my door in my room has a large piece of paper stuck to it with the number 95 on it... no one in my family knows what the significance of the number is nor will i tell them its my UAI hope..
so i remain to keep them in puzzlement. hehe.
but yeah..umm.. im aiming high. theres no point to aiming low like what are you doing the hsc for? to aim low? it was your choice to do the hsc and usually when you do things out of your own will, you try that little extra harder to succeed.
perhaps the course you want to do if oyu decide to go to uni requires only a low UAI, but in actual fact, if your setting yourself up to just get what you think in your mind is a 'manageable' mark then i think you'll be disappointed with yourself when at the end you'll say 'shit..yeah its an ok mark..if i tried harder i know i could have gotten better'.. just do the best YOU can...
much and love and luck to all those doing their hsc!