done yet. Creative first ---> Unseen Text ----> Belonging Essay. I did creative first because i thought i was gonna forget parts of it later on. I wrote,wrote,wrote and all of a sudden I legit blanked out. I swear, i was nearly done, but i couldn't continue, I forgot the next word/sentence. I panicked, and wrote the rest based on what i've remembered. Not word for word. . The next one is the unseen text, idk about this one, so I'm probably not gonna say anything about this one.

I looked at the time, and holy s*** it was 30 mins. Basically, i wrote the intro 1 romulus paragraph and 1 unseen text paragraph and i stopped. I don't know what to write anymore, and how i should answer this question "properly" without screwing up writing the same essay i did back then, and once again...i blanked out. At the end it's just INTRO, 1 ROMULUS, 1 unseen text paragraph. I legit sat until the last minute, 70% of people walked out, 10-20 mins before the exam finished (why would you even walk out in the first place?). And it finished. The deputy came in, and she was proud of us how we stayed until the last minute and how we are "successful students", capable of achieving a high atar and that she has no hopes for people who walked out that door early. I looked up at the ceiling, head tilt up.....I swear i was gonna cry. Successful student....does this look successful to you, deputy!?

Later, we all went out. I went inside my dads car as he picks me up. "How was it?". I said, "Don't worry about it" with a sad face. "It's alright, you did your best" he said. At that point, i was gonna cry. I legit just wanna drop out of school, and end this HSC right their, go to TAFE or join the army. I was gonna tell him but i can't, you know why, because I have another 5 exams to go....

April 1st - Biology

This one was alright. I stayed up until 1 or 2 I can't remember, and studied the practical bits and other stuff. My friend texted me at 2, and he was like "(name) are u studying? I guess we are both stressed.

I woke up in the morning and went to school early to study some more with mates since it starts at 12. We "teached" each other stuff rather then reading, since that is like the best way to memories/learn right?

At the end, I'm pretty happy with this paper, the last part was the enzyme practical, and thank god we were able to memories that today. It all really depends on the marking criteria.

April 2nd - My Birthday.

- TBH i didn't really wanted to celebrate. Math is tomorrow so studying is more important. I told my parents not to buy me cake or anything, since that would be a waste of time, and i wasn't really in the mood to be happy. But they did. Thank you so much. After it all finished, I was gonna study till 2 again, but nah. My sister was like you should sleep...and so i did. 8 hours.

Math - April 3rd

This has to be the EASIEST exam. Any one of you's can get 100% in this. It's possible. And once again, stayed up until the last minute. Everyone said it was easy. But at the end, I screwed up one question. But it's ok.

Chemistry - April 4th

This starts at 9. Haven't really studied this for 1 week, so i stayed up till 11pm, woke up at 3am and studied again. Sat the exam, and at reading time all i here was f***, f***, f*** from the behind me. We all screwed. The paper was so THICK, the multiple choice was legit hard. And we legit wanted to complain about the short/long response questions. EVERY PAGE was worth 6 MARKS. EACH PAGE ALL RELATED. But 6 marks for an ethanol non greenhouse problem and 6 marks for acid rain? wait, we might might be wrong. But at least separate the questions and marks out man...We felt like doing a long response 7-8 mark question for each page. Our teacher is a legit strict marker + the marking criteria = screwed? Hopefully when i get back, it's a 50-60-70%....idk.

April 10 - Physics Practical.

We had a bunch of time to study for this. Before the day of the exam, we had tutor for physics at school. Our tutor asked us questions, most of them didn't really no the answer. So i answered every single question for them, i thought i might come first again, but nah, they have potential, i know they can catch up easily. But i didn't study projectile all. We went went in and the prac has, one ideas to implentation question (problem solving), one QTQ questions about nuclear equations. Section 3 is MAG about Faradays Law and Section 4 is projectiles. We went in and about half of the exam, I had to do section 4 - projectiles, I had no idea what to do. I looked at the rest to see what they did and copied them, not the paper, but what they are doing (measuring table, time etc). I was like "Ok, i have my stuff, measurements ready, now what do i do, what do i sub in, where should i put this number, in what equation?" I was fcked, so i just made up numbers and subbed them in. Pretty realistic but idk. Section 4, idk about this one, i left out a graphing question since i' ve no idea for to do.

