Everybody is so timid and scared when it comes to the those first tutes. The getting to know you stuff is also an eye opener in the very first tutes. Going round the room, saying your name etc seems akin to teeth pulling for most.
In a sociology unit, the tutor asked people to name their favourite TV program for some inexplicable reason.
90% said "Friends" & "Sex In The City".
I withdrew from that tutorial the next day!.
UNSW Intro to Film unit.
Student: Why don't they talk in silent films?
I slide further and further down my chair with that one.
In a sociology unit, the tutor asked people to name their favourite TV program for some inexplicable reason.
90% said "Friends" & "Sex In The City".
I withdrew from that tutorial the next day!.
UNSW Intro to Film unit.
Student: Why don't they talk in silent films?
I slide further and further down my chair with that one.