V8 Supercars 2006 (1 Viewer)


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Drive through was not enough! I still believe that Rick intended to take Lowndes out. Especially with what Rusty said at the beginning of the race, "Rick, we don't need the car after this race, just win the championship." Now, if thats not saying win the championship by punting Lowndes off the road, then I don't know!

I want triple 8 to appeal again! I dont care if its not possible. I want Rick to get his hands on the trophy (which he gets tonight); and then it gets taken away from him! That will teach that lousy undeserving whinger.

I thought Ingall was undeserving last year; I can't believe someone actually managed to top it.

btw - I found this on another forum, its awesome :)

ObjectsInSpace said:
Everyone who's a Craig fan, Ford fan or feels Kelly was in the wrong (I know Holden fans who think Craig should have had it, but they're a rare breed), copy my signature. Size 6 font, bold and italic with red "REAL".
Does that mean Kimi has to go :(


Drummer Boy
Jun 19, 2004
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

ObjectsInSpace said:
One of them won a chamionship without winning a single round.
Winning any championship in any sport always has been and always will be about consistency I'm afraid.


The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

Meads said:
Winning any championship in any sport always has been and always will be about consistency I'm afraid.
I'm aware of that, but it usually helps your image when you have a few wins (especially round wins) to your name.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2005
Under The Tree
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

ObjectsInSpace said:
Craig Lowndes: The REAL 2006 V8 SuperCar Champion
I think you misspelt something in your sig there objects.

Craig Lowndes: IS NOT THE REAL 2006 V8 SuperCar Champion

There we go. :) All Better
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The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

BlackDragon said:
I think you misspelt something in your sig there objects.

Craig Lowndes: IS NOT THE REAL 2006 V8 SuperCar Champion

There we go. :) All Better
Oh, so illegally blocking other competitors and pushing them off is OK as long as you win the chamionship? Too bad history is always going to remember Rick Kelly that way, becuse there won't be a next time.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2005
Under The Tree
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

Just a joke..

ObjectsInSpace said:
Oh, so illegally blocking other competitors and pushing them off is OK as long as you win the chamionship? Too bad history is always going to remember Rick Kelly that way, becuse there won't be a next time.
Yeah but if Craig deserved to be instated as the champ for 2006 he would have been. In that way, if Rick didn't deserve the championship he wouldn't have got it.
And i'm not sure whether Rick will be remembered for the incident. At least that's not what i will remember him for.
Feb 3, 2005
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

ObjectsInSpace said:
Oh, so illegally blocking other competitors and pushing them off is OK as long as you win the chamionship? Too bad history is always going to remember Rick Kelly that way, becuse there won't be a next time.

yes, rick kelly did get help form tander skaife and todd but if the fords were in the middle of it they would have done the same.

and rick didnt push him off on purpose. he was on the inside of the track to attempt a passing move but lowndes was to far inside, so rick begain to move back on to the racing line so he could take the corner. that was when the contact was made. it was not an attempt to take he out but to take the corner. rick is no shuey.

if the situation wasnt the way it was, he probly wouldnt even have got the drive through.


The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
Re: I, the poster, admit Rick Kelly doesn't deserve his Chamionship

GlobalOperation said:
yes, rick kelly did get help form tander skaife and todd but if the fords were in the middle of it they would have done the same.
I have to say I doubt it. Not because I think Ford would take the moral high ground, but because Triple Eight and FPV drivers were the fastest of the Fords and they also happened to be battling for second and third place in the teams' championship. Winterbottom would have been trying to catch Lowndes just as much as Lowndes would be trying to catch Kelly. Winterbottom was also looking to finish third in the driver's chamionship and could have finished higher if it really went bad for Lowndes and Kelly. HSV already had won the teams' championship, and since Todd and the HRT boys were no longer in the hunt, they had nothing to lose in assisting Kelly. The competitive Ford drivers were still racing for some position, and blocking would have done nothing for their cause.
GlobalOperation said:
and rick didnt push him off on purpose. he was on the inside of the track to attempt a passing move but lowndes was to far inside, so rick begain to move back on to the racing line so he could take the corner. that was when the contact was made. it was not an attempt to take he out but to take the corner. rick is no shuey.