- When i went home, i cried. My parents were like "what's wrong?", but they just don't understand, what am i doing wrong, where did all the effort go in the summer holidays? I had no idea. I thought everything was perfect for all these exams. But nah. The practical is 30% man, i guess someone will take my spot for 1st place now.

April 11 - Physics Exam

Last exam, we all couldn't wait to end this, and it was like the last day of school? Anyways, I answered everything i could but "projectiles" fcked me up again. it was worth 3-4 marks (can't remember), and I left out a two mark question since i had no idea what to do. When we finished, our teacher marked it straight away, we played a bit of basketball at the end to relieve the stress and sh1t. When we were about to head home, we saw him and he was like "I'm not happy guys". Alright then.....

To sum it up, pretty depressing half - yearly. But we have to do this 2 more times. I'm trying to reflect what I was doing wrong BEFORE these exam. But i just can't figure it out. I guess i might think about it again tomorrow. Thank you for reading.
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Premium Member
Aug 23, 2012
Uni Grad
Hi Zonkunu,
I hope your holidays are going well and I am going to give some objective advice.

For your English Advanced exam, essentially you were worried about these things
1)Doing the exam out of 'order'
2)Not having written creative 'word for word' and finishing the belonging essay in a way which you would have liked
3)Worrying about not having studied the exam the 'correct way'
4)Worried about failing the deputy's 'expectations' as well as your parent's expectations of you

Don't worry about point 1)-doing the exam out of order is perfectly fine and common, as for 2)don't worry about what you can't change and sometimes not having written your creative word for word is advantageous since it would have possibly enabled you to answer the given question more closely 3)-there really isn't a right/wrong way to study for English-just do what works for you-don't worry too much about conflicting opinions- -download my presentations for belonging from this link if you haven't-it will give you a clearer idea of how you can better prepare next time. For 4)-although crying can be a good stress reliever, remember you did your best-so that was all anyone would have asked of you-don't blame yourself excessively:)

This is a little bit late-but happy belated birthday:)-I hope your birthday wishes comes true in the coming year:)

Regarding your chemistry exam, you were essentially worried/frustrated about
1)Feeling unprepared for the exam-the format is one which you did not expect
2)Feeling worried about teacher being a harsh marker and strict marking criteria=poor marks
3)Feeling a bit uncertain in how to structure extended responses to get as much marks as possible

For 1), I empathise with you, I highly recommend you familiarise yourself with all possible question formats by doing past HSC paper questions if you haven't yet, as for 2)the teacher being strict-there is very little you can do about it-and I think it might be beneficial for you since HSC marking standards are very strict in nature-so it will give you a realistic outlook in what you need to improve, 3)for how to structure extended responses-essentially you need to familiarise yourself with the relevant exam verbs and make sure you present your answer in a concise and relevant format that FIRMLY answers the question. The following is a short extract from my senior study guide that might assist you: For the full guide, click on:

My top tips to maximise your marks in short and long responses:

1)Make sure you allocate a sufficient amount of time to answer the question according to the marks given and the time you have to do the exam. You may choose to use a pencil to make a rough plan on the points you need to include in the margins before you start writing your answers in pen.

2)Make sure you read the question as least TWICE. DO NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING THAT IS NOT DIRECTLY RELEVANT TO THE QUESTION. Only information directly answering the question will be awarded marks.

3)Make sure you write legibly in the exam, teachers cannot award marks to what they can't read.

4)Include relevant BALANCED chemical equations and clearly labelled diagrams when appropriate to support your answer. Make sure you explain the relevance of the equation and or/diagram you are including qualitatively in your answer

5)Make sure you don't write an excessive amount, the lines allocated to a question is usually a good indication of the expected length. When you keep writing excessively, you risk REPEATING YOUR POINTS as well as possibly CONTRADICTING yourself which results in no marks awarded.

