Not-That-Bright said:
...this dude wants to have sex & steal this girl... if it was my girlfriend i'd tell him to fuck off too, it's not insecurity it's just he's a wanker.
...did he say this girl has a boyfriend? I might've missed it as I scrolled back but couldn't find anything...
On the other subject, who cares if another guy is attracted (note, not in love, not falling for, but attracted) to your girl? I trust my girl enough to turn down a guy if he's interested in her and makes a move -- not necessarily turned down as a friend, but turned down as anything else. If he doesn't respect that she's happy, then he's a dickhead and I'll take matters into my own hands, but I don't see why you have the right to
interfere with your girlfriend's social life. Sure, she's 'your girlfriend', but she's not 'yours'... if she befriends someone who happens to be interested in her, it's his -
and only his- problem until he steps out of line. It's a matter of trust and believing your girl when she tells you she loves you...
(I know this is a matter of opinion and'll never be reconciled so is somewhat pointless, but it's interesting nonetheless)
m123 said:
i dnt wana do her u wankhead. anyway, lol wat if she dsnt take good notes, then i cant say nething...
...errr... take a look at her notes, and then offer her some tutoring? ...maybe she could pay you back with coffee then...?
No idea. Don't plan somethng ahead of time, just go with the flow. (As lazyboy says below)