LazyBoy said:
But what good is a commerce degree if you know shitall about the world around you?
What good is an arts degree if you know shit all about the world around you? You can't learn experiance from a text book, you have to get out there and be in the real world first.
I argue how can you expect to do business if you dont understand what came before you, what the world was like, what instituted social change?
Very easily, the primary fundamentals of business are to do with rational and logical decisions, and applied theory, you need very little understanding of actual people unless you are doing an area like marketing. You think accountants need to know about the world around them?
Courses like Arts are important, they train people in social sciences and in subjects that are important and revelent to work.
But we don't need so many, there aren't THAT many jobs in the sector.
Without Arts there would be no teachers
Yes their would.
without arts cultural sciences and subjects would be non existant.
Sounds like a Utopia.
Its the academics of the world that study arts such as Archelogy, Psych, History that are all extremly important in maintaing our own cultural identity.
And just what is our cultural identity?
Arts is also a very practical degree in that it provides people with further skill and education, with logical and reasoning ability above that of a high school graduate aswell as a handle on grammar and english that is above high school graduates.
So do many many other degrees, laws, business, computing, ect.
The more intelligent you are, the more employable you are because intelligence is an important
This is the same for any field what was your point?