6)Use a table format where appropriate to answer the question-use the clearest format possible to present RELEVANT INFORMATION to get your marks.

7)The most IMPORTANT tip is to make sure you are answering what the exam verb requires you, for example in an EVALUATE question, you will not be able to get full marks if you don't make a final, personal judgment based on the issues you have evaluated for the question. Go to board of studies website and make sure you REMEMBER and know how to apply the definitions of the exam verbs commonly used.

Don't predict your marks-your prediction is well likely to be wrong-just keep studying, keep working hard-and NEVER GIVE UP!

For your physics practical, essentially these were the things you were worried about:
1)Didn't studied projectile motion questions-caught off guard when it was examined
2)Left out a graphing question which you didn't complete
3)Worrying about first spot being taken
4)Wondering what happened to all the effort you have put in your summer holidays

For point 1)learn from this mistake, make sure you studied everything in the syllabus, whether it be the first or second column, as for 2)there is nothing much you can do-but you should make sure you know how to do the graphing question when you get your paper back, for 3)you have no control over this, and even if you lost your first rank-in the worst case scenario-it is not the end of the world, I lost my first internal rank for almost all of my subjects in an assessment task or two during the year for each subject, but I never let those ranks define me-you can retrieve your rank if you are determined enough. For 4)You have to understand that studying is a prolonged period of effort-and everyone is studying very hard-it wasn't that you won't working hard enough in the holidays, but that you had to make sure you work hard throughout the duration of the year, and what you have gone through earlier in the year in terms of familial issues would have no doubt had an impact on your concentration-so take things easy but take them seriously at the same time.

For your physics exam, essentially you were worried about
1)Left out a 2 mark question
2)Projectile questions-uncertain whether you got marks
3)Depressed about the prospect of going through a similar experience later on in the year

Don't think too much about these exams to be honest, think about them when you get your results back. for 1)for future reference, write down something you think is relevant to the question even in the case you have no idea how to answer it, for 2)make sure you review projectiles thoroughly in the holidays, for 3)you need to change your attitude from being depressed to keep going. The winners are those who are resilient and keep going, those who attain first ranks-no matter what school they are in-are those who have the psychological strength to keep going despite all odds against them-and this psychological strength is what gives them the edge, the consistency and difference in results. Make sure you attain a strong psychological mindset and I wish you all the best:)

Hope this helps a bit:)


Sep 1, 2013
Uni Grad
After it all finished, I was gonna study till 2 again, but nah.My sister was like you should sleep...and so i did. 8 hours.
Sleep is so important, i felt my best exams were ones where i had an awesome sleep. Particularly for maths, I feel sleep is very important.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2013
5)Make sure you don't write an excessive amount, the lines allocated to a question is usually a good indication of the expected length. When you keep writing excessively, you risk REPEATING YOUR POINTS which results in no marks awarded.
Do you lose marks if you repeat your points? Because I do this all the time (when I get a mind blank and don't know what to write). Never lost marks for it though but I understand why you shouldn't do that. For my school at least.
Do they take marks off in the real hsc?


Premium Member
Aug 23, 2012
Uni Grad
Do you lose marks if you repeat your points? Because I do this all the time (when I get a mind blank and don't know what to write). Never lost marks for it though but I understand why you shouldn't do that. For my school at least.
Do they take marks off in the real hsc?
I realised I should have used clearer language, essentially I am not saying that you definitely lose marks if you repeat your points but that you won't get any more marks for any points repeated. Usually it wastes your time as well as the marker's time-you want them to identify the main points relevant to the question and move on-the easier and quicker they see answers, the more easily they will give you the marks.


May 18, 2012
Hi Zonkunu,
I hope your holidays are going well and I am going to give some objective advice.

