Truongs Maths Tutoring, any comments? (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Oct 16, 2008
Actually, it's well known that most tutors who tutor cash in hand [especially uni students] don't claim tax, so extending such a claim isn't that ludicrous. However, he's asserted that he pays taxes on his tutoring, and there's no reason not to believe him.

It must be noted at assumptions are very natural things to do, in moderation... so don't shoot people for not understanding. Gentle correction is likely to be more appropriate, though of course you do all respect him very much. Arguing, especially on the internet, doesn't get you anywhere, and just makes you look like a douche I guess.


She was a hurricane.
Apr 3, 2007
To insinuate that someone doesn't pay taxes on their business is incriminating. It could almost be viewed as defamation. I would take such an assumption really seriously and be offended by it.

I do respect sir very much. He taught me the importance of family. He made me understand that family is forever and that it's binding thing. There is no one who will look out for you as unselfishly as your family. This doesn't just apply to your blood relations but also the centre itself. We call ourselves a family and the students are our younger siblings. That's the mentality at the centre.

So if it makes me look like an idiot for arguing online for something I feel passionately about, then that's fine. I don't mind. I just don't think that it is respectable and becoming to say negative things and come to conclusions about someone that you have yet to meet.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2008
Personally, though, I think it's up to your family to teach you the importance of family. Not your tutor. But he's free to do as he wishes and students are free to take it as they will.

This thread can seriously use a good dose of lightening up, since it is a thread of opinions and the forum members were asked for their comments. *shrug


Feb 12, 2005
Are you working for him? A kid I know has just got a job with him because the kid got over 99 in ATAR. He is very smart using smart kids to train kids. He is a smart business man. Good pocket money for Uni students, easy money for him, cash only, ... From what I have heard, average kids going to his tutoring come out as average kids until they left and get one on one. If it is not because of this mad thing about Asian parents trying to make their kids (dumb, average and smart) all becoming "smart", coaching colleges would just go bankrupt tomorrow.

Do you know what it means by "jack of all trades". My advice, stick to one and be an expert.
I have read many of your contributions, not just to this thread. You make negative comments about other coaching centres as well and you write as if you are an expert. Do you know what it means by "jack of all trades?" My advice, stick to one and be an expert, maybe just IT? If you prefer not to give your children the best possible advantage to their education then it is your preference but dont give advice as if you are the know it all person.

Kids who leave the centre are the kids who have been expelled and obviously these kids will say that they have not improved. If kids do not benefit from coaching then why is the trend for families now to send all their children to coaching centres. Obviously there has to be a dramatic improvement for parents to continue sending their kids. Your logic is so bent because of your hatred towards these centres. I know and understand that some centres are unethical in their operations but at Sirs , everyone gets treated as part of a large family and he really cares about his students and staff. You just have to read some of the entrances in this forum to see how much of an effect he has made to our lives . I felt I was an average student and it was because of Sir giving me that extra push that i am now doing well in life. I actually dare you to come up to the centre and speak to Sir directly about how the centre is run but people like you are cowards and will sit in some dark corner marking false accusations about others who play an important role in society..

ps David hopefully you will understand what sir is trying to do when he teachers mannerswhen you have a family of your own, sometimes kids dont listen to their parents .Hoping you are enjoying uni!
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Jan 17, 2009
To insinuate that someone doesn't pay taxes on their business is incriminating. It could almost be viewed as defamation. I would take such an assumption really seriously and be offended by it.
The tax department had looked into this a while ago. It was public news. All coaching places tend to be subjected to investigation and forced to pay up.


Jan 17, 2009
I have read many of your contributions, not just to this thread. You make negative comments about other coaching centres as well and you write as if you are an expert. Do you know what it means by "jack of all trades?" My advice, stick to one and be an expert, maybe just IT? If you prefer not to give your children the best possible advantage to their education then it is your preference but dont give advice as if you are the know it all person.
Prefer NOT to? I would never let coaching colleges touch my kids! I cannot imagine in my life that I would ever need the services of a coaching college! If you don't know something, you walk into a library! Simple as that. One one one type of coaching is actually much better. It was Ok a while ago when teachers coach small groups of students or Uni students supplementing their income. But now it is out of hands with big coaching colleges! Frankly the smart kids never need coaching services.

