uws is shit (4 Viewers)

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Feb 9, 2005
69 Penis Avenue, Dickton Pussyville 6969.
Dingo2004 said:
and then a hero comes along.
with the strength to carry on.
and u cast ur fears aside
and u know u can survive
so when u feel like hope is gone
look inside u and be strong and u finally see the truth
that a hero lies in u...blah blah blah

when I look inside of me, I fight 4 the truth, and fight 4 civil liberty.


Feb 9, 2005
69 Penis Avenue, Dickton Pussyville 6969.
Dingo2004 said:
at least uws offers night classes for part time students who are working
at uts even parttime students hafto goto the morning or arvo classes
It would seem that it is more appropriate 2 spell words out rather than sms style lingo, that's the impression I was told, yet other ppl who use it is ignored.

When every1 is fighting 4 equal rights and a fair go, it would seem as if I have been discriminated upon.


Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
HerO said:
Never use implications if u are trying 2 prove a claim since they only can suggests something without being actually conclusive...anywayz, since it's implied, u have no idea wat I was thinking or the intended meaning.

I'm more concerned with the THEORECTICAL side of things...whether u agree 2 the fact that "facilities facilitate learning"...if u agree 2 that then it must follow that lack of facilities would make learning harder...that's the whole point, u cannot agree 2 the former and then disagree 2 the latter.

U think there's an implicitness when saying "facilitates facilitate learning" thus 1 would gain better grades than those without?...man screw implicity, since u have NOT provided any quotes where I actually said having better or worser facilities will impact grades...if u think that when I say "better facilities make learning easy" means better facilities provide better grades, then that's ur assumption, I have never said that...

Anywayz, u have gone back and provided alot of quotes, good job, but man none of them actually rpoves anything significant, maybe u should right a lil statement down every quote so ppl will know the purpose of them rather than thinking you've done ur job juz by merely finding useless quotes that holds no relevance to anything u have claimed.
Ok look fuck this, this is the last post im posting here cos you obviously lack the mental ability to calculate a logical answer/explanation/argument.

One: Implicitness is within language, whatever you say, how you say it will always have the implicit nature of your meaning. Dont get that? Here's a brick, go knock yourself out with it, seems to be the equivalent of reading your fucking arguments.

Two: You must be a fucking asian, and one who does some sort of Commerce or Actuarial degree, cos your grammar and logic are pathetic to say the least.

Three: You have no grasp or concept of debating nor do you understand that you have NO case. Why? Because you have offered nothing but YOUR opinion, but by devaluing our own opinions by stating yours as fact, you have not only derived an elitist stance, you've just shown yourself to be a) a dickhead b) an idiot c) all of the above.

Four: You have stated you are interested in the theoretical side. Thank you, you have clarified why your arguments dont work, BECAUSE THEY ARE IN THE POTENTIAL, rather than the actual. If you have any concept of those two words, you would realise that debating something in the theoretical, you would need a sound understanding and logical reasoning. You possess none. You have stated that having facilities would make learning easier, therefore not having would make it harder. How did you come to this conclusion? Is there some basis, some particular example? You offered the example that "if there was no toilet then it would make it harder to learn." You fail in your example because it does not include those who dont use the toilet, and more importantly if those people who dont use the facilities do just as well, your theory is again NULL AND VOID.

Five: Your incessant need to prove others as "contradictory" despite the fact that it is logically sounds, has a lot to say about your thinking. Debating/arguing with you is like the online equivalent of bashing my head against a wall, it produces me nothing but dead brain cells.


Fabulousness Overload
Dec 19, 2004
at home?
AsyLum said:
Two: You must be a fucking asian, and one who does some sort of Commerce or Actuarial degree, cos your grammar and logic are pathetic to say the least.
AY! Go easy on the 'Fucking asian" thing. People might that racist. Like me, because I happen to have good grammer and logic thankyouverymuch. But I will overlook that surly remark based on the fact that the comment was directed at HerO


Feb 9, 2005
69 Penis Avenue, Dickton Pussyville 6969.
lol looks like some1 is about 2 blow up, ROFL...heh man feck off, no1 wants u here anywayz cuz u have provided nothing, hear me, absolutely nothing. U try 2 sound as if u know all this and all that, man u dont' and u suck.