For your English Advanced exam, essentially you were worried about these things
1)Doing the exam out of 'order'
2)Not having written creative 'word for word' and finishing the belonging essay in a way which you would have liked
3)Worrying about not having studied the exam the 'correct way'
4)Worried about failing the deputy's 'expectations' as well as your parent's expectations of you

Don't worry about point 1)-doing the exam out of order is perfectly fine and common, as for 2)don't worry about what you can't change and sometimes not having written your creative word for word is advantageous since it would have possibly enabled you to answer the given question more closely 3)-there really isn't a right/wrong way to study for English-just do what works for you-don't worry too much about conflicting opinions- -download my presentations for belonging from this link if you haven't-it will give you a clearer idea of how you can better prepare next time. For 4)-although crying can be a good stress reliever, remember you did your best-so that was all anyone would have asked of you-don't blame yourself excessively:)

This is a little bit late-but happy belated birthday:)-I hope your birthday wishes comes true in the coming year:)

Regarding your chemistry exam, you were essentially worried/frustrated about
1)Feeling unprepared for the exam-the format is one which you did not expect
2)Feeling worried about teacher being a harsh marker and strict marking criteria=poor marks
3)Feeling a bit uncertain in how to structure extended responses to get as much marks as possible

For 1), I empathise with you, I highly recommend you familiarise yourself with all possible question formats by doing past HSC paper questions if you haven't yet, as for 2)the teacher being strict-there is very little you can do about it-and I think it might be beneficial for you since HSC marking standards are very strict in nature-so it will give you a realistic outlook in what you need to improve, 3)for how to structure extended responses-essentially you need to familiarise yourself with the relevant exam verbs and make sure you present your answer in a concise and relevant format that FIRMLY answers the question. The following is a short extract from my senior study guide that might assist you: For the full guide, click on:

My top tips to maximise your marks in short and long responses:

1)Make sure you allocate a sufficient amount of time to answer the question according to the marks given and the time you have to do the exam. You may choose to use a pencil to make a rough plan on the points you need to include in the margins before you start writing your answers in pen.

2)Make sure you read the question as least TWICE. DO NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING THAT IS NOT DIRECTLY RELEVANT TO THE QUESTION. Only information directly answering the question will be awarded marks.

3)Make sure you write legibly in the exam, teachers cannot award marks to what they can't read.

4)Include relevant BALANCED chemical equations and clearly labelled diagrams when appropriate to support your answer. Make sure you explain the relevance of the equation and or/diagram you are including qualitatively in your answer

5)Make sure you don't write an excessive amount, the lines allocated to a question is usually a good indication of the expected length. When you keep writing excessively, you risk REPEATING YOUR POINTS as well as possibly CONTRADICTING yourself which results in no marks awarded.

6)Use a table format where appropriate to answer the question-use the clearest format possible to present RELEVANT INFORMATION to get your marks.

7)The most IMPORTANT tip is to make sure you are answering what the exam verb requires you, for example in an EVALUATE question, you will not be able to get full marks if you don't make a final, personal judgment based on the issues you have evaluated for the question. Go to board of studies website and make sure you REMEMBER and know how to apply the definitions of the exam verbs commonly used.

Don't predict your marks-your prediction is well likely to be wrong-just keep studying, keep working hard-and NEVER GIVE UP!

For your physics practical, essentially these were the things you were worried about:
1)Didn't studied projectile motion questions-caught off guard when it was examined
2)Left out a graphing question which you didn't complete
3)Worrying about first spot being taken
4)Wondering what happened to all the effort you have put in your summer holidays

For point 1)learn from this mistake, make sure you studied everything in the syllabus, whether it be the first or second column, as for 2)there is nothing much you can do-but you should make sure you know how to do the graphing question when you get your paper back, for 3)you have no control over this, and even if you lost your first rank-in the worst case scenario-it is not the end of the world, I lost my first internal rank for almost all of my subjects in an assessment task or two during the year for each subject, but I never let those ranks define me-you can retrieve your rank if you are determined enough. For 4)You have to understand that studying is a prolonged period of effort-and everyone is studying very hard-it wasn't that you won't working hard enough in the holidays, but that you had to make sure you work hard throughout the duration of the year, and what you have gone through earlier in the year in terms of familial issues would have no doubt had an impact on your concentration-so take things easy but take them seriously at the same time.