if the situation wasnt the way it was, he probly wouldnt even have got the drive through.
Lowndes was having a look down the inside of Todd; you can tell by the fact that he was so far off the line. There was a clear gap between himself and Kelly, and you can see Craig lights up the carbon fibres in the replay before Rick is anywhere near him. For Kelly to be on the wrong side of him means he's either up to something or just plain stupid. He could see Craig was off the line, so why risk everything and go further off it just to have a look? It might not have been intentional, but it was another example of Kelly's recklessness as a driver.

In fact, take a look at Kelly's driving style and compare it to Lowndes all weekend. Kelly was a little hot under the collar and very eager to have a go at times. That's not a bad thing, but look what happned with his over-zealousness down at the hairpin. On the other hand, Lowndes was a lot more conservative. Sure, he was losing his temper with Tander in Race 2, but every time he calmed down, he really pushed the second HSV driver. In fact, Tander's drive-through may not have been entirely his own doing; Craig knew what was at stake and while finishing a place above Kelly may have tied the points, if he made it past Tander he would have taken the lead. Tander made a few mistakes when Lowndes was pressuing him but Lowndes didn't do anything at all. If he passed Tander, the HSV driver would have accidentally-on-purpose run wide and let Kelly through, so I suspect Craig was going to force Tander into a mistake very late in the race and pass him so that Tander would be forced to finish ahead of Kelly - because if Tander let Kelly throgh, he would have been forced to slow right down and it would be obvious what he was doing. Lowndes essentailly proved he's a much more mature driver than Kelly. And much more deserving.
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The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
For Sale

By the way, Cape, did you get that picture from the GTPlanet forums?
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The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
BlackDragon said:
lol did you make that?
and if it were craig lowndes in the rick's position i'm sure all the ford fans would be defending him.
No, I didn't make it. Wish I did, though (same as Cape's photo).

I still doubt it. The FRV cars wouldn't have blocked to let Lowndes win when they could still beat Triple Eight in the teams' championship.

Also, Lowndes has won the Barry Sheene Award for (among other things) Good Sportsmanship ...


Oct 31, 2005
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

Chelsea FC said:
You're Kidding aren't you?:rolleyes:, I've seen Lowndes take out drivers for his aggresive driving same thing goes with Ambrose.

And oh yeah sometime they get away with it....:rolleyes:
As i said in the F1 thread, u have a clear lack of knowledge and the rules in motorsport. Get your facts right, and stop "going with the crowd" As soon i saw Kelly hit Lowndes, i thought at least stop/go, but a fucken drive through... ridiculous.

"Lowndes done that many times" ROFL, yea he did that at the last race, the last race and the championship decider right? Fucken idiot. You know nothing.

Objects said:
I highly doubt Kelly deliberatly hit Lowndes because he had as much to lose as Craig did
Oh I highly doubt that, release the brake a tiny bit and make your way to the outside... simple, he had loads of time to do it, but chose not to. It was by far intentional he even indirectly admitted.

Objects said:
It was Davison that hit him
Funny that, Davison is a cry baby who claims he always gets drilled from behind, now look what he does ahahhha (yea ok he had nowhere to go, want to bag the fellow)

Objects said:
Incident V: Kelly hits Lowndes; Todd's lack of braking suggests he was attempting to lure Lowndes in and cut him off (that's not to say Rick's collision was planned or that Todd knew of it if it was).
I dont understand ur logic there? Not braking? Maybe he wanted to run himself off the road? Probably the reflection(link me the video please) caused u not to see emitted brake lights? IF todd wanted to do ANYTHING there, he would've brake tested, simple as that.

Chelsea said:
Holden Means A Great Deal To Australia
Hmm as soon as u say that, GM springs to mind....

