How to win the hsc
even as i write this i should be studying for my SOR test tomorrow...(its my last

) but what the hey. this is the way to win the hsc, the power you have been endowed with is limmitless. as long as you follow what it says....
accually study, do abit all the time, even though its not for awhile get in now. you may groan and whinge and not wat to cause youd rather be doing something outside or watching tv or doing something, but when you get to the exams youll be not giving a crap about all those times you had rathered do something else then study cause when the exams come everything in the past will not matter to you and you would have just wished you had done plenty of study beforehand so it would be easy now. Trust me, you will.
dont go study spastic though, you dont need to start doing 6 hrs a day study or anything. and if you just do the homework, revise stuff and so on youll just remember it then when it comes time to studying more for the exams you will know basically all the stuff and youll just have to brush up.
* its ALOT easier and more fun to do that then to have to go crazy near the exams cause you dont know nearly as much as you would like.
* dont stress out about stuff, it doesnt help and only makes you forget stuff, just make the most of the time you have left, stay calm and go over important stuff
* get the sylibus for your subjects, go through them systimatically and revise each one and tick it off.
* make compact, consise notes. cut the crap thats in them and make sure its only the important stuff. you dont want great slabs of stuff to try and remember, because you wont.
* if you dont like a subject, get over it. you have to deal with it so you may as well try and be good at it. get out of the thinking that you 'hate' that subject, if you keep telling yourself you dont like it you wont.
youve only got 1 1/2 yrs of school left. itll go fast so make the most of it, study wise and social wise. As much as you might dissagree now, you do accually like school and most probably will miss it when you leave. you get to see your friends everyday and all the other stuff. you wont be able to do these things once youve left. ive got friends going to Qld, sydney, and all places everywhere for uni or whatever so i wont be seeing half of them much (if at all).
like i said. theres not much time left, so make good use of it. Like Study, not overly but just revise and look over stuff, and your sylibus. Like study, everything is good in moderation, parties are no exeption. Make sure you go to parties and go out with your friends and have fun. None of this "no, you need to stay home and study" crap. yes, you need to study, and make sure you do (truthfully) but all these other things are also important. Theyre fun and keep you happy, with happiness you are more inclined to study and to do so better.
Apart from that. just make sure you do do the work, comeon, youve only got less than 2 yrs then your OUT, done forever, finito, caputt, no more school. you can do what you want then so make sure you do the work now, its not parties and going out that wastes study time, its all the little things like watching to much tv, or doing things that really arent that important or just bumming around in general and wasting time for no real reason. so if you find youself slipping into this force yourself out of it, it doesnt matter what subject you study, or even if its a text you need to read do that just as long as you dont waste your time, because its one thing youll find yourself running out of and its the one most important thing becuase you can only shove so much into your head (and expect it to stick) in any given amount of time.
so by starting early, you can do less at a time instead of building it all up into one great heap at the end and shoving it all in, youll find doing that will work much better.
The Hsc isnt the el mundo festo evil incarnate test of death. its pretty easy, just as long as you know your subjects, and they WILL NOT put anything in the tests that isnt in your sylibus for the subject. Its like the easy sawce way of winning, just learn what the sylibus says to, that it, thats all you have to do to do well in the hsc. you dont have to know everything, only what they tell you to. Its not a test of your intelligence or how smart you are (thats the same thing i think, anyway...) its just a test of how well you know the sylibus pretty much.
so to sum it up
*Get in early and dont waste time (even though i almost guarentee you wont)
*dont need to spend some insane hrs each day studying, just do acouple a day and get into a habit if doing it.
*dont sacrifice important events for study (unless its really close to exams...and you know like nothing)
*remember, when you get to the exams, you wont care about anything that has happened in between then and now. The ONLY thing you will be caring about is how much you have to do THEN. so do more now and you will be thankfull you did.
* this is your last year, make the most of it and have fun!
and that looks about it.... so good luck