Manners is the realm of parents and perhaps a little at schools, not at coaching colleges. Many parents have let their kids loose, bury their time into making money and use coaching places as virtual child care and teen care centres. It would be better if they spend time with the kids instead.

I have never heard of an ethical coaching centre. Some disguise better than others but the is always about money. That is OK if they just make no pretend about it :) Truong has a lot of support from guys like you because he offers work to his top students. This is a very smart strategy that works very well. I have never said he is not a smart man even though I don't like how some of the students and parents are treated.

What I like people here to do is to state clearly if they are working for for a coaching place when they post to defend it with their lives.


Jan 17, 2009
I'm currently working at the centre as one of the teachers.
Ok, matey, if you really talk about insinuations. Tell me how many students who have been expelled because they are suspected of not putting the cash into the envelop without giving the benefit of the doubt that money got misplaced? Why cash in envelop? Why not bank deposit, cheques, credit card or other receipted payments? What was the tax investigation a few years ago was about? I am sure the business is paying tax otherwise the tax department has shut it down long ago.

Don't talk about Uni students not paying taxes. They are under the tax minimum bracket and mostly only trying to survive. If they get a bit of cash from coaching, that's for their survival.

I have no problem with businesses making money ... that's business. I only have problem with how some kids and parents are treated and how people claim a business is more than what it really is. People enter business to make money, not to do charity and teach others about morality and manners. How many kids have suffered low esteem having to bow? Did you get the kids to bow to you too as you used to bow? I have problems with people here talking about manners and charity in a coaching business, not so much about the coaching business.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2008
I'm sure there are a lot of ethical tutoring centres out there.
If not, then there's certainly spot in the market for one! =]

Also I assume cash in envelop is a lot easier to process than bank deposit/credit card etc


Jan 6, 2010
just fucking lol with all this. you guys just take things way too seriously. 'ethics', 'manners', 'respect', 'discipline'. he goes through these things ONCE and that's it. and one would assume you would at least have these traits in a formal environment, apart from that he seriously doesn't care. the bowing crap, that is probably the only thing i don't agree with. it is outdated and really serves just as an ego boost. these 'life lessons' that you people preach about, come on, he makes a few pointless anecdotes then insert moral. for those of you who take offence at the slander others are making about him, i really don't understand how you can take it so personally. what he does with his busniess he does at his own discretion, he is at liberty to do whatever he wants even if chooses to do something illegal. your overprotection really is just your failed attempt to evade judgement on him.

Truong is just like any other teacher, nothing special. tbh if you just treated him as an ordinary guy instead of worshipping him you would realise this.

and this mentality of 'family' that you hold of a tutoring centre. you're basically just giving me a description of a cult. he is a great guy but the way you people go on about him as if you idolise him? it just seems odd.

a tutoring centre imo should be treated as if a workplace, professionalism should be maintained, sometimes he can be juvenile in his attempt to be relatable. personal discussions beyond small talk should be kept separate. if you're having personal issues and the only person you can turn to is him that just makes me wonder...
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Shining Down On You.
Nov 10, 2008
apparently he came from my school! :D


Aug 3, 2009
just fucking lol with all this. you guys just take things way too seriously. 'ethics', 'manners', 'respect', 'discipline'. he goes through these things ONCE and that's it. and one would assume you would at least have these traits in a formal environment, apart from that he seriously doesn't care. the bowing crap, that is probably the only thing i don't agree with. it is outdated and really serves just as an ego boost. these 'life lessons' that you people preach about, come on, he makes a few pointless anecdotes then insert moral. for those of you who take offence at the slander others are making about him, i really don't understand how you can take it so personally. what he does with his busniess he does at his own discretion, he is at liberty to do whatever he wants even if chooses to do something illegal. your overprotection really is just your failed attempt to evade judgement on him.