Objects said:
In the replays, Todd Kelly is going a little slow
AS i said, i dont understand ur logic here. Todd could be aiming for a faster exit, or his a good trail braker. You dont know because you dont have his driver input data.

Objects said:
Lowndes has said that while Kelly might be the Champion in name, he feels that morally he's number one.
Agree with that, he is like the best driver in the field, his like the only one thats had alot of experience in Europe and learnt from it. Ie look at 1996-2000 Era, would've won 2000 too if it weren't for that roll over. Lowndes MADE Holden what it is, and sparked its future success. in 2001/2002 he had the most beautiful racecar livery i had ever seen but was plagued by bad luck + pure slowness. He did quite well in the new Prodrive (FPR) team which just bought out FTR(A team with poor, slipping results from their success in the early to mid 90s)

I dont get the arguement of Holden fan on this. Lowndes made what Holden is today, weather u like it or not.

Objects said:
In fact, take a look at Kelly's driving style and compare it to Lowndes all weekend. Kelly was a little hot under the collar and very eager to have a go at times. That's not a bad thing, but look what happned with his over-zealousness down at the hairpin. On the other hand, Lowndes was a lot more conservative. Sure, he was losing his temper with Tander in Race 2, but every time he calmed down, he really pushed the second HSV driver. In fact, Tander's drive-through may not have been entirely his own doing; Craig knew what was at stake and while finishing a place above Kelly may have tied the points, if he made it past Tander he would have taken the lead. Tander made a few mistakes when Lowndes was pressuing him but Lowndes didn't do anything at all. If he passed Tander, the HSV driver would have accidentally-on-purpose run wide and let Kelly through, so I suspect Craig was going to force Tander into a mistake very late in the race and pass him so that Tander would be forced to finish ahead of Kelly - because if Tander let Kelly throgh, he would have been forced to slow right down and it would be obvious what he was doing. Lowndes essentailly proved he's a much more mature driver than Kelly. And much more deserving.
He simply wanted Tander away from him in Race 3. Patient for the drive through penalty. I Like Tander, his a respectable driver but i think in this race he was just following what engineers would've said in the race debriefing.

Meads said:
Winning any championship in any sport always has been and always will be about consistency I'm afraid.

Yea because they are ruining this era of motor racing. The points scheme is set to change next year, i dont see Rick coming close to champion again unless he lifts his game and performs as good as Garth Tander. If any other driver deserved it (after lowndes/kelly) I would've put my money on Garth. His consistant, fast, drove superbly, won like 8 races and a couple of rounds. Just unlucky in the enduros which really hurt him.

Look at F1 around 2002. 10pts for win, 2nd gets 6pts, 4pts, 3pts, 2pts, 1pt. Now its 10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1 (but it works kind of for F1 since cars are spread so much) For Eg look at the 70s-late 80s and possibly early 90s. Those were the best years of motorsport. People wanted WINS, not really consistancy. Why? Because the schematic was like that. They changed it now, and they rewarding the wrong drivers.
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Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
I found the picture on the rpm forums. Btw, love the ebay sale! Love it :D

Whats all this about if Lowndes was in Ricks position? That would never ever happen, Lowndes unlike Kelly is a mature driver, yes, he can be aggressive, but you need to be in this game. Lowndes knew all weekend that he just had to finish infront of Kelly. He did that; but no, Kelly was getting too hot under the collar when the third race came. He knew he was lacking car speed all weekend to compared Lowndes, and his three team mates. And he couldnt beat Lowndes in a fair fight on the track, so he went back to his dirty driving; which he has a history of (Surfers Paradise a few years ago should send the alarm bells ringing).

Ford wouldn't also own 4 cars under two different teams, of which they tell 3 of their drivers to slow down, so the driver who is in the championship hunt can catch up, block or ram people off the road. Holdens will try to win at all costs. And well done, they finally did it. They pulled a Schumacher and they succeeded!