For your physics exam, essentially you were worried about
1)Left out a 2 mark question
2)Projectile questions-uncertain whether you got marks
3)Depressed about the prospect of going through a similar experience later on in the year

Don't think too much about these exams to be honest, think about them when you get your results back. for 1)for future reference, write down something you think is relevant to the question even in the case you have no idea how to answer it, for 2)make sure you review projectiles thoroughly in the holidays, for 3)you need to change your attitude from being depressed to keep going. The winners are those who are resilient and keep going, those who attain first ranks-no matter what school they are in-are those who have the psychological strength to keep going despite all odds against them-and this psychological strength is what gives them the edge, the consistency and difference in results. Make sure you attain a strong psychological mindset and I wish you all the best:)

Hope this helps a bit:)
Thanks strawberrye and all of you's for everything. Thank you so much.
Got the results, so far it is:

Section 1 English: 8/15. - They didn't mark the rest. The others got 11,14/15. The gap is legit getting bigger...I'm still last, they won't give out the rest since their comp has problems.
Physics: 43% prac, 60% Paper-Exam. 3RD..or 4th IDK because they need to count the one in Term 4 as well.

Alright, im gonna identify that things that i think needs to be fixed. Please give some suggestion...pls.


- This is absolutely NOT a problem. Dedication as well.

Study Environment:

TBH, i think this is the problem.

View attachment 30356

As you can see, I study in this computer(make notes, read, essay writing), which is like next to the TV. i ALWAYS study here. My parents watches their asian drama here, everyday either morning or night. I sorta get distracted. Everyday whenever their is intense action going on (criminal investigation, police action, truth revealed (wtf)) I would always get hooked and peek while reading or making notes at the same now. But the thing is, if i tell my parents to switch off the TV and not watch, then they won't watch for the entire year cuz we only have one and they will be bored to death. I think we all rely on computers to study right, make notes and write essays? But tbh, the desk is kinda small to do either HW, or other stuff. So I think imma use my school laptop and study somewhere else like...

Dinner table. Most of the time, it's Math here. But I could still hear the TV sounds coming out. For past papers, I have to sit back down there, that computer to answer questions. This is a BIG desk to study in and their is a power point where i can charge my laptop and write notes. But the TV is still a distraction.

Backyard - This looks pretty good, but i rarely study here. I could actually bring everything like school laptop , math textbooks and write essay. And + the fresh air is nice as well. But I can't be here to study at night, their's barely any lights, and night creeps me out man. I have to think about it.


- I can do absolutely anything here. But i only use it in exam periods because it's so depressing. There is no noise coming out of the TV, or my parents or dog barking. I could bring my school laptop, CHARGE IT and write essay, make notes, math PP's etc. Anything is possible, this can actually be better than the library, cuz you can drink/eat and recharge yourself and go back in. The desk is small tho, but if i remove my colored portfolios, their can be enough space. At night around 9, I have to get out, their is a bed their. It's parents sleeping time, which means that the TV is dead, so I can study back in the big one.

There is sort of advantages and disadvantages for all this environment. Please give some suggestions?


This is a problem. A big problem. I memories FACTS instead of getting a deeper understanding. I heard from someone in this forum (Hawkrider?). that you have to deeply understand concepts in order to do especially well? idk., Especially for Math. If I rote learn the concepts i won't get anywhere. But i looked at the Fitzpatrick Contents and i STILL DON"T GET THE CONCEPTS. I just rote learn. I'm thinking about getting this An audio/book that is really recommended from Amazon. It talks about the ways for become more successful through better thinking and deeply understanding concepts.


ah who doesn't procrastinate. Most people used "COLD TURKEY" to block themselves from using facebook/9gag/gaming etc. I'm not gonna delete the facebook acc, but i think uninstalling League of Legends, Team Fortress 2 and Guardian Cross, cuz they are really time-wasting stuff. 1 game of LoL is pretty much 40mins, especiallly when you lose it pretty much a waste of time. But the thing is, for reason whenever i get bored, i just keep installing it back again...and play for the fun of it.

