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Usyd is the worst uni of them all. (2 Viewers)


Happy Lala
Oct 30, 2004
Men still get more pay in the workforce my ass. Sure, they may fill out the top 5% of the workforce, but men also dominate the Bottom of the workforce. There are a Lot more men in unemployment than there are women, because quite frankly in this modern society of ours it's harder for a young man to find a job than a young woman. At least a young woman has tits.


Happy Lala
Oct 30, 2004
I will quote a Conservatorium Diversity Policy Statement:

Andrew Quah supports the creation of an Office of Gender Issues who would replace the Women's Officer on the SRC. This officer, who could be male or female, may appoint sub-officers who are knowledgeable in gender issues who may assist the Gender Issues Officer.


I oppose higher insurance costs for young men (in comparison to young women of the same age bracket). Will the Women's officer support me if I wish to protest this issue?

No. A Gender Issues Officer would be equipped to deal with this issue where the Women's Officer would tell you to piss off, you oppressor of women you.

I think you're an evil masculist who oppresses women. Why do men need representation? They are an advantaged group in society.

Diversity believes in Equal rights. Most of the smartest and wisest people in society are women. But this doesn't mean that they should be afforded more opportunities in society than a male of equal ability. As the feminist movement seems eager to point out, women aren't damsels in distress. It's stupid and arrogant to claim that they are so disadvantaged in society that we must deny men representation on our SRC, the body which is supposed to represent all students.

The Women's Office promotes the achievements of women, but at the same time feels the need to downplay those of men. The Quah Report has examined in the past many of the disadvantages that men face in society, but these are totally ignored by the women's officer. More men fare worse in unemployment. The education system is geared towards female-friendly learning methods. The legal system sees fit to dish out harsher punishments for men than for a woman who commits the same crime. Young men pay thousands of dollars more in insurance costs than women of the same age bracket.

While Feminists complain about women being portrayed as weak and defenseless in our media, they don't seem to mind that men are portrayed as inbecilic buffoons. The media isn't a tool of evil white men to oppress women. It's a tool of evil markets to portray a distorted image of society, to sell products.

The SRC is not equipped to deal with such issues. In fact, the SRC Women's Officer would probably deny they exist (then tell you you're oppressing women by perpetuating the patriarchy). By creating a Gender Issues Officer who is equipped to deal with such issues, we begin to represent students more equally and fairly.


yay! custom!!!
Dec 29, 2002
studying....always studying
women have been oppressed and abused for centuries, and in many cultures, still are. now that we have the upper hand, its time to get a little of our own back. Sux being the "downtrodden" one doesnt it Phanatical? imagine how the women felt for all those years! In the animal world, the women have always ruled, now finally the human world is catching up.

So stop sitting on your arse and whinging about how women are taking over the world.

Maybe if Men worked harder, spent less time playing golf and drinking, and could juggle their time as effectively as women, doing many things at once, they would be just as employable.

No offence but i dont think you represent my views very well at all, and that is why i would not vote for you for SRC. Not that it matters anyway, the SRC is a bunch of crock, what a waste of money.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Actually with mamals the males usually 'rule'.

And i'd also like to point out that i've noticed a recent backlash against feminism, and that most women were quite happy before the womens rights movement. (after all, wouldn't u be happy being look after, never having to work, etc etc?)


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
Not-That-Bright said:
after all, wouldn't u be happy being look after, never having to work, etc etc?
In all honesty? No, I wouldn't be happy living that existance.


Jul 25, 2003
Mambomeg said:
women have been oppressed and abused for centuries, and in many cultures, still are. now that we have the upper hand, its time to get a little of our own back. Sux being the "downtrodden" one doesnt it Phanatical? imagine how the women felt for all those years! In the animal world, the women have always ruled, now finally the human world is catching up.

So stop sitting on your arse and whinging about how women are taking over the world.

Maybe if Men worked harder, spent less time playing golf and drinking, and could juggle their time as effectively as women, doing many things at once, they would be just as employable.

No offence but i dont think you represent my views very well at all, and that is why i would not vote for you for SRC. Not that it matters anyway, the SRC is a bunch of crock, what a waste of money.
thats like saying cause im jewish im allowed to go around killing people. the whole point in social revolutions is to fix the mistakes of the past, not just put different people in the position to make them. you suck.