Why would FPR and 888 work together? Both are major overseas (UK) backed teams, who MUST beat each other for the number 1 team in Ford. The only teams in the whole of the v8 field to help each other out, all season were HRT and HSV. Ford teams won't help out other ford teams; like holden teams (other than HRT and HSV) won't help out other holden teams.

ObjectsInSpace said:
Also, Lowndes has won the Barry Sheene Award for (among other things) Good Sportsmanship ...
Theres only one driver to have ever won that award. Yup, 2 years in a row, Lowndes wins the "sportsmanship" award!

But hey! Atleast we won Bathurst this year! :D


The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

bizadfar said:
As i said in the F1 thread, u have a clear lack of knowledge and the rules in motorsport. Get your facts right, and stop "going with the crowd" As soon i saw Kelly hit Lowndes, i thought at least stop/go, but a fucken drive through... ridiculous.
A stop-go wouldn't have changed the end result.
bizdafar said:
Oh I highly doubt that, release the brake a tiny bit and make your way to the outside... simple, he had loads of time to do it, but chose not to. It was by far intentional he even indirectly admitted.
It was also incredibly risky. Rick might be stupid and hot-headed at times, but he'd know how dangerous it was to push Lowndes off. He'd also know there was a fair chance of getting caught. I'm not defending him - I think he's guilty as hell - but even Kelly would know it was risky.
bizdafar said:
Funny that, Davison is a cry baby who claims he always gets drilled from behind, now look what he does ahahhha (yea ok he had nowhere to go, want to bag the fellow)
I was pointing out the argument for Kelly not being penalised; he didn't actually, directly cause the damage to Craig's car. That doesn't mean I think he's innocent, though. And yes, Davidson is a bit of a whinger.
bizdafar said:
I dont understand ur logic there? Not braking? Maybe he wanted to run himself off the road? Probably the reflection(link me the video please) caused u not to see emitted brake lights? IF todd wanted to do ANYTHING there, he would've brake tested, simple as that.
No, it means he was braking (or at least going slowly) before he was actually in the corner. He was at a low enough speed to take it safely in the first place without braking in the braking zone and since Turn 3 is flat out ... he either had a problem or was up to something.


Oct 31, 2005
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

ObjectsInSpace said:
No, it means he was braking (or at least going slowly) before he was actually in the corner. He was at a low enough speed to take it safely in the first place without braking in the braking zone and since Turn 3 is flat out ... he either had a problem or was up to something.
Rubbish, you can only prove that with telementary, and it would be stupid anyway. He was placeing his car in the middle of the road to defend from Lowndes (which he had every right to do so, i dont see you're arguement here......) And of course when u brake oin the middle, of course ur brake distance is gonna be longer, ur gonna have to trail brake more, which heats up tyres more and is more prone to locking. Thats all. I dont understand how u can make this up this bullshit objects, honestly. Have you ever driven a track car? You also dont know if Rodd slightly locked the rears and let of the brake + pump gas. As i say again and again, u wont know anything, u have no idea unless u have telementary and watch onboards (plus throttle % and brake % and steering angle) on todd's car.

ObjectsInSpace said:
A stop-go wouldn't have changed the end result.
You're replies are all in the wrong context.... Read what im saying 10 times...
I didnt say a stop/go would've changed it, my point is the severity was low, and this proves something. Something very significant, that one title contendor punting another contender off the road for position and the title costs only a drive through? Only? Yes i say only, because loads of other drivers in other races where they are not even in top 10 get drive throughs for less serious stuff (eg side by side, 1 gets tagged and spins around). Now you see my point? I'm saying drive through was not sever enough. I'm not saying stop/go would've made a difference.