Ah one more problem. Math. My school uses Cambridge 2 unit textbook, we always answer questions/do HW here. But since most people say Fitzpatrick is better. I do that instead. I even bring Fitzpatrick textbook to school instead of bringing the Cambridge. I rarely answer/do homework from Cambridge...I think i'm doing it wrong...

Berocca and Milo anyone?

Ty for reading, pls give some suggestions if possible.
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May 18, 2012

Results are back:

50/52 for Math 96% Rank: Less then or equal to 8/16

*2nd for this test, really happy about this one, since it weigh 30%. We destroyed the Extension kids as well, so pretty nice.
Chemistry: 31/66 or 70. Rank: 5-6/9

* I left out some questions blank especially the tiltration ones, legit lacked sleep, the notes were also not in my own words, and I didn't study much..

Biology 70% Rank: 5/18
* We haven't got back our paper yet, so we don't know where we screwed up. But it's obviously the marking criteria and that I haven't answered the question properly.

English - Lets just say i failed for now... but for Module A: 10/15 , 4th for this one, destroyed half the class but it's all thanks to strawberrye. TY so much for this one. Rank: Last. *Band 6 for English is defiantly gone, Band 5 maybe?

What I've done so far....

- Completely finished Biology notes. Maintaining a Balance, Blueprint of Life, Search for Better Health and also the option Communication.
- Finished Hamlet reading (a long time ago....), preparing themes, quotes and analysis for Hamlet, since they will specify a scene for us to answer that question.
- Did heaps of questions for Math. One more topic - the Finance one and I will hit those PP's.
- Half way through the notes for Physics (Ideas to Implementation) and Chemistry (Chemical Monitoring and Management).
- Doing Tiltration question for Chemistry. Since it might come out in the prac.
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Ancient Orator
Oct 21, 2013

Results are back:

50/52 for Math 96% Rank: Less then or equal to 8/16

*2nd for this test, really happy about this one, since it weigh 30%. We destroyed the Extension kids as well, so pretty nice.
Chemistry: 31/66 or 70. Rank: 5-6/9

* I left out some questions blank especially the tiltration ones, legit lacked sleep, the notes were also not in my own words, and I didn't study much..

Biology 70% Rank: 5/18
* We haven't got back our paper yet, so we don't know where we screwed up. But it's obviously the marking criteria and that I haven't answered the question properly.

English - Lets just say i failed for now... but for Module A: 10/15 , 4th for this one, destroyed half the class but it's all thanks to strawberrye. TY so much for this one. Rank: Last. *Band 6 for English is defiantly gone, Band 5 maybe?

What I've done so far....

- Completely finished Biology notes. Maintaining a Balance, Blueprint of Life, Search for Better Health and also the option Communication.
- Finished Hamlet reading (a long time ago....), preparing themes, quotes and analysis for Hamlet, since they will specify a scene for us to answer that question.
- Did heaps of questions for Math. One more topic - the Finance one and I will hit those PP's.
- Half way through the notes for Physics (Ideas to Implementation) and Chemistry (Chemical Monitoring and Management).
- Doing Tiltration question for Chemistry. Since it might come out in the prac.
congrats :) i'm soo proud of all ur hard work and ur results.


May 18, 2012
congrats :) i'm soo proud of all ur hard work and ur results.


- Math Question on Motion (3 or 4 questions)
- Biology Homework for Search for Better Health.
- Chemistry Chemical Monitoring and Management notes - 2 dot points.
- Did half of the Chemistry Jacaranda Questions Chapter 11 -

That's it, gotta sleep early for tommorow's English Excursion.


May 18, 2012

Not much work today.

- Hamlet and Romulus my Father reading on the train for excur.
- Wrote notes for Hamlet and The Great Gatsby.
- Basketball after excursion, home, dinner, shower and it's already 8.
- Math Homework for tutoring 1/2 way done.