Truong is just like any other teacher, nothing special. tbh if you just treated him as an ordinary guy instead of worshipping him you would realise this.

and this mentality of 'family' that you hold of a tutoring centre. you're basically just giving me a description of a cult. he is a great guy but the way you people go on about him as if you idolise him? it just seems odd.

a tutoring centre imo should be treated as if a workplace, professionalism should be maintained, sometimes he can be juvenile in his attempt to be relatable. personal discussions beyond small talk should be kept separate. if you're having personal issues and the only person you can turn to is him that just makes me wonder...
How dare you attack the great Truong like this? Sir has helped us so much for nothing and yet you slander him? I feel sorry for Truong for ever accepting a student like you.


May 10, 2007
How dare you attack the great Truong like this? Sir has helped us so much for nothing and yet you slander him? I feel sorry for Truong for ever accepting a student like you.
I thought you went to Pre Uni. :eek:


Dec 31, 2009
Re: Truong's tutoring, any comments?

Not many people would be willing to give the Ngo & Sons contact number (which is the Head Teacher's private mobile number - there is no other sort of contact) to a complete stranger. No offense. :cold:

Is it possible to get Contact Address of Coaching Classes?


Dec 31, 2009
I also go to Peak for Chem + Physics. Its awesome. Theres a new english class taught by Miss Diab for year 11s on Saturday.

Whats the address for the classes? Would like to enroll for Maths,English and Physics.


Med/Dent Interview Helper
Mar 22, 2006
Subjects: Mathematics and English, Year 5 to Year 12

Try it. Then, if you like it, stay. If you dislike it, quit.
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Dec 12, 2009
Filming my next action blockbuster
just fucking lol with all this. you guys just take things way too seriously. 'ethics', 'manners', 'respect', 'discipline'. he goes through these things ONCE and that's it. and one would assume you would at least have these traits in a formal environment, apart from that he seriously doesn't care. the bowing crap, that is probably the only thing i don't agree with. it is outdated and really serves just as an ego boost. these 'life lessons' that you people preach about, come on, he makes a few pointless anecdotes then insert moral. for those of you who take offence at the slander others are making about him, i really don't understand how you can take it so personally. what he does with his busniess he does at his own discretion, he is at liberty to do whatever he wants even if chooses to do something illegal. your overprotection really is just your failed attempt to evade judgement on him.

Truong is just like any other teacher, nothing special. tbh if you just treated him as an ordinary guy instead of worshipping him you would realise this.

and this mentality of 'family' that you hold of a tutoring centre. you're basically just giving me a description of a cult. he is a great guy but the way you people go on about him as if you idolise him? it just seems odd.

a tutoring centre imo should be treated as if a workplace, professionalism should be maintained, sometimes he can be juvenile in his attempt to be relatable. personal discussions beyond small talk should be kept separate. if you're having personal issues and the only person you can turn to is him that just makes me wonder...
Just passing by here buddy, I'm just openly spitballing okay? Ok.

Look at things in perspectives, the world is a changing where there is a growing trend of loss in traditionalism and culture where the values of family and togetherness is utmost expressed. Globalisation, migration, technology and society, these aspects are the catalyst for change within morals and ethics that resonate within an environment where there is relevance i.e. family and relations. Suggested by your post, you deem the amalgamation of professionalism and issues as inoperable. However, what does it hold today you may ask? The retention of customary beliefs and morals is reinforced by family and in this instance, Sir Truong himself. I ask this, where does this development occur in a society where change is rampant and technology overrides the nature of past comings? His teachings through this tact heighten the needs for these to exist for we conform to insurmountable change that occurs endlessly around us. Overprotection clouting judgement? Your post again suggests negativity in turn with asking for issues/advice, in many instances it can be advantageous or enlightening as there is the staff who are students, in workforce as well the man himself which can provide advice in relation to x, y and z. It's also a resource available to allow the prospects of growth.
Your post is also incoherent in the interpretation of the atmosphere as a cult/sect. Is there secrecy. Can one's expression of undescribable debt be shown without opinion? He has done many things for many people, thus the relations each person holds on that string where it intertwines on both ends. It's a personal agenda where those people are able to connect with emotionally or through examples of situations.
Also, your nature of displaying places of tutoring as workplaces and professionalism is incorrect. In your belief that businesses are required to be professional, businesses must be in tune to the employees and customers wants/needs so is that being unprofessional? Furthermore, there is a required togetherness is businesses where they express a family structure, whereas in this situation, it's built upon family, morals and ethics to live a life where you are not tainted by negative impacts.
My 2 cents.