ObjectsInSpace said:
I was pointing out the argument for Kelly not being penalised; he didn't actually, directly cause the damage to Craig's car. That doesn't mean I think he's innocent, though. And yes, Davidson is a bit of a whinger.
Again, where is the logic in your thinking? Put aside indirectly or directly or ignore the damage for NOW. Now think just about the tag, thats all. He did it for position, imagine if it was less serious, and Craig got snakey while braking, and maybe locked the rear left he would've maybe lose 2-3 positions. In the end he loses positions. That was Kelly's intention, obviously it wasn't to cause serious damage. But i reckon he was mighty happy when he heard Craig had a fucked right front suspension position and tyre blistering.
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The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
Re: Well done Rick Kelly

bizadfar said:
Rubbish, you can only prove that with telementary, and it would be stupid anyway. He was placeing his car in the middle of the road to defend from Lowndes (which he had every right to do so, i dont see you're arguement here......) And of course when u brake oin the middle, of course ur brake distance is gonna be longer, ur gonna have to trail brake more, which heats up tyres more and is more prone to locking. Thats all. I dont understand how u can make this up this bullshit objects, honestly. Have you ever driven a track car? You also dont know if Rodd slightly locked the rears and let of the brake + pump gas. As i say again and again, u wont know anything, u have no idea unless u have telementary and watch onboards (plus throttle % and brake % and steering angle) on todd's car.
You can see it quite clearly in the replays. Each driver enters the hairpin under brakes, but at the time of the accident, Todd isn't using his, and it's not until halfway around the corner that he actually does stamp on the pedal.
bizdafar said:
You're replies are all in the wrong context.... Read what im saying 10 times...
I didnt say a stop/go would've changed it, my point is the severity was low, and this proves something. Something very significant, that one title contendor punting another contender off the road for position and the title costs only a drive through? Only? Yes i say only, because loads of other drivers in other races where they are not even in top 10 get drive throughs for less serious stuff (eg side by side, 1 gets tagged and spins around). Now you see my point? I'm saying drive through was not sever enough. I'm not saying stop/go would've made a difference.
I can see you point there, but I'm saying that in the way the race palyed out, a stop/go penalty would not have affected Kelly and Lowndes' finishing order. Yes, it may have been more appropriate given the circumstances, but Kelly finished the race a minute behind Winterbottom while Lowndes had been lapped three times. Yes, Kelly may not have finished in 18th place, but there was no way Lowndes would have beaten him unless Kelly retired or was damaged badly enough that he and Lowndes were actually racing again.
bizdafar said:
Again, where is the logic in your thinking? Put aside indirectly or directly or ignore the damage for NOW. Now think just about the tag, thats all. He did it for position, imagine if it was less serious, and Craig got snakey while braking, and maybe locked the rear left he would've maybe lose 2-3 positions. In the end he loses positions. That was Kelly's intention, obviously it wasn't to cause serious damage. But i reckon he was mighty happy when he heard Craig had a fucked right front suspension position and tyre blistering.
Why do you seem to think I'm defending Kelly? I'm not, I think the guy's as guilty as hell. It was still a high-risk move to tag Lowndes because anything could happen; for example, Lowndes could have spun around straight into Kelly's path and put Kelly out. And that's why, more than anything else, Kelly doesn't deserve the title. He's too hot-headed, too unthinking of the consequences of his actions. Yes, he tapped Lowndes and sent him into a spin, but even if it were unintentional, he proved he's not worthy of the title because of it.

Anyway, in other news, Greg Murphy is moving from Supercheap Auto to Tasman Racing next season, with Paul Dumbrell taking his spot at Supercheap with Cameron McConville.

Jason Bright is moving from FPV to his own outfit, Britek (Fujitsu Racing) for next season, and while he's being criticised for moving to an under-developed team, he claims the budget has more than doubled. I don't know who will be taking Brighty's spot in the #6 car (Caterpillar is said to no longer be sponsoring it).

Rumour has it that Steven Richards will be defecting to the Blue Oval, though he's remaining tight-lipped on the subject of his contract. Naturally, there's no indication as to where he'll go, though Bright's vacated FPV seat is likely.

