wow no-ones holidays here sound fun at all!
the best advice i got was from the guy who said to get drunk and do meth!lol
we should all chill and go down to cronulla beach or bondi.
its summer soon! and we'll be studying next holidays so make the most out of these!
i think im taking a train trip down to newcastle with my friends to see this art exhibition called "this is not art" may also check out the Museum of contemporary art.
also alot of picnics and summer dresses.
my group and i already cracked a deal that we would meet up at least 5 times these holidays.
the most school related work i am going to do is read frankenstein. lol (which i bought for $5 from kinokuniya today!) also gona catch up on some vogue reading and time magazine reading + sort idea for my major textiles project!
what a great holiday this will be for all!