Edit: If you don't believe the loss in tradition take into instance varying cultures

1. Migration by war -> Asians, Europeans, Middle Easterns
2. Instability in environment
3. Want for wellbeing for children ; catch-22 in today's society seeing that there was unaccounted for change in the past few decades where life has been revolutionalised by war, technology, money, greed, globalisation. Clout of morals (Refer to latter); does that cloud judgement by overprotection, maybe in instances of parents, but moving on...
3. Jews ; diaspora
4. Fads and society's "pre-requisites to being accepted" ; loss in culture/tradition/ethics/morals
i.e. the rare number who believe in Hollywood life, the ghettos, g's, drugs, being high, XxxDragonImmoralxxxX, A$$YRIANKINGZ, gh3tt0_g, etc
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2008
Just passing by here buddy, I'm just openly spitballing okay? Ok.

Look at things in perspectives, the world is a changing where there is a growing trend of loss in traditionalism and culture where the values of family and togetherness is utmost expressed. Globalisation, migration, technology and society, these aspects are the catalyst for change within morals and ethics that resonate within an environment where there is relevance i.e. family and relations. Suggested by your post, you deem the amalgamation of professionalism and issues as inoperable. However, what does it hold today you may ask? The retention of customary beliefs and morals is reinforced by family and in this instance, Sir Truong himself. I ask this, where does this development occur in a society where change is rampant and technology overrides the nature of past comings? His teachings through this tact heighten the needs for these to exist for we conform to insurmountable change that occurs endlessly around us. Overprotection clouting judgement? Your post again suggests negativity in turn with asking for issues/advice, in many instances it can be advantageous or enlightening as there is the staff who are students, in workforce as well the man himself which can provide advice in relation to x, y and z. It's also a resource available to allow the prospects of growth.
Your post is also incoherent in the interpretation of the atmosphere as a cult/sect. Is there secrecy. Can one's expression of undescribable debt be shown without opinion? He has done many things for many people, thus the relations each person holds on that string where it intertwines on both ends. It's a personal agenda where those people are able to connect with emotionally or through examples of situations.
Also, your nature of displaying places of tutoring as workplaces and professionalism is incorrect. In your belief that businesses are required to be professional, businesses must be in tune to the employees and customers wants/needs so is that being unprofessional? Furthermore, there is a required togetherness is businesses where they express a family structure, whereas in this situation, it's built upon family, morals and ethics to live a life where you are not tainted by negative impacts.
My 2 cents.

Edit: If you don't believe the loss in tradition take into instance varying cultures

1. Migration by war -> Asians, Europeans, Middle Easterns
2. Instability in environment
3. Want for wellbeing for children ; catch-22 in today's society seeing that there was unaccounted for change in the past few decades where life has been revolutionalised by war, technology, money, greed, globalisation. Clout of morals (Refer to latter); does that cloud judgement by overprotection, maybe in instances of parents, but moving on...
3. Jews ; diaspora
4. Fads and society's "pre-requisites to being accepted" ; loss in culture/tradition/ethics/morals
i.e. the rare number who believe in Hollywood life, the ghettos, g's, drugs, being high, XxxDragonImmoralxxxX, A$$YRIANKINGZ, gh3tt0_g, etc


Jan 6, 2010
personally i don't care at all about tradition, so everything you have just said means absolutely nothing to me so i apologise that your verbosity was used in vain


Kendrick Lamar
Feb 7, 2009
Uni Grad
Wow, this thread digressed away from OP's question to some tax debate.
Who gives a shit if you hate the instituition, as long as I or others that attend are content* with it.
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