Tool (sic) HSV looks to have Todd and Rick racing alongside one another with Tander moving across to take the second HSV drive alongside Mark Skaife.

DJR is said to be bleeding thousands of dollars a day - the loss of Shell sponsorship hurt them and they've been struggling with sponsors for the past two years - and more rumours suggest the team will be downsized, cutting their sponsorship of a Development Series team, if it is not purchased outright. At Channel Seven, Grant Denyer's departure from Sunrise hints that he may have actually been given a full-time drive next year to capitalise on his position within the broadcaster. But if the media-savvy driver hactually has a race seat (and I find this unlikely for now), perennial under-achievers Junior Johnson or Alex Davidson will have to go. If the team has been (or will be) purchased, it's possible the entire line-up will be dismissed for someone else, possibly fronted by Steven Richards (but they'd be mad to get rid of Mad Dog Denyer given his position).

Aging racer John Bowe is headed for a smaller Ford team (possibly WPS or a similar outfit) to take up something akin to a mentoring role. No idea who will fill his seat at Team BOC.

If Richards does defect, his position at Jack Daniels' naturally remains open, but word is that Larry Perkins will give his son Jack the drive. Let's hope Jack can live up to the family name, unlike the disappointing Junior Johnson (I was a huge Tricky Dicky fan until he was retired; now I feel DJR has lost the vibe).

Otherwise, everything else is remaining the same. Lowndes and Whincup are staying at Triple Eight/Team Vodafone following Betta Electrical's descent into receivership (hence Triple Eight could use Vodafone livery at the island), and HSV is purported to be changing secondary sponsors.

Both manufacturers are getting new cars, with Holden running the new (and uglier-than-usual) VE Commodore and Ford supplying teams with the new BF Falcon, both to be introduced at Adelaide's Clipsal 500 on March 1st. All teams have to run with the new cars (Development Series can run VZs or BAs if they want), though Jason Bright has said that he thinks Ford will have the upper hand as the BF's changes are purely cosmetic while the Holden teams will have to deal with an entirely new car with limited summer testing.

The Chmpionship is also expanding to return to the Creek in 2007 and up the number of rounds to 14. Reverse Grids seem to be going for good, and the new points system will come into effect next year (let's pray they make it easier to follow).


The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
More News:

DJR have to find a sponsor for 2007 by the end of the week ... or they're gone.


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Not surprising that Murph is leaving SCAR; something was said about him leaving around midseason to Tasman motorsport, especially considering since his dad is like the team boss there.

Same with both Dumbass Dumbrell off to SCAR. Shane Price is expected to take one of their seats. Steven Richards is rumoured off to FPR (worst kept secret).

John Bowe is rumoured to be off to Glenfords racing (Marshalls seat this season); Brad Jones's nephew Andrew Jones will replace Bowe.

So who thinks the Todd Brothers won't get along next season then? The new Schumacher brothers :p (except that was Cora's fault what happened). Tander will catch Skaife's continual bad luck as well :D

The triple 8 car for next season has been racing since Bahrain, which gives them a nice head start for next season!

DJR will find a sponsor. Vodafone has been rumoured, even though they are sponsoring triple 8 (as betta electrical has folded).

I hope Grant Denyer gets a full time race drive in the main game :)


The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
If VOdafone sponsor DJR, it would only be in a secondary capacity; there's no wy they'd be allowed to sponsor two teams ...
Cape said:
I hope Grant Denyer gets a full time race drive in the main game :)
Actually, Denyer will be taking over as the man in Pit Lane; the roving reporter with an access-all-areas pass to interview the teams.
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Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
ObjectsInSpace said:
If VOdafone sponsor DJR, it would only be in a secondary capacity; there's no wy they'd be allowed to sponsor two teams
Yup, a secondary sponsor. But still better than nothing :(

ObjectsInSpace said:
Actually, Denyer will be taking over as the man in Pit Lane; the roving reporter with an access-all-areas pass to interview the teams.
Ah, damnskis!

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