For tommorow:

- Finish at least 1 section for both Chem and Physics.
- 1 Hamlet Paragraph on Patriarchy.
- Finish all Math Tutor HW.
- Study Phloems and Xylems for Bio, since it might be in the prac.
- And if possible, get a random question from a PP and do a practise essay for Romulus my Father.
* Romulus My Father reading at night
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May 18, 2012

Unrealistic goals yesterday....

- Finish at least 1 section for both Chem and Physics. *Finished Section 3 only for Chemical Management..
- 1 Hamlet Paragraph on Patriarchy. *Finished
- Finish all Math Tutor HW. *Didn't even touch this, didn't have time*
- Study Phloems and Xylems for Bio, since it might be in the prac. *DONE*
- And if possible, get a random question from a PP and do a practise essay for Romulus my Father. *1 Intro, 1 body, continuing tomm*
* Romulus My Father reading at night *Nope, reading on the train tomm*

Ah...bad time-management.


- Finish all the Math tutor HW.
- Finish practice essay for Romulus My Father.
- Romulus My Father reading, get more quotes for Hamlet and place them in different themes.
- Improve first - hand investigation notes for bio, study em along with punnet square problems etc.


May 18, 2012

ah dam it. Didn't do much. Went out buying food/shopping with my parents along with a haircut.

- Tutoring for 2 hrs.
- - Finish all the Math tutor HW. *Not done...didn't have time to touch this*
- Finish practice essay for Romulus My Father. - Nearly done.
- Romulus My Father reading, get more quotes for Hamlet and place them in different themes. *Only read analysis and critiques instead*
- Improve first - hand investigation notes for bio, study em along with punnet square problems etc. *Done*


- Finish all the Math tutor HW, doing this first thing after school or the free period omg...
- Romulus My Father reading, get more quotes for Hamlet and place them in different themes.
- Finish practice essay for Romulus, finish dat.
- 1 Past Paper for Math.
- Review and update Biology notes or Chem.


May 18, 2012

- Finish all the Math tutor HW, doing this first thing after school or the free period omg... *FINISHED, except 1 or 2 q's which i don't get*
- Romulus My Father reading, get more quotes for Hamlet and place them in different themes. - Nope, no time
- Finish practice essay for Romulus, finish dat. *FINISHED, getting the teacher to check it out tomm
- 1 Past Paper for Math. - Nope, spent most of the time finishing HW.
- Review and update Biology notes or Chem. * 2 Dot Points of Chem.


Ah, a lot of stuff popping up tomorrow. Ferk...need to go parra.

- DEFINITELY reading Romulus My Father, QUOTES for Hamlet and place them in different themes along with technique and analysis.
- DEFINITELY 1 Past Paper for MATH.
- Reviewing and updating notes for Chem.


May 18, 2012

- DEFINITELY reading Romulus My Father, QUOTES for Hamlet and place them in different themes along with technique and analysis DONE, still need more.
- DEFINITELY 1 Past Paper for MATH- 80%, DONE except topics i didn't do. Continuing tomm.
- Completed some question off Cambridge Textbook. - Math
- Reviewing and updating notes for Chem - Nah, went to parra after school, no time.


Last edited:


May 18, 2012
I'm not sure if i can continue on with this thread, since i haven't posted anything lately. Please feel free to lock/delete this thread if it's too old or something. Thank you


Not sure where to start, I guess i will just share experiences of whats happened for each subject. So far, this isn't going well. 3 WEEKS FOR TRIALS

Physics: Nothing much here, we've done an assignment worth 15% and that's it. Got 18/20. . Jumped from 5/11 to 3/11 now. Theirs a huge gap between 1st/2nd to 3rd/4th/5th since everyone fcked up in the practical. Just finished all my notes for this, especially the option. Trials are worth 40% here....gotta get that 1st place back.

Biology: Not sure if i mentioned here, but we finished our prac. Got 70%. I would say 5-6/18 here, since the teacher didn't really give out the ranks properly. Trials = 40% and also another random assessment worth 15%...which i finished, just need to hand it in now.