Obviously i've had the better of this guy and it's showing, he cannot hack it...man it'll help if u have gone back 2 the original argument, and the examples and explanations I have given, then you'll understand my point better, but obviously ur a retarded fool, I repeat a RETARDED FOOL :cool:


HerO said:
lol looks like some1 is about 2 blow up, ROFL...heh man feck off, no1 wants u here anywayz cuz u have provided nothing, hear me, absolutely nothing.

do not act as if you are speaking on behalf of teh majority - go back and read the thread and if you cant be stuffed, just ask who agrees... if you openly asked or went back and read all of the reponses to your posts - its pretty damn obvious to any..hmmm whats that word you keep using oh so intelligently - "fool"? - that you are the one that people did not want commenting here who has provided nothing constructive.

one more thing - you have no right EVER!!! to refer to anyone as brain dead, retarded etc...

and no im not being overly politically correct. i am saying this because it is damn offensive to an yone who has ever been in or knows someone who is/has been in such a condition - its not a f*cking joke and you have no right to take a stance whereby you assume you have a right to define other peopel in such a way

seriously, i know you're not sposed to swear overly etc etc - but shut the fucking hell up! you have been nothing but a major pain in the ass who has done nothing but argue for the sake of it and insult and offend people over and over and over and had you said your statements to many of the people on here's faces i can guarantee they would've floored you within seconds

each of these comments had they been said in a workplace for example would render you liable for discrimination/harrassment and if you are going to continue with such insults, i am serious when i say you should be barred from the forum

if we're all such "fools" as you keep saying over and over and over and over - for f*cks sake!! leave the damn forum!!!!!!!!
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natstar said:
Hero, do u even know what contridicted means? Thats all you eva say about people, fuck this is gay, sorry im so druink so dont mind me
lol well Natstar, you're making more sense than some people who (im assuming) are sober atm so no pardon needed:p


Feb 9, 2005
69 Penis Avenue, Dickton Pussyville 6969.
LaraB said:
one more thing - you have no right EVER!!! to refer to anyone as brain dead, retarded etc...

and no im not being overly politically correct. i am saying this because it is damn offensive to an yone who has ever been in or knows someone who is/has been in such a condition - its not a f*cking joke and you have no right to take a stance whereby you assume you have a right to define other peopel in such a way

seriously, i know you're not sposed to swear overly etc etc - but shut the fucking hell up! you have been nothing but a major pain in the ass who has done nothing but argue for the sake of it and insult and offend people over and over and over and had you said your statements to many of the people on here's faces i can guarantee they would've floored you within seconds

each of these comments had they been said in a workplace for example would render you liable for discrimination/harrassment and if you are going to continue with such insults, i am serious when i say you should be barred from the forum

if we're all such "fools" as you keep saying over and over and over and over - for f*cks sake!! leave the damn forum!!!!!!!!
Ok I agree with u that I shouldn't of use the word braindead...and it could of been offensive 2 ppl who have suffered it...

U knew u shouldn't swear yet u did, that does not make u better off than some1 who swears and doesn't mention that it's wrong...

Looks like we should meet sometime and settle it face 2 face, wat do u say?...:p

This is not a work place, plus the fact that i haven't discriminate against any1 have 1?...plus I have not harrassed any1 either

I have a right 2 be here, even if I think a minority of ppl here are fools, I still have the right 2 be here and try 2 rehabilitate the fools.


Feb 9, 2005
69 Penis Avenue, Dickton Pussyville 6969.
natstar said:
Hero, do u even know what contridicted means? Thats all you eva say about people, fuck this is gay, sorry im so druink so dont mind me
Nat don't think that every1 has forgotten bout the fact that u contradicted urself earlier in the thread and 2 this minutes have yet 2 give a valid response, either admit that u have contradicted urself, or give a valid response.


Jul 7, 2002
Uni Grad

The next person that says "UWS is shit" will be banned permanently.
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