Active Member
May 29, 2003
La La Land
Saul said:
the whole point in social revolutions is to fix the mistakes of the past, not just put different people in the position to make them..

That's right. I agree. Also, pointing the finger does no good.


Happy Lala
Oct 30, 2004
Saul here is absolutely right. I don't see how society is any better now that women of our age have an advantage over men of our age. The fact that feminists are trying to bring about a matriarchical society not only oppresses men, but cheapens the entire notion of equal rights as merely a tool of militant women to have revenge for their maternal ancestors by crushing the sons and grandsons of those who might have been advantaged long before any of us were born.

The worst part about affirmative action for women is that it isn't All women who benefit - just the white ones. Racism is still a much larger problem in society, and white women are by far more advantaged in society than any Chinese male I know, Especially in this country.

Young men ARE more disadvantaged in this society than Young women. And if you believe that men of today must be made to pay for the proverbial sins of the father, then you're full of shit. Why should men brought up in this modern female-friendly age be made to suffer for the problems of society before we were born?

I'm also sick and tired of the stereotypes. I'm not a white male who plays golf and goes drinking (though I do enjoy drinking, like every other student (without exception) at my campus). I don't smoke large cigars and sit around laughing about how women are subservient to us evil men.

I really don't see myself oppressing women - many of my best friends are women. Most of my supporters are women. And there's a good chance that next year's Diversity candidate will be a woman. Not because she's a woman, but because if she is nominated, then she'd be the best candidate we could field. In fact, most of the 10% of President votes I gained were lodged by women who knew that Rose Jackson's "I'm the Only female running for President" bullshit was exactly that. About half our past SRC presidents have been women, and almost all have been white. To date, we have never had a Chinese SRC president, or a Chinese Union President, despite the fact that a considerable percentage of the student body is of Chinese descent. In fact, the only student leader of Chinese descent is currently tied up in allegations of corruption, such is the desperation of her opponents that they will do anything to remove the Asian from power.

I am absolutely disgusted with the attitude towards representation for men, representation for ethnic students, and especially representation for affiliate site students. How anybody can believe that the SRC and the Union are doing a good job is beyond my comprehension.


yay! custom!!!
Dec 29, 2002
studying....always studying
i dont understand how you think people would vote for you when your entire campaign is based on the fact that
a). you study at the con,
B) you are chinese, and
c) you think women are taking over the world.

I would not vote for you because
a) you have no qualifications that remotely relate to me in any way

b) You would not represent my interests, as a vet student, because you would have no idea what those interests are. (not that any of the others even mentioned the vet faculty at all...)

c) the fact that you base your campaign on bagging out other people. I have no respect for that. You should be able to get in on your own merit, not just by making all the other candidates look bad.

d) i've never even heard of you. I didnt see any posters or pamphlets etc. I'm not saying that you should have spent lots of money, but a poster or two in the right place doesnt cost much, and visiting a lecture now and then never hurts....

e) you obviously cant control your temper. I dont want any hot headed person speaking on my behalf, because they generally loose their temper and do more damage than good.

I read the info on the presidents in honi soit, and Rose was the only one with a strong enough background, in my view to deserve the position.


Happy Lala
Oct 30, 2004
Being a music student does not make me in any way less qualified to be SRC President than a Law/EcoSocSci student like Rose. I was leader of the Opposition on my School's SRC, and under my leadership, the Independent Students Party of Girraween High School brought about safety reforms at my school, including the repair of many unsafe facilities. Now, I'm Vice-President of the Sydney Eclectic Composers Society, which is the only presence of the Union at our campus. That's quite a responsibility, you know.

I don't believe I am any more qualified to be a leader as a Chinese. I merely pointed out that Rose Jackson actively campaigned on the basis that she's the only woman candidate, and that's like me saying i'm the only Chinese candidate.

My faction was the Only one to provide actual policy statements, not just rabid policies. I refer you to my website, thequahreport.com. The policy statements are still there.

I ran my campaign on a $50 budget. As an affiliate campus student, I don't have the advantage of being able to put posters all over the Main campus every single day, though I certainly tried. When I Did, these posters were ripped down, and when my colleagues came to Main campus to put on an electronic music concert for the Verge festival, they also were abused, and our posters for the Concert were removed on the basis that I was one of the organisers of this concert.

I'll repeat myself with the Affiliated Campus thing. I'd like to see one of you try to come to the Con to do a lecture bash. It'll never happen, because it takes a half hour to get there, and a half hour to get back.

I can control my temper a lot better than Paddy or Rose can. During the election, Rose had her hubby (Felix Eldridge) following me around harassing me. I have one class on main campus, and he even followed me into that. The other candidate, Paddy Gibson once threatened to put a brick through my window.

Rose Jackson and Action have had a long time to do what they've promised. Every year they get elected, and every year they screw the rest of us. They have PROVEN they can't do the job. So forgive me for being a bit pissed off about that, but I'd like to see my student fees in the control of an SRC who won't bugger the rest of us and spend it on their campaigns to become Federal Members of Parliament.


Happy Lala
Oct 30, 2004
The Quah Report, 16 October, 2004.

from http://www.thequahreport.com/20041016.html

On a Fair and Equitable SRC
16 October 2004

A "Representative" body like the USYD SRC or the USYD Union should represent and advocate the needs of the students who claim membership. It should not advocate electoral fraud, dirty campaigns, dirty threats. It should advocate fair and equitable representation for Every student in its membership.

The recent USYD SRC elections have highlighted the flaws of the SRC. It doesn't give a shit about students - it has even committed ELECTORAL FRAUD to deny the Conservatorium its representative.

It is not an unreasonable request for Con students to have its own representative on the SRC. The fact that the Con's main candidate not only received the support of Con students but also Main campus students just illustrates this need for fair and equitable representation on the SRC, and that all five candidates fielded have been eliminated through dubious electoral practices not only insults Con students, but also cheapens the Council and its representatives. Of course, the same people responsible for this fraud, are the same people who threatened myself and my classmates during the VERGE Arts Festival, and actually tried to sabotage our concert. What upsets me is not that I will not be allowed my rightful place on the Council, but that these same fuckers who threatened me and my friends will now represent us on the SRC. Of course, electoral fraud is nothing new to the SRC. Last year, most Conservatorium students weren't even Told about the nominations for SRC until after they had closed, and a couple of the Polling booth attendants had run out of ink in their pens, resulting in hundreds of ballot papers being disqualified at certain Opposition Faction strongholds. Now we're being fucked over by an "SRC" who doesn't give a shit about fair and equal representation.

Then again, the SRC has never been interested in fair and equal representation. Men do not even have an Unpaid Men's Officer, much less the Paid one that men would need to achieve fair representation. It's bullshit that women are still disadvantaged in society, and that the feminists are trying to install a matriarchic society cheapens the whole notion of equal rights. How can they criticise men for running the world when men can't even get representation on the fucking SRC?

What about Ethnic students? The Ethnic Affairs portfolio is dominated by the Arab factions who made preference deals with the Action Fuckers, and will again ignore the Chinese, the Jews and countless other ethnic minorities on campus. The fact that both officers in this portfolio were of the Same ethnic minority on the 76th SRC insults the rest of us.

The worst part about this is that for yet another year, the Affiliated Campuses portfolio will once again go completely ignored. We get two visits to the Con a year by our representatives - one at Union elections, and the other at SRC elections, both to ask for our vote, and until the Diversity campaign we were completely ignored for the rest of the year. I believe that my campaign was a complete success in this respect, in that SRC councillors will no longer be able to ignore the issues we have at the Con.

So while main campus factions may be fighting amongst each other for power, the simple fact is that they are all main campus students, and that representation for Main campus is a priority over other campuses. At the Con, the SECS faction and the CSA faction are united in our wish to be represented fairly. If we don't get that representation, we will stop paying our fees to the SRC.

I can do shitall about the corruption in the election, but I am completely secure in the knowledge that I did get the votes and the support. My electoral defeat does not lie in ideology, but in economics and corruption. Action had the financial support of the Labor Party, the SRC itself, and of course (4 Corners host) Liz Jackson, the single reason why the federal government hates the ABC. Even the Keep Left faction had money, posterage, campus vandalism and thousands and thousands of unused flyers. My campaign was run on a $50 budget, and was attacked at any opportunity by both the Action fuckers and the Keep Left fuckers. Hell, the fucking Union President even threatened me, saying if I didn't drop out of the election he'd do what he could to destroy the Sydney Eclectic Composers Society. So much for union representation.

But before our newly elected "representatives" go off to screw us for another year, I remind them all that SECS/Diversity is now an established force, and we Will be watching the SRC and the Union. Just like the Democrats who were recently wiped out at the recent election, we will work to "Keep the Fuckers Honest".


Happy Lala
Oct 30, 2004
Yeah well, even USYD students can hate USYD students.

Fact is, there is shitall I can do for the Vet faculty. I don't know any Vet students, but while Rose and Paddy are all about furthering their own interests, my door would have been opened to anybody from the student body, whether they were from the Liberal party, the Labor party, the Greens, the Democrats, the Communists, Families First, the Anarchists, the Sparticists, the Blackshirts, the Vet students, the Eco students, the Law students, the Fine Arts students, the Health Science students, or whatever. Even as an unelected candidate, I'm still willing to listen, because my faction intends to run again next year, with a bigger campaign, and I don't want to feel like i'm alienating any student. Except melbournian, who shits me.
Last edited:


Happy Lala
Oct 30, 2004
But we can certainly try. That's why we needed an SRC President who isn't a member of one of the established factions. "Action" is the friendly name of the NOLS faction (National Organisation of Labor Students), and they are all members of the Young Labor party. They are all members of Labor's left faction. Students' First/Change/Student Card/[V]ibe are also related to the NOLS faction, and are Labor Right. Keep Left are obviously associated with the Greens, and the Socialist Alliance (Democratic Socialist Party). And FCUK the SRC and Liberal Students are made up of Conservative Liberals, and the new Progressive Liberals faction.

I don't see why our SRC should be a small version of the Federal Government. We should have an SRC whose interests lie solely in the student body of the university, and not in going off to protest at funerals (http://www.thequahreport.com/emailexchange.html), or the cause of the Labor party (http://www.thequahreport.com/20040725.html), or the cause of the Glorious Feminist Movement (http://www.thequahreport.com/20040113.html).

As the SRC President, I believe I would have been the most accessible President the SRC has ever seen, since I am not bringing in party doctrine. I'm not Young Labor, nor am I Young Liberal. I'm not a member of the Communist Party, or of the Families First Party. I am merely a student who would like to see a bit more of our student fees actually going towards students.


Needs more cowbell
Nov 11, 2004
Teacher Lounge Private Nightclub
There was a good documentary on the ABC in 1998 called "Uni" it followed students around,I think it was at Usyd, and they were holding the student elections. It had Charles and a few of the others from "The Chaser" show on it when they were in student politics as undergrads. It's a real doco not a comedy production but it was interesting to see the whole student life from different perspectives thing and the campaigning+deals made were unintentionally pretty funny.

It's a good doco if you can find it.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
Not-That-Bright said:
Forget about how 'prestigious' it is. Look at it, it is the ugliest uni there is, it's in need of some major renovation. At the moment I'm not sure if it looks more like a large church or like hogwarts.

And how come they are the only uni from which i hear students bagging out other uni's? Point me to where someone from unsw, anu, csu, uow, etc has started insulting usyd, it's pathetic - do you guys have lectures about how superior a human you are now that you go to usyd?

comments, thoughts?
I'm assuming you're referring to the Quadrangle building. Renovations? The 'church' style is what it was meant to portray, you idiot. You also seem to generalise that all the buildings at USYD have such a style. Conclusively, I'm just going to assume that you probably haven't wondered far into the university. Perhaps you just stood on Broadway, saw the Quadrangle building and decided to conclude that all the buildings must look like that. 'Not-too-bright'.

Also, there would be people from most unis who bag out other unis. You seem to have a pretty intensive feeling of bias towards USYD for failing to realise this. Perhaps you saw Melbournian's posts? If that's the case, I would just like to point out that I wasn't aware he represented the student population of the university.

And yes, we have lectures about how superior we are for going there. Ass-clown. Take your hatred and generalisations elsewhere.


Happy Lala
Oct 30, 2004
The Sydney Conservatorium of Music is the best looking building in the university.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
I've never seen the place, but I should go have a lookie methinks. Ugliest building of a uni I've seen has to be either Fisher Library in USYD or the UTS Main Building *shudder*

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