Math For some reason, my rank is 3/11 here, butt i don't believe that sh1t because it says Exam Rank in the report which should be "Course Rank". They screwed up the system for the report and everyone is like complaining and sh1t because they want to know the rank so bad. So instead of waiting we calculated the weightings, marks and put them in a table AS A CLASS...and that took us like 1 period. I think i was 4/11 here...not sure. We also did a test worth 20%, it was alright because he basically copy pasted some PP Questions and questions from Fitzgerald textbook and put them their. I THINK i might be 3/11 , 4/11, 5/11 or if im like SUPER lucky 2/11 after this test idk. Their's like a 1% gap between some of us.

***What surprised me is how most of us LEFT 10-15 min early before the exam finished. Why the fck would you do it because they don't want to hear the sh1t coming out of people's mouths after the test or are they like SUPER confident they got this....?

English and Chem: For English, idk about Module B, everyone said they did pretty bad because we were given mixed scenes to answer a question. The time limit was 40 mins. No one was expecting this cuz the paper CLEARLY said oh you will be given a legit 50 mins to write your response. When we ask why they put it to 40 they were like, it's because it's the normal given time that you are supposed to write for 1 MODULE in your HSC and good point, we legit had nothing to say. Rank: LAST. For Chem, let's just's a mystery.

So far, if I continue like this, I think it's going to be a less than 80 ATAR. But I'm just gonna change my belief, and still believe that I can get 90. Because from what people are saying so far, your BELIEFS determine your DECISIONS, which determines your OUTCOME. I really do hope, this statement is true. And hopefully after we finish the HSC, we would all smile after we've walk out that door. Thank you for those for you that have read.


For tomorrow.


Premium Member
Aug 23, 2012
Uni Grad
Hey Zokunu,
Glad to see that you are back on boredofstudies:) You have been dearly missed:) I know that it must be frustrating for your English exam-and in some extents, many would argue it is unfair since any expectations and conditions should be explicitly mentioned before the exam. However, I guess you can take comfort from the fact that everyone was subjected to the same 'unfair' condition. As for why people have walked out earlier in exams, don't worry too much about other people, focus on yourself:). As long as you tried your hardest, that's all it matters at the end of the day:). From the continual effort you have put into your HSC throughout the year, it will be paid of-it is not merely your beliefs, but more importantly, your attitude towards things:) From the optimistic and determined tone of your post-I am confident that you can elevate your ranks and achieve your maximum academic potential in your trials.

Just one more important thing-don't worry excessively about gaps and ranks before the trials, because these ultimately at the end of the day are numbers compared to other people who are not very important in the long run of your life. I have always advocated this philosophy and I am not tired to continue advocating it, and it is this: Compete and compare with yourself-as long as you have improved and learn from your mistakes, that is all that matters. I used to obsess over my ranks in year 9 and 10-and that led me on a path of depression(to the point that even when I am supposed to be happy I got a good mark, I still felt incredibly upset that I wasn't first, or that I didn't get a perfect mark, or that there was other people sharing my mark...). It really isn't a path you want to go through.

My best wishes for you to CONQUER your trials and may you DEFINE YOUR OWN RESULTS AND NEVER LET YOUR RESULTS DEFINE YOU:)

Just on a side note, may be a bit too late, but if you are free on Monday, perhaps you might be interested in coming to a free BELONGING seminar I am holding at Parramatta Library-I can assist you with other modules after the seminar if you want:). Anyways, the details are in the link:


May 18, 2012
Thanks strawberrye, and for your belonging seminar I legit want to but I can't since I need to do something for my family. Sorry.


- One on One tutoring today. Just practicing how to answer essay questions properly. Got some feedback for Bio assignment and did a little bit of questions for math, that's it.

- Did some problem solving - calculation questions for Physics to refresh memory. I wished I continued but for some reason their's this feeling where oh you need to do some English.

- Spent most of the day reading notes for English and barely writing anything down for a practice essay. I could have done something else instead, but for some reason, just keep wasting time reading just to find a proper /good / perfect POINT for a sentence. Ah this needs to be fixed.

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