Hi all
I wasn't really sure where the best place to start a thread on this was, this or a general education thread, so I apologise if it needs to be moved.
Basically I'm needing to shop for appropriate attire for my first teaching prac coming up. To be perfectly honest, I have a total blank when I think back to my own former teacher/student teacher's clothing choices and it makes me nervous to think I might be dressing either too casual or too formal.
Does anyone have any tips? E.g. staples, clothing store suggestions? Maybe some specific tips if there is anything that you thought would be fine but didn't really work especially given the more non-sedentary nature of teaching?
I'm also wondering what the official stance on shoes is. I seem to remember teachers wearing sandals that definitely wouldn't have gone over well in woodwork or science block but does anyone know if some schools have a strict policy for OH&S?
Thank you
EDIT: Probably should have mentioned that I'm a girl, whoops!
Basically I'm needing to shop for appropriate attire for my first teaching prac coming up. To be perfectly honest, I have a total blank when I think back to my own former teacher/student teacher's clothing choices and it makes me nervous to think I might be dressing either too casual or too formal.
Does anyone have any tips? E.g. staples, clothing store suggestions? Maybe some specific tips if there is anything that you thought would be fine but didn't really work especially given the more non-sedentary nature of teaching?
I'm also wondering what the official stance on shoes is. I seem to remember teachers wearing sandals that definitely wouldn't have gone over well in woodwork or science block but does anyone know if some schools have a strict policy for OH&S?
Thank you
EDIT: Probably should have mentioned that I'm a girl